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I've been thinking about causality for... a couple of minutes now, and generally people believe you must have cause to create an effect, but is this always the case?


Here's what I'm thinking:


B leads to C,which leads to A, which leads to B, circular.



Mankind invents time travel, and decides to witness the "Big Bang", but he wants front row seats so he gets there a little early, too early and without a universe to contain him and his time-ship it explodes instantly in a Big Bang.



The Universe is created, and time and space evolve enough to allow the creation of life, earth and human beings.



A man sits his lab and says "I've done it! I've actually created a time machine" His team gather around him and ask, "Where.... when should we go first?"


Are there any examples of processes.... not unlike this in the know world? B->C->A->B


Oh and please don't critic my little fiction... I worked hard on that.


Self fulfilling prophecies happen all the time. First example, and perhaps a weak one, that comes to mind is George Zimmerman. He carried his gun around thinking he might need to protect himself one day. Got himself into a confrontation and killed someone under questionable circumstances. Now he carries his gun because he absolutely needs protection because millions are angry with him.


Causality violation is possible at the quantum level.

Delayed choice entanglement swapping is one such case/experiment.

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