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The Lodestone Book Series by Mark Whiteway


The Lodestone Book Series is a fantastic Sci-Fi/Fantasy series that is based off of the concept of "negative matter". I finished the first book of the series in just 2 days. What was really interesting to me was Mark's commitment to really pushing the concept of "negative matter" and staying true to it throughout the story. He even stated his sources of inspiration for using the concept and an equation that relates to a concept in the story (I don't want to ruin it).

The science in Lodestone is based on the concept of 'negative matter', as theorized by Dr Robert Forward, Hermann Bondi and others.

Those interested in the science aspects behind the story may wish to check out the following papers, as well as the article 'The Power of Negative Matter' by Robert Forward in the 17 March 1990 issue of New Scientist.

Bondi, H. "Negative Mass in General Relativity," Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 29, No.3, July 1957, pp. 423-428.
Winterberg, F. "On Negative Mass Propulsion," International Astronautical Federation, Paper 89-668, 40th Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, Malaga, Spain, Oct., 1989.
Forward, R. L. "Negative Matter Propulsion", Journal of Propulsion and Power (AIAA), Vol. 6, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1990, pp. 28-37.

Explaining his equation:



Of course I don't take this book as genuine science (its a Sci-fi/fantasy book), but it was refreshing to see someone put in the extra effort to make the book more interesting.

The first review on his Amazon page (http://www.amazon.com/Lodestone-Book-One-The-Storms-ebook/dp/B005BU9KJ6/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top) along with the fact that he offers the first book of the series for free on Amazon compelled me to read the first book. After I read the first book I was hooked and I read all of the others (4 more in the series)


You can download a free copy of the book here:


Free as a pdf/epub here:




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