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Infinity, eternity, perpetual motion, and time travel


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An intricate and perfect balance. Nothing and everything, existing simulataneously, every possible outcome of reality. Infinity must perpetuate itself into infinity. It does this with life and death, everything and nothing. See life has expanded, propagated into every possibile outcome, or form of existence. Just as all life we concieve of propagates, divides or splits, to become more then it orginially was. This includes many variations and mutations that stem from one cell into into potential future. Now death is always present in every moment, as nothingness, or absence, void. This space of nothingness is where life grows into, and it is the force the 'turns over' all forms of life, releasing the bonds that have been formed, which allows the potential to flow free in order to achieve a new configuration or possibility, or arrangement (a new form of life). See nothingness is needed because in the absence of everything anything and everything may be set into place. However when something is there then the presence takes the potential and forms it into that form, thereby taking the free and raw potential and making something of it. This pressence of one thing means that something else can not be in the same place while the form is present. Meaning that in order for something else to be made the pressnece of the life must be turned over and the potential and space made free (to become something new). It is to say that a table and a chair can not occupy the same space at the saem time, and so in order for a table to be made form a chair the table must be freed and the potential released in order for the table to reform from the same potential. In this manner one thing may be endlessly made into new things, becomeing more and more and more from itself. it is merely explaining Infinite potential that is made from absence of all things into all things.


Conceivably you can see that it would take an eternity to reach every form and possibility, and yet within the nothingness void of all things, lies the potential for anything to exist and everything to exist already. This is where we begin to unite all the different points of eternity, all the moments of time it has created. See death is a force of unification, being like a reaper as the old phrase deems death to be. You can conceive of death as fusion that collects every moment and places it into the same point in time, fusing all of the forms of life and existence together at one point. This i refer to as fullfilled potential. The energies of death is now not only the absence of life, meaning that new life may be formed from it thorugh the release of locked potential, but it is now also a fusion reaction that connects the form of life into the whole of existence and all of time that ever happened, or will happen. I refer to this connecting fusion of death as the force responsible in creating an event horizon, or a fold in time and space. It is actually a super-fold that births omni-presence, because it is connected to all point in time and all forms of reality. You can see that this omni-presence is now, through this reaction also omni-potency. Many have referred to this evert as the collapse of the universe, or collapse of particles, that brings all moemnts into one. Therefor we not only grow into the absece of something, the space that nothingness provides, but we also grow into and from the collection of all awareness and forms every made. Thus nothingness is really all things at the same time, making it a balance of nothingness and everything. This balance creates what I call the birth of free-will, for in the presence of all things, and nothing one may activaly choose any posiibility within the completion of infinity. In the absence of all things and forms creates a complete non-resistence for any form to 'manifest'. Yet at the same time is all the forms conceivable that have been already made from the potential of infinity.


The collection of every form and moment in time into one place, creates an omnipresent moment of now. And you will see that every moment in time contains the moment of now, the present. Since you can see that all moments are collapsed and made into the same point in time, the super-fold, you can now see that all past and all future is being created in the now moment, the present. It means that all future and past is both existing in every form and way, and yet is also void and not yet created at all, because it is actually nothing. Nothing being the space for anything to be. So through the forces of life and death, form and formless, all things may now be met, anything may now be aligned.


If there are any questions or further expansions of this awareness plesase feel free to include them.



Probability is merely the continuance of the life and forms present. Thus by examining the active values (the life and forms present) within the continuation of time the probable future may be seen. However when one terminates the vaues, and turns them over, the potential is released through the cessation and future becomes free.

1 2 3 is everything.


<3 (perpetual atomic reaction process of fusion and fission)


I prefer 0, then 1, then 0 and 1 overlapping, then -, then +, then 0 and + together overlapping) these symbols reflect perfect numerololgy,and can be made into any arrangment.

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I prefer 0, then 1, then 0 and 1 overlapping, then -, then +, then 0 and + together overlapping) these symbols reflect perfect numerololgy,and can be made into any arrangment.

Notwithstanding that symbols can be made into any arrangement, numerology is bunk.


Numerology is any belief in divine, mystical or other special relationship between a number and some coinciding events. It has many systems and traditions and beliefs. Numerology and numerological divination by systems such as isopsephy were popular among early mathematicians, but are no longer considered part of mathematics and are regarded as pseudomathematics or pseudoscience by modern scientists. [1] [2] 3

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Notwithstanding that symbols can be made into any arrangement, numerology is bunk


I used the wrong word when I say numerology, what I mean really is the mathematics of numbers.


However that said numerology as you define is not bunk when you take intp consideration all ways of infinity and potential alignments. I have seen it in many different forms including numerology as you define it to be.


Taking into account Infinity of life and death and all possibilities you are left with two ways, the active side of Infinity and the inactive side of infinity, which can be Infinitely arranged and rearranged into any possibilitity including numerology, which is merely inactive for you.

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I used the wrong word when I say numerology, what I mean really is the mathematics of numbers.


However that said numerology as you define is not bunk when you take intp consideration all ways of infinity and potential alignments. I have seen it in many different forms including numerology as you define it to be.


Taking into account Infinity of life and death and all possibilities you are left with two ways, the active side of Infinity and the inactive side of infinity, which can be Infinitely arranged and rearranged into any possibilitity including numerology, which is merely inactive for you.

You are mistaken; numerology is bunk no matter what you take into consideration or what word you call it by.

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intricate and perfect balance. Nothing and everything, existing simulataneously, every possible outcome of reality. Infinity must perpetuate itself into infinity. It does this with life and death, everything and nothing.



The above is meaningless.

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True science does not discount any possibility, nor does it disclude cultures that have existed for centuries and more. To dismiss this entirety is to dismiss actual truth. What you are doing is not scientific reasoning but merely denying actual awareness and perceptions of an Infinite reality only to support your own active truth. Your disbelief in the ancient Shamanic culture that was taught to perceive spirits and inorganic life forms, and wiork with them does not erase the actual truth and way of Shamanism despite how badly you wish it could. What you describe is really just ignorance.



The above is meaningless.




The above is meaningless.




The above is meaningless.


Actually there is a lot of meaning here. I provide actual awareness here, and explain it in detail. You however offer no counter-argument whatsoever except to state that it is meaningless, however you have merely missed the meaning and provided nothing to support your statement.

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I used the wrong word when I say numerology, what I mean really is the mathematics of numbers.


However that said numerology as you define is not bunk when you take intp consideration all ways of infinity and potential alignments. I have seen it in many different forms including numerology as you define it to be.


Taking into account Infinity of life and death and all possibilities you are left with two ways, the active side of Infinity and the inactive side of infinity, which can be Infinitely arranged and rearranged into any possibilitity including numerology, which is merely inactive for you.



Word salad...

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After rationally analyzing an idea it can indeed be discounted.


Let's see, you can't make infinite anything out of anything, because energy is lost in the process.


The Universe is also expanding and not collapsing. Quite reasonable to assume based on the evidence that it will do so perpetually(as far as we as thinking beings are concerned). In any case we need not be concerned with an encroaching oneness with all all things.


Note: Proselytizing is against the rules. I strongly recommend getting off this track if you wish to continue.

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I have taken the most advanced research and philosp


After rationally analyzing an idea it can indeed be discounted.


Let's see, you can't make infinite anything out of anything, because energy is lost in the process.


The Universe is also expanding and not collapsing. Quite reasonable to assume based on the evidence that it will do so perpetually(as far as we as thinking beings are concerned). In any case we need not be concerned with an encroaching oneness with all all things.


Note: Proselytizing is against the rules. I strongly recommend getting off this track if you wish to continue.


After rationally analyzing an idea it can indeed be discounted.


Let's see, you can't make infinite anything out of anything, because energy is lost in the process.


The Universe is also expanding and not collapsing. Quite reasonable to assume based on the evidence that it will do so perpetually(as far as we as thinking beings are concerned). In any case we need not be concerned with an encroaching oneness with all all things.


Note: Proselytizing is against the rules. I strongly recommend getting off this track if you wish to continue.


How is energy lost when you examine the nature of fusion or reunification, that collects all the forms of energy configurations back into the source where it started? Can you explain to me the statement you made that energy is lost? How? Where does it go? I explain this already if you read my post.


When you examine the nature of collapse and see that this force is really fusion, two separate molecules reuniting into each other, and the collapse that actually reunities all forms of atoms, that have first split and divided into all the forms present, then you begin to see what I am actually stating. No energy is in fact lost.



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I am not trying to convert you in any way, I have merely examined all the present theories around my topic, the most advacned one actually, and found that I understand them. I found a way that unites and bridges the different theories that contradict each other, into one theory that explains them. If there were a theory section i would have posted it there. People do have thepries you know and that is a big part of science wouldn't you say? Take it or leave it is up to you, but i will present my theory and debate it and if some counter argument is offered that proves me wrong then i will accept that glady, and takt the new awareness as a prize.

If you took my example of shamanism and decided i was trying to cinvert you to shamanism then you are both mistaken and know nothing about the culture itself. I study everything in life, all cultures and ways, and i am not a shaman.

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I don't know if you were addressing my post #10 in your edit to your last post #11, but how about responding to it, since I actually managed to find a truthful statement in one of your posts?

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I am not trying to convert you in any way, I have merely examined all the present theories around my topic, the most advacned one actually,

If you took my example of shamanism and decided i was trying to cinvert you to shamanism then you are both mistaken and know nothing about the culture itself. I study everything in life, all cultures and ways, and i am not a shaman.


Really which theories are you referring to exactly,as I seriously doubt you have studied every scientific theory, and what does religion have to do with science?

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I don't know if you were addressing my post #10 in your edit to your last post #11, but how about responding to it, since I actually managed to find a truthful statement in one of your posts?


re-read your post, i believe you have written your words incorrectly. It does not make sense.


"Correct, but I think you will find others are disputing that much of what you say is possible."


How can you dispute what is considered possible? Do you mean to say impossible?


Really which theories are you referring to exactly,as I seriously doubt you have studied every scientific theory, and what does religion have to do with science?


Do you own research if you want to, look up Infinity, eternity, eternalism, folding space, fusion and fission, time theories like presentalism, and etc. the list goes on, infinite potential theory, philosophies like alpha and omega, and everything from nothing theory. geesh do you know science really?


How does science realte to religion?? Seriously?? First of all Shamanism is not considered a religion it is a culture. Does science not seek to understand the nature of reality? Would science not want to understand the nature of awareness and perception?? Does it not seek to understand how some people can see spirits while others do not?? Perhaps if you examine the nature of awareness generating perception then you will see it. The western society is conditioned, their awareness and perceptions are passed to each other and thus the position of awareness get collectively posiitoned to the same spot, thus uniting and guiding the perceptions of everyone to the same position to see the saem reality. This transferance of awareness and perception is actually a form of fusion of every that gets carried to each other and activated. A shamanic culture is taught a different form of awareness and thus generated a different form of percpetiona s a result. However if you take a shaman and teach them western societies awareness then they too would see the world as westerns do, or would. The same applies to ancient cultures such as the mayans who perceived great magic and powers and saw that reality was a dream state, a projection or a layer of reality that is made from th eunderlying essence, which they perceived to be different masks of reality covering up and made form the essence of reality itself, which can be made into any dream. This is the awareness, the life, that is activated within them thus guiding the forms of their perceptions and intent and will. I could go on forever.

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Well English is my native language and I believe that what I wrote was good English.


However I will rephrase it for your convenience.


I agree with your statement, " true science does not discount any possibility".


But use of this agreed fact must be contingent upon whatever is being considered for counting being actually possible.


I also think that others find, as I do, that most of your statements concern impossibilities or conjectures.


I am suggesting to you that this might be the reason for their reaction to your statements.


go well

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Is not the nature of science use knowledge and awareness and present it? Instead of just denying something withut a statement or counter-argument? Tell me then why is this impossible? What knowledge do you have that is contrary to what I have suggested? Do you in fact have any? And if so do not arrogantly deny something without evidence or a theory explaining your denial. If you just deny it without explanation then i will only assume that your awareness does not actually possess any real reasoning to the contrary. If had something I would think you would present it. No?

by the Mordred I repsonded to your questions but it added it to my previous post that you did not see. so please scan up for my answer to your questions.

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The point is, this is a science forum. It is not the place to discuss religion or cultural view points. However go ahead and believe in whatever cultural view points you desire. This forum does have a philosophy section, this thread would be more appropriate there

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The point is, this is a science forum. It is not the place to discuss religion or cultural view points. However go ahead and believe in whatever cultural view points you desire. This forum does have a philosophy section, this thread would be more appropriate there


And I showed you the scientific purpose that proves science studies all things, including the nature of awareness and perception. Many scientists try to prove the existence of God dude. And the theories I have pointed you too, as well as the many cultures i am aware of, all can be added into my theory. Science is also the study of life, and this does not just include the western world, but all of the lives through-out all of time. When you examine the nature and formation of knowledge, and this includes the knowledge of various walks of life, you must study this process and formation. This includes the factors that contribute to awareness and knowledge generating different perceptions. How does a shaman move the clouds and control the weather when science proves that it is the wind and hot and ocld fronts? If science ignores all walks of life and cultures then it is no longer science in pursuit of truth. It is just another dogmatic religion that demands only one way exists within infinity. If you look closely you will see that cultures and religions and all philosphies are an important part of science. What I am saying is that while you have one position of awareness, or a form of knowledge active within your perception, then that is the reason your will sustains this perception and sees the experience you are having. When you remove the activity of this knowledge then another form may be activated into perception. It is like when you learn something new about reality, or someone makes a breakthrough that noone else has ever seen or knew of. this new awareness and knowledge then becomes active and we can now see it in reality. This relates to potential and the formation and growth of awareness and life itself. And what is life but awareness itself. To study life is then to study all the many forms of awareness and perception. To ignore this fact is stupid.

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I agree with you science does study awareness it does study how we perceive the universe. However this does not change the detail that your missing


Physics "a science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions"


this is the physics section on this forum as such is discussions are as above, Shamanism


Shamanism (/ˈʃɑːmən/ SHAH-mən or /ˈʃeɪmən/ SHAY-mən) is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to encounter and interact with the spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into this world.


regardless of how you try to justify it your arguments are based upon a belief system, and is not a physics argument


science:the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

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Not really. Science studies energy, I agree. Awareness and knowledge and perception are also forms of energy. So is physical reality. And when you break down energy into its base potential it is freed into new forms. This is the crux of what I have been saying, which includes culture, religion, and all forms of reality and the energy that has become it. If you can not see that different states of energy when comparing the shaman's ability to control weather, compared to the scientists energy that sees wind and cold fronts, and the saem potential that makes these two forms of reality/perception, then you are not studying energy anymore, and all of its potential arrangements. Look at a particle accelerator that can rearrange the molecules of something to free them and then begin to rearrange them into a new alignment. Everything I have said about culture and religion and awareness, knowledge and perception all describe what my theory proposes. If you choose to refuse my findings based on the closed minded views of religion and culture then you are like I said, merely stuck within a finite and dogmatic position of awareness, that isonly willing to examine the parts of reality that only support yourself and not the entirety of life. You should call science then the study of Mordirid's awareness and perception only.

Science can not be established by ignoring truth, nor through ignorance.

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No, we choose to reject your views based on lack of evidence.


Science is the opposite of dogma. Even with mountains of evidence, no Theory is ever set in stone. They are always open to improvement, though any improvement still needs said mountains of evidence.


The Laws of Thermodynamics are well known and well supported. What you are talking about is entirely contrary. If, after studying them, you have specific questions please ask. There are a number of free resources available to look at, so little point in rehashing the basics.


Just to note with evidence for a previous belief, no longer requires said belief because you have solid proof.


The Flying Spaghetti Monster touches down tomorrow and touches us with His Noodlieness, we no longer need to worry about believing or not believing in Him. We have Evidence.

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you haven't supplied scientific data, to support your theory. You've only supplied a descriptive based on faith. For example supply scientific data to support that a shaman can in fact alter weather.


As far as awareness and knowledge are concerned there are scientific fields of study that involve those areas

your arguments are largely based on Epistemology



perhaps that is the field of study you should be looking into

or perhaps cosmogony

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No, we choose to reject your views based on lack of evidence.


Science is the opposite of dogma. Even with mountains of evidence, no Theory is ever set in stone. They are always open to improvement, though any improvement still needs said mountains of evidence.


The Laws of Thermodynamics are well known and well supported. What you are talking about is entirely contrary. If, after studying them, you have specific questions please ask. There are a number of free resources available to look at, so little point in rehashing the basics.


Just to note with evidence for a previous belief, no longer requires said belief because you have solid proof.


The Flying Spaghetti Monster touches down tomorrow and touches us with His Noodlieness, we no longer need to worry about believing or not believing in Him. We have Evidence.


Yes sure, but when your energy is invested into the finite form you present it merely means you are controlling the reaction within the finite laws you have set. Your action form that position is controlling the reaction to be within the finite values. However when you remove that fixation or form of energy the energy you say is never lost but merely converted into a new form, it realeased into the new form. And so your law merely states what I am saying.


If you can not conceive that something may be created or destroyed then that is what you will perceive happen. It is not really nothing as I stated, it is everything in balance with nothing, at the same point in time. Thus you are not creating anything you are merely aligning to one form of infinite forms that are already created. And as I said you are not really being destryed but released into the new form of potenital, while the old form is still also within its original state as well, at the saem time see, becaus eof the fusion reaction i speak of which collects and reunites all forms into one. Thus all time and forms always exist in every state possilbe, which I call fullfilled potential. It takes all things and ways present at the same time to create the omnipresence I am speaking of, which is Infinite.


I have studied thermodynamics and found that it does not disprove my theory. If you have something actual then present it to me.

you haven't supplied scientific data, to support your theory. You've only supplied a descriptive based on faith. For example supply scientific data to support that a shaman can in fact alter weather.


As far as awareness and knowledge are concerned there are scientific fields of study that involve those areas

your arguments are largely based on Epistemology



perhaps that is the field of study you should be looking into

or perhaps cosmogony


Now you claim to know what I have studied hey. So you call me a liar. And you call shaman's and all other cultures liers too. So you present nothing on your own, and merely are left with a pityful defence that is left denying the thousands and thousands of people who perceved reality to be this way. Is not evidence enough that these cultures exist and existed for ages and ages on end? No its not for you, because they are all liers. Sheesh.


Then you put words into my mouth saying i am relying on faith. Which i have not even begun to touch upon. You probably know nothing about that area as well. I imagine.


I gave you the avenues and references I have used to form my theory, which is all that is required of me. i am not going to teach these things to you, but provide the referencces for you to research them for yourself. That IS in fact what scholars such as myself actually do when they reference material isn't it?

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Be well with your belief. Doesn't matter to me what you choose to believe in. Myself I'll happily spend time learning science despite my beliefs. There is a distinction between the two and they don't compete. However I accept and acknowledge the difference between a philosophical argument and a scientific one.


be well



by the way I made no claims your beliefs are wrong, however I do have my own faith. I know it has no place in this forum (physics forum)

Not really. Science studies energy, I agree. Awareness and knowledge and perception are also forms of energy. So is physical reality. And when you break down energy into its base potential it is freed into new forms. This is the crux of what I have been saying, which includes culture, religion, and all forms of reality and the energy that has become it. If you can not see that different states of energy when comparing the shaman's ability to control weather,

study of Mordirid's awareness and perception only.



"study of Mordred's awareness and perception only"


is a personal insult you have no knowledge of my beliefs

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Sorry Mordred i didn't want to insult you. It just seems to me that you only accept your own awareness and perception, as many dogmatic religions have also done in the past. I believe it stems from an awareness that does no trecognize the different forms of awareness and perception that can be made of Infinity. Thus your awareness becomes fixated in the habitual position you are accustomed to seeing and believing. This position is afterall the awareness that you KNOW is real, and so naturally accept no matter what to the contrary. It is then easay to believe that everyone is actually wring because you know you are right. But a great phrase I found that deals with Infinity and many perceptions thereof states "say not that I have found THE truth but rather have found a truth". And the famous one the possibilities are endless.


be well to you too

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