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metastable Higg's field vs Higg's inflation

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I'm looking for other articles, both countering and supporting the metastable Higg's as a possible inflation influence. Some like these tend to add further speculations but that's OK as I'm more interested in the above. I'll filter through the articles as they are recommended. Just doing this for self research, the Higg's field is an area I'm currently studying in particular the seesaw 1 and seesaw 2 models of SO(10). If anyone happens to know a good article covering non SuSy SO(10) I wold also be interested. I have found tons of the SuSy forms but haven't been able to locate the non Susy. Even though numerous of my articles state there is a non SuSy varient.


Metastability of the False Vacuum in a Higgs-Seesaw Model of Dark Energy


Standard Model Higgs Boson Mass from Borderline Metastability of the Vacuum


Can LHC 2016 Data answer the question: Is Our Universe MetaStable



anyways its been hard to find recent and good articles. So any recommendations are welcome

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A quick arXiv search gave me 97 preprints with "higgs inflation" in the title.



Including metastable gives me 12.



The problem is that these are going to be largely technical and may not be easy for you to follow. In fact, they will not be easy to follow unless you work in particle cosmology or similar. That is a general fact of trying to read paper.

Edited by ajb
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I have no issue with the technical side of them,I've spent a few years studying particle physics, QFT,QCD,QED,QFD , quantum mechanics,geometrodynamics etc and the classical standard model (my main lack is string based models)( have over 27 textbooks covering the various major physics)not to mention plenty of dissertations covering the SO(10) and MSSM (minimal supersymmetric models) thanks for those papers you posted, the more technical the better its my preference


this one article you caught off your first link is the type I'm looking for, haven't looked at the others you linked yet but looks to be a solid enough list that I should have no problem finding other references


"Extending Higgs Infation with TeV Scale New Physics"



hrrm interesting this paper is in agreement with the single seesaw SO(10)SuSy GUT model. in particular the 2*1016 GeV value.

Higgs Mass and Gravity Waves in Standard Model False Vacuum Inflation



S0(10) papers



the first paper agrees with the one by Lawrence R Krauss


"From B Modes to Quantum Gravity and Unification of Forces"



just what I've been looking for thanks again

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As particle cosmology is not my specialty, I cannot judge the merit or impact of the papers on the arXiv. Nor am I sure who to ask about this. So all I can really say is good luck and I hope you find the information you are looking for.

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no worries I have a few people I can ask on other forums etc, I do know a few cosmologists and professors in the field of particle physics. "The new physics" is largely based on the So(10) seesaw mechanism, there is a few variants. Essentially what it boils down to is that there is evidence of an instability of the Higg's field around 1011 Gev. this gives the potential for different Higg's masses, some of the values is 174 Higg's, 54 Higg's etc though 174 Higg's is more common. Thus far we only found with decent certainty the 246 Higg's. So most of these papers are naturally inconclusive until we can validate the different Higg's masses in the TeV range. So I fully expect a lot of speculation in these papers.


The SM has the vacuum expectation value at 246 GeV. However the metastability of the Higg's essentially calls this into question particularly in regards to GUT models.

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