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A few questions


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1. Will hover cars ever happen?

2. Where is anti matter stored and how does one know it is anti matter?

3. How do bladeless fans work?

4. How do i predict what i will see on tv? This is really strange, i think of an episode of a series randomly and then within the next few days i am watching it on tv. No force made.

5. Why do i wake up before something happens?E.g. a poster falling down. I don't know it is going to happen but there i am, suddenly awake lying there wondering why i am awake and then 5 seconds later, the poster falls down

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1. It's impossible to tell the future. Assuming we find out a decent way to propel, why not.

2. In a Penning trap, in a vacuum in a strong magnetic field. Read more here:


3. http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/gadgets/home/dyson-bladeless-fan.htm

4. So you think of a series currently airing on TV, and no more than a few days later you see it? It's simply coincidence. You remember thinking about the series when you get to see it on TV, and irrationally assume the two events are related.

5. You also wake up before nothing happens. In your specific scenario, the sudden sound of the poster falling down is enough to drag you out of sleep enough to remember it. Usually when you wake up, you don't get this shock, so you simply fall back to sleep and forget about it.

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You really should start a different thread for each of these questions. It makes it SOOOOO much easier to keep track of what's being said about which, and the other members can focus better as well.


4. How do i predict what i will see on tv? This is really strange, i think of an episode of a series randomly and then within the next few days i am watching it on tv. No force made.


Confirmation bias. The same kind of thing happens when you start shopping for cars. You see a car you've never seen before, and then suddenly you start seeing them everywhere.


You're just filtering your keen pattern-recognition capabilities with things like "Mary Tyler Moore Show: Chuckles Bites the Dust". If it doesn't work, you forget you ever thought about it. If you do see the episode, you're convinced you're able to predict what you see on TV.

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Thanks for the answers! Sorry i don't make a thread each question; i do have a lot of questions...

I have a pretty good understanding now

However.. still don't understand number 5.

It is the fact that i actually wake up randomly, literally nothing has provoked the wakeup but then second later, something happens

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Thanks for the answers! Sorry i don't make a thread each question; i do have a lot of questions...

I have a pretty good understanding now

However.. still don't understand number 5.

It is the fact that i actually wake up randomly, literally nothing has provoked the wakeup but then second later, something happens

It was already mentioned earlier, but maybe I can clarify.


It's very common for people to wake up during sleep and then almost immediately fall back asleep. When they finally wake up, they probably won't even remember that they woke up.


If something happens during that brief waking period, it draws enough attention to keep you from falling back asleep. If nothing had happened, you'd have fallen back asleep and forgotten you even woke up.


It's not that you have a tendency to wake up right before something happens. It's that you have a tendency to wake up, and if something happens, that wakefulness is more likely to stick. If it doesn't stick, you probably won't even remember you woke up, leaving only (or mostly) those times when something happened to stick in your memory.

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So as a result of this can we deduce that I am a fairly light sleeper?


Sometimes it's not really about how lightly you sleep. It's about the kind of noise you heard. If it's the house settling, or a family member moving about, normal noises, these often don't wake us up because they're part of a normal pattern. But if the same amount of noise comes from an unfamiliar source, our pattern-recognition capabilities reject it and we come awake.


The other possibility with the poster falling is that one edge came undone, making a noise that was out of place (tape coming off the wall, the poster sliding along the wall at an angle) that woke you up so you could then hear the poster fall all the way to the ground, making it seem like you woke up before the incident even started.

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