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gravitational anomalies of uniform spheres

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so i was pondering this idea but their are a few things i don't get in regards to uniform spheres and their gravity.
First i imagined the universe [empty space where matter can exist] as a rotating sphere the expansion of the matter and energy of the universe was caused by the centrifugal motion of the sphere. this matter would initially be none uniform but eventually be divided equally among the surface of the sphere creating the a uniform sphere with a gravitational force of zero inside the sphere and equal gravity as the initial state [all matter condensed to a single point] outside the sphere. would the centrifugal force increase the acceleration of the matter the farther from the center point of the sphere it got and would this continue on after the uniform sphere was created. if it did continue until all the matter reached the speed of light would it be mass-less? My brain wants the uniform matter and energy to be forced into the center of the sphere thus causing the initial state of the matter and creating a closed cycle. i guess these questions are more theoretical than practical in how uniform spheres react with centrifugal forces. any thoughts are apreciated to help me better understand gravity and other natural forces in relation to spheres. i guess the main idea im trying to convey is in regards to the uniform sphere gravitational anomaly which if im interpreting correctly is that the whole sphere behaves outwardly as if all the mass were condensed into the center-point and internally as if their is no gravity. i think its not that theirs no gravity i think gravity is pulling equally so it equates to zero. how dense would the "center-point" of a sphere be would it be relaitive to the size of the sphere or the density of the mass as a whole. also if you added centrifugal force would it expand equally and with no other forces acting upon it would it continue to increase speed as the diameter of the sphere grew. sorry if i repeated myself i guess im interested in people thoughts or possible information or theory i dont know and if someone could explain to me what exactly is centrifugal forces and in the sphere why wouldnt everything be drawn the center.

thank you


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First off what your describing isn't the universe. However what you described is why the universe isn't rotating, or have a center. There is two key terms to learn

Homogeneous (no preferred location) and isotropic (no preferred direction) collectively these terms describe the cosmological principle. Now observations have shown that galaxies appear to be moving away from each other due to expansion uniformly. In other words it doesn't matter which galaxy you use to observe from any galaxy you look at will recede at the same rate. visualize the surface of a balloon. Forget the inside and outside. for this analogy there is no inside our outside. Draw on the balloon various dots. Now blow up the balloon and measure the change in distance from any points regardless of angle or location the rate of change in distance will be equal. albiet with the proper trigonometry lol. This observation of measurements of the rate of expansion (via Galaxies) tells us there is no preferred location or direction. A homogeneous and isotropic universe is a uniform universe, at sufficient scales. roughly 100 Mpc.


now here is some recommended reading material, the ballon analogy is of particular importance to your question.


http://www.phinds.com/balloonanalogy/ : A thorough write up on the balloon analogy used to describe expansion
http://tangentspace.info/docs/horizon.pdf :Inflation and the Cosmological Horizon by Brian Powell
http://arxiv.org/abs/1304.4446 :"What we have leaned from Observational Cosmology." -A handy write up on observational cosmology in accordance with the LambdaCDM model.
http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0310808 :"Expanding Confusion: common misconceptions of cosmological horizons and the superluminal expansion of the Universe" Lineweaver and Davies


the second link of my signature has more material under misconceptions heading. feel free to look at any of the articles there, they will help bring you up to speed on current cosmology


now as far as how Cosmology defines geometry the universe geometry article under the site links section (second link of my signature) will help, its based on the FLRW metric

Edited by Mordred
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