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...print with metals such as stainless steel, aluminum, bronze or copper.


We are developing printing strategies for the different kinds of 3D-printable lines, developers explained. For instance, vertical ,horizontal or spiraling lines require different settings, such as pulse time, pause-time, layer height or tool orientation. All this information is being incorporated in the software.


These lines can be printed to intersect and create self-supporting structures. This method makes it possible to create 3-D objects on any given working surface independently of its inclination and smoothness in almost any size and shape, designers stated.

Additive 3D printers for plastic, concrete, and common metals, subtractive printers (mills and other cutters) for many materials, and robot assemblers both stationary arms and mobile robots are available. The era in which these machines will be programmed to make themselves is coming soon.


Cars and other vehicles can drive themselves, which means earth moving for mining, road building, and site preparation can be done without drivers. A few people will design sites and oversee the machinery, but work that has been done for centuries by labor forces will be displaced by machinery. One really good thing that will occur is people will not need to drive to work, use of oil for driving will be curtailed, and CO2 emissions will be reduced.


The social changes that occur are unclear, when manufacturing and construction jobs disappear.

Edited by EdEarl
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