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if you go to jxos.org, you will se they actually make an OS out of Java...


How could that be?? using java to create an os???


since Java does not allow the progammer to reach the memory, how is the above can be done???


by the way, how do they make drivers???




I think you mean Sun Solaris. It's bassed on UnixBSD, just like Linux. And does not use Java to work ;)


I've never seen jxos.org before though. If it does use java then it'd be huge and slow.




jxos.org is the link to the main page of java os.... :)


it is not the name of the OS, why not have a look on it??




I posted that in a rush.


I just preasumed you were talking about sun solaris and glanced at the site. It does appear that they're using Java though. I read in the pdf that they were going to avoid common security holes that comes with java just through the implication. I still dont see how it'll be very fast or small though. Java isnt the best language in the wold for applications. It was made primarily for applets, and made with ease of codding in mind which always invariably cloggs the language.


Maybe if they weren't usign standard libraries...


The site doesn't really give a very good overview. It seems more like an advertisment for something it isn't complete yet. I think I'm going to look at the floppy though.

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