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Quick question:

Which muscles help you get up from sleep? I think some of the anterior abdominal wall muscles (or may be the posterior ones?)

thanks for your help


I do not understand the question. Sleep is governed by the level of certain chemicals in the brain that influence the amount and type of brain activity. There is no role, that I am aware of, for any part of the muscular system. Did you mean to ask which muscles are used to help you rise from a prone position to an upright one?


Did you mean to ask which muscles are used to help you rise from a prone position to an upright one?


Yes, this is exactly what I wanted to ask. So which muscles and joints are at work at that instance. Do you know of any website that I can refer to (I tried to google with no avail)

Sorry about the confusion and thanks


I regret that human anatomy is outside my area of expertise. You are correct that stomach muscles are involved in it in some way, but which ones and what other muscles is beyond me. However, simply googling muscles and finding our old friend wikipedia, I think what you are looking for could be found here, or one step from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_muscles_of_the_human_body


I regret that human anatomy is outside my area of expertise. You are correct that stomach muscles are involved in it in some way, but which ones and what other muscles is beyond me. However, simply googling muscles and finding our old friend wikipedia, I think what you are looking for could be found here, or one step from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_muscles_of_the_human_body


It's ok. Thanks for trying.

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