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4.3 Sine-Wave Unification of Universe (( Inside-Outing ))


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The following is a continuation > of my original doodling 1994(?) > that led to my discovering that all primes-- except 2 and 3 ---. To better understand the sequence of this sine-wave evolution, and my latest resulatants here at top of page, it is best to start at bottom of page.
I see another sine-wave possibility based on 3's ergo triangulation i.e. 0, 3, 6, 9, 15, 18, 21, 24, and that is the inner concave aspect between top and bottom tubes ergo our observed reality may have a basic/root/core structure based on triangulated sine-wave pattern.
Non-counting 0 and prime #3 initiate this inner-only, triangular wave pattern.

Quarks( fermions ) come in 3's, 6's, 12's, 18's and 18 anti-quarks.
Electrons( fermions ) and neutrinos( fermions ) come in 3's when considering mass ergo 6 types and 6 anti-electrons and neutrinos.
Gluons( bosons )in 9's mathematically, tho 8 are a manifest or realized
Weak force( bosons ) comes in 3's W-, W+, Zo
Photons? Multiple frequencies ergo multiple energy values.
Inside-outing of original numerical sine-wave ergo top and bottom tubes with gravity being associated with the blue outer convex side of each tube, ergo gravity has a 2 to 1 ratio, of close-packed, nodal-vertexial events, over our observed reality, as the inner concave aspect of each top and bottom tube.

L1--odd numbers and multiple primes and non-primes...asymmetrica l
L2--even numbers and no primes.....symmetrical
L3--odd numbers and one prime....symmetrical
L4--even numbers and one prime.....asymmetrical
Interval spaces between numbers on each line/level
Numerical prime line{ L1 } sine-wave pattern inside-outed
Original prime line{ L2 }, numerical sine-wave below---- also see EM-Radiation double sine-wave found in Vector Equlibrium hand held toy model, the 'jitterbug' as it also, folds into 4 appendage configuration for basic body plan for both cetacceans( mammals ) and fish



To my suprise, around 1994(?), the mathematician Ian Stewart(?) replied to my magaine entries, from Oxford to let me know that he have never seen my 2D, hexgonal expression of the above, quasi-2D sine-wave, and that, the algibraic expression had been discoverd some 200 years ago. 6 * n + or -, 1 gives all numbers on the L2 prime line above. He suggested this pattern search would be fruitless.



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it is best to start at bottom of page.

I only have simple maths skills, But this looks interesting, I am still at the bottom :)


It is interesting how all the primes are on line 2, Is there something to the spacing of the non primes on line 2?

How far have you taken this line?


might be stupid but why is 31 bracketed?


I had a go at a wave , primes yellow, +2green,





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It looks like a graphical representation of the initial steps of Eratosthenes sieve. The words around it appear to be nonsense, though.

It is interesting how all the primes are on line 2,


But not all the numbers on line 2 are prime. So you are not much better off.


Is there something to the spacing of the non primes on line 2?


Not as far as we know.

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Quarks( fermions ) come in 3's, 6's, 12's, 18's and 18 anti-quarks.


And in quark/antiquark pairs, in the form of mesons. These other combinations haven't ever been observed in a single particle.


Electrons( fermions ) and neutrinos( fermions ) come in 3's when considering mass ergo 6 types and 6 anti-electrons and neutrinos.



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I think there is something within doing the primes within these waves,


The wave i adapted from cixe's top set of waves, gives primes at bottom in yellow, +2 in green, then I was left with top row in blue, I put this top row/blue into a automata, it came out symmetrically even, What that means i am unsure yet.


automata of difference in top row


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There is the sine-wave and there is the inside-outed sine-wave. In both cases, the top{ L2 } and bottom{ L4 } have same spacing, tho they have differrent intital starting place ergo there peak and valleys are not the same.


Same goes for the two inner levels/lines L2 adn L3.


The brackets are my texticonic expression for associating great circles( 25 ) and( 31 ) great tubes (( 25 )) and (( 31 )) and specicficall the primary set of 25 great cirlces--- or in my scenario tubes ---of the 4-fold cubo-octa{8}hedron aka Vector Equlibrium and the primary set 31 great circles/tubes of the 5-fold icosa(20)hedron.


See http://www.rwgrayprojects.com/synergetics/s11/figs/f3201b.html


Yes I'm familiar with two quark mesons( aka wierd short lived bosons as strong nuclear force between hadrons ) I was in hurry to throw this together and get posted this morning, and I did not take the time to offer a more comprehensive list of quarks.


I also corrected electron and neutrino error belows, as I was doing it all from recall and in a hurry, ergo easy to transpose a 6 where only 3 is meant to be. But they total total to 6 each. Minor error but thanks for pointing it out. I appreciate any corrections and ammendments by others to better clarify these two patterns, but it is the inside-outed version that is my new facination.


It is with the inside-outed sine-wave that we find a higher set of values on the outer convex side of the tube on L1 and L2--- see that there is 2 to 1 ratio between L1 and L2, and L4 and 3. To this fits in my belief, that, there exists an ultra-micro set of close-packed, nodal-vertexial events, that define a gravitational membrane/fabric, that embraces every fermionic and bosonic particle, and connected to each other througtout our finite Universe.


As for your--- sunshaker ---triangle seive(?) I dunno much about it. I'm slow when it comes to anything mathmatical, except that which I previously explored to a few times over and over ;--) It is also hard to read all them little numbers. Since teh original sine-wave was numerically hex{6}-based then it is not surprising it is triangle based in many ways. That is because I began with 0 not 1, I think.


However, the original sine-wave is an hepta{7}-based set of integers.


Based on my given scenario, that gravity--- as the higher value set of intergers{ nodal-vertexial-events } on the outer convex side--- L1 and L4 ----set of two tubes, that, are connected to each other i.e. each of these two tubes part of integral set of toroidal tubes that define a spherical particle ---I see at least one possible significant way, that, consideration of a gravity or integral set of gravitons, not being dipolar ergo being monopolar, yet being attractive to each other--- with the the torodial set --- or other toroidal based, spherical, graviational membraned particles, is as follows;


1) in the both of my given sine-wave patterns--- outside-out and inside-out ---, if we presume a cause and effect scenario exists, then we begin with initial 0 event on L2 or L3 for inside-out sine-wave ---we could go to either L1 or L4, and then #1 event as sequential following effect from initiating 0 event,


too make long story short, in either scenario, we get alll primes on either L1 or L4. This is a numerical bias, inherent to the pattern, and makes it dipolar but perhaps without having a charge( + or - ). I dunno, just finding out and exploring possibilites....


Here is another way to consider this. A person reminded me, that metaphysical shape/form/geometry effects teh physical and he gave the example of shape of car affects its dynamic davntage or disadantage, ergo metaphysical( nothingness ) effects physical/energy( somethingnesss ).


So here above, in the latter all prime numbers on either top or bottom scenario, makes the overall integral set of great cubes/circles bias this way of that way or spin this way or that way, or something that I'm not sure of yet. Can metaphysical numerical sequence, and prime numbers, cause mass-attraction ak gravity?


There are plenty Universe mysteries still to discover, and this is my journey to attemt to help discover some answers to those mysteries. I have been so happy to see the inside-outed sine wave be so accomodating to so many of my beliefs regarding gravity, and root core set of 3's internal to the the spheroidal, integral set of great tubes.


Gravity = outer convex membrane--- that we do not quantify or quantise ---


Obseved reality = inner concave sine-wave set which we do quantify and and many case quantized.


I dunno, and not sure that any one idndividual, or colletive set, has all the answers, yet.









I see another sine-wave possibility based on 3's ergo triangulation i.e. 0, 3, 6, 9, 15, 18, 21, 24, and that is the inner concave aspect between top and bottom tubes ergo our observed reality may have a basic/root/core structure based on triangulated sine-wave pattern.

Quarks( fermions ) come in 3's, 6's, 12's, 18's and 18 anti-quarks.
Electrons( fermions ) and neutrinos( fermions ) come in 3's when considering mass ergo 3's types and 3 anti-electrons and neutrinos.
Inside-outing of original numerical sine-wave ergo top and bottom tubes with gravity being associated with the blue outer convex side of each tube, ergo gravity has a 2 to 1 ratio, of close-packed, nodal-vertexial events, over our observed reality, as the inner concave aspect of each top and bottom tube.

L1--odd numbers and multiple primes and non-primes...asymmetrica l
L2--even numbers and no primes.....symmetrical
L3--odd numbers and one prime....symmetrical
L4--even numbers and one prime.....asymmetrical
Interval spaces between numbers on each line/level
Numerical prime line{ L1 } sine-wave pattern inside-outed
Original prime line{ L2 }, numerical sine-wave below---- also see EM-Radiation double sine-wave found in Vector Equlibrium hand held toy model, the 'jitterbug' as it also, folds into 4 appendage configuration for basic body plan for both cetacceans( mammals ) and fish





Another thought regarding the numerical bias--- most primes L1 or L4 depending ---of the inside-outed sine-wave is that, perhaps, like entropy, the numerical sine-wave seeks to balance the numerical imbalance of prime numbers?


The two-to-one ratio of more nodal-vertexial-events on L1{ 1 } L2{ 1 } and L4 and L3 is suffiecient for reprsentation of higher set of events on convex side as ultra-micro gravity membrane.


Again it is why does mass attract? Can it be a numerical inbalance of primes to non-primes on L1 vs L4?


So many mysteries stil not answered. Is this line of exploration crazy enough for someone like Feyman?


Is too crazy for the likes of moderators here? I think probably so. Most people in general, are slow or not inclined to think outside the box of 'norm'. It is kinda of like the old sci-fi movies where the cowboys always want to shoot the aliens first and ask questions later.



Based on my given scenario, that gravity--- as the higher value set of intergers{ nodal-vertexial-events } on the outer convex side--- L1 and L4 ----set of two tubes, that, are connected to each other i.e. each of these two tubes part of integral set of toroidal tubes that define a spherical particle ---I see at least one possible significant way, that, consideration of a gravity or integral set of gravitons, not being dipolar ergo being monopolar, yet being attractive to each other--- with the the torodial set --- or other toroidal based, spherical, graviational membraned particles, is as follows;


1) in the both of my given sine-wave patterns--- outside-out and inside-out ---, if we presume a cause and effect scenario exists, then we begin with initial 0 event on L2 or L3 for inside-out sine-wave ---we could go to either L1 or L4, and then #1 event as sequential following effect from initiating 0 event,


too make long story short, in either scenario, we get alll primes on either L1 or L4. This is a numerical bias, inherent to the pattern, and makes it dipolar but perhaps without having a charge( + or - ). I dunno, just finding out and exploring possibilites....


Here is another way to consider this. A person reminded me, that metaphysical shape/form/geometry effects teh physical and he gave the example of shape of car affects its dynamic davntage or disadantage, ergo metaphysical( nothingness ) effects physical/energy( somethingnesss ).


So here above, in the latter all prime numbers on either top or bottom scenario, makes the overall integral set of great cubes/circles bias this way of that way or spin this way or that way, or something that I'm not sure of yet. Can metaphysical numerical sequence, and prime numbers, cause mass-attraction ak gravity?









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"I" think its interesting, And do myself believe there is something between the primes/gravity creating some fabric on the quantum levels, electrons/quarks and beyond, I think numbers are thought of as non-physical-entities(abstract) but I believe they are more physical entities, That do create these triangles/cubes/circles that are the fabric of our multi/universe.

Finding ways to prove this in science is the problem,




It is also hard to read all them little numbers.


To see those little numbers just click on pictures and they enlarge.



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Sun, well you are a strange one :wacko: indeed, welcome to the club... ha ha! Again, I agree there is not yet any discovered proofs that connect any physical/energy phenomena, to static geometric polyhedra or polygons, Lee Smolin in his book 3 Roads to Q Gravity, predicted we would quantify gravity via geometry in and around 15 years, and I think it has been in around 15 years since he made that statement in his book. I think he is being to optimistic.


We do see EM patterns that resemble toroidal patterns at the more medio-macro level/sacel, and this is well documented facts of osbervation via dipolar phenomena. Ex earths magnetic field, tho, that is graduall going to become wierd as the poles shift over next few thousand years.


Yeah, abstract = conceptual = metaphysical-1 = mind/intellect and that is what we use to explor and discover answers to the mysteries of Universe.

I post my exploratory findings in hopes that that there others out there who share my enthusiasm for any possible detective type leads too answers.


Again, I had already had ultra-micro gravity idea being the close-packing of nodal-vertexial events on the convex outer surface---- think Van Der Grapph spheres as an analogy ----in my belief system for years, but only some years after I discovered the numerical sine-wave pattern, so, when i recently had revisted my numerical sine-wave patterns, I said to myself, the row of higher set of integers in middle does not jive with my belief system regarding gravity being outer conve surface membrane.


So, I turned the sine-wave pattern inside-out and I was like WOW, this is fits the bill perfectly. The sine-wave pattern is great, as I stated orginially is found with Fullers hand held toy model vector flexor, that I too discovered, because no where on the net or in any of Fullers books does he mention teh EM sine-wave configuration. Same goes for the EM sine-wave pattern having two of its wave altered so as it fits the bill for basic body plan of cettaceans side flippers to tail flukes, and skew 90 degrees for fish.


All of these findings are like tantelizing genralizations, that appear to have specific reality connections. Or so it seems to me.


So then finding that, my idea of inner concave being the reality we observe, I find the L2 and L3 triangulated sine-wave having those quark and electron and neutrino numbers and my ears remain perked high... >:D ...in anticipation, once again, of possible signifcance of these findings.


I love it that you use automata. Isnt that a Wolfram program? I followed his exploits--- web law suit etc ---from aside for years but always too advanced for my more lack-of-education brain. I saw a quote from him, where he stated, that, he met with Feyman and Feynman spent sometime trying to figure out this mathmatical discovery of Wolframs, and in the end, said that, he could not crack it. Feynman was probably in his later years and who knows how his health was doing at that time.


So Sun, I clicked on your large traingle produced by automata....can you please walk me through what exactly is happening, cause the is no sequential set of numbers. there is one wave within the triangle. I really dont know much about Pascals seive etc....tho I ve visited those kinds of info sites over the years.


Maybe if you ran my two kinds of sine-wave info through the autaomata, we would have a reference of what was, what it became etc......


Gravity is the odd-bird-out. For years, I had viewed EMRadiation{ photons/sine-wave ) as matter{ electron } dispersing itself on gravitational geodesics. I had many times viewed the EM sine-wave being embraced by a spiraling tube--- ergo a third nearly 90 degree phemonena ---that connected to each peak of sine-wave and embraced the EM sine-wave.


So this recent turnig of my numerical sine-wave inside-out, really is a novel idea in someways, if you know what a I mean. We observe reality via the metaphysical-1 asbtraction the sine-wave pattern--- Fulles jitterbug model does that ---we do not observe gravity directly and not really indirectly, it is presumedto exist by most, to be a spin-3 bosonic force, and others not a force out all, rather, only space being warped by mass.


Duhh, for so many years now, I say to people, we warp a spoon, a piece of plywood, a 2x4 lumber, so those are a physical/energy somethingness, and I say to them over and over, that space has to be a somthingness, in order to be warped! :wacko: ......Or as I state if for years now, gravitational space is quasi-pysical somethingness,altho ultra-micro, ergo far beyond our ability to quantise if not also quantify.


And again, the prime line, whether as L1 or L4, with its higher integer count--- 2:1 ---over inner line L2 or L3, is fits the close-packing set of events on outer shell for whatever oddities that gravity may do, and we see only sopooky action at a distance etc... type mysteries and paradoxical, mind bending, cosmic law violation phenomena.


And 2ndly, the primes whether on L1 or L4 outer convex surface, making for and imbalance, of a monoploar graviton or set of gravitions.


And finally Sun, in case I didn't mention it previosusly, the primes are concentrated in sequence for the first 8 primes, on prime line, the (( 25 )) occurs, to break the contigous pattern. And primes overall continue to accrue less and less the further we go on this sequential patter, ergo I see a possibly analogyu to entropy--- see below ---and to squaring distance of gravitational effects as two masses get closer or futher apart i.e. the primes number drop off the futher the distance, and the force of gravity falls off, the further away two masses. Tho of course gravity never is not connecting the two massess.


And as for entrop, the falling of primes may also be likend to less and less primes seeking equiilibrium, or between the top and bottom tubes i.e. dos the particle seek equilibrium or decay by primes may somehow seeking to reach and equilibrium between top level and bottom level. That idea is not clear in my head as that that requires a shifting of the numbers, ex shfiting of numbers while maintaining the 2;1 ratio. I dunno.


Maybe your automata program can give us some ideas and diffferrent perspective. I dunno. Thx for response strange one :eek::)




PS: if you do indeed become truly interested and want to delve further on this, we maybe could take it site that will not inhibit exploration of this type. I have my own yahhoo group, but wherever does not matter to me. The nice thing about a forum, is that an go back and make corrections, within a given time limit.






"I" think its interesting, And do myself believe there is something between the primes/gravity creating some fabric on the quantum levels, electrons/quarks and beyond, I think numbers are thought of as non-physical-entities(abstract) but I believe they are more physical entities, That do create these triangles/cubes/circles that are the fabric of our multi/universe.

Finding ways to prove this in science is the problem,



To see those little numbers just click on pictures and they enlarge.

attachicon.gifprime wave even numbers removed.png


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I love it that you use automata. Isnt that a Wolfram program?

No, It was just something I was using to find to find patterns in number sequences, Taking the difference between each number until I reached the point, I tried it with the primes/fib etc, But I was surprised when I tried it with L1 From the wave below, As i have already done just using the primes (L3) and L2 being +2


I did not expect from L1 seemingly random numbers to get this automata




Sun, in case I didn't mention it previosusly, the primes are concentrated in sequence for the first 8 primes, on prime line, the (( 25 )) occurs, to break the contigous pattern. And primes overall continue to accrue less and less the further we go on this sequential patter,

This is where it gets hard, This is where I believe the "Elements/periodic table/electrons come into play, As in the automata above, It starts to break down at 82/above, This I believe is to do with the last stable element (lead/82), It is why i believe primes begin to drop of.


Primes within extended periodic table(electron seq), Mirrored each side of 45, except for a few shown in white which are the first fib primes.





Again, I had already had ultra-micro gravity idea being the close-packing of nodal-vertexial events on the convex outer surface---- think Van Der Grapph spheres as an analogy

I do not look at the periodic table as just a "group of elements", It is just another building block that fits together on quantum levels,

I have found many waves within these tables, I believe your sine waves are another piece to put the puzzle together.


Here was when i tried to fit multiple tables together,







This is something how I see fabric/membrane, With waves expanding out.


To me there is a lot to try and tie together, And many ways to look at the same problem,



So then finding that, my idea of inner concave being the reality we observe, I find the L2 and L3 triangulated sine-wave having those quark and electron and neutrino numbers and my ears remain perked high... >:D ...in anticipation

Which I hope to look into more, I am always looking for such patterns.



Got to find a way to get rid of the non primes on prime row, Any numbers ending with 5 or 0 could miss out, But I know that is not the answer. There is a reason/way just need to find it.



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No, It was just something I was using to find to find patterns in number sequences, Taking the difference between each number until I reached the point, I tried it with the primes/fib etc, But I was surprised when I tried it with L1 From the wave below, As i have already done just using the primes (L3) and L2 being +2


I did not expect from L1 seemingly random numbers to get this automata

This is where it gets hard, This is where I believe the "Elements/periodic table/electrons come into play, As in the automata above, It starts to break down at 82/above, This I believe is to do with the last stable element (lead/82), It is why i believe primes begin to drop of.

Primes within extended periodic table(electron seq), Mirrored each side of 45, except for a few shown in white which are the first fib primes.

I do not look at the periodic table as just a "group of elements", It is just another building block that fits together on quantum levels,

I have found many waves within these tables, I believe your sine waves are another piece to put the puzzle together.

Here was when i tried to fit multiple tables together,

This is something how I see fabric/membrane, With waves expanding out.

To me there is a lot to try and tie together, And many ways to look at the same problem,

Which I hope to look into more, I am always looking for such patterns.

attachicon.gifSINE 3 PRIME.png

Got to find a way to get rid of the non primes on prime row, Any numbers ending with 5 or 0 could miss out, But I know that is not the answer. There is a reason/way just need to find it.




H,mmm so autamata is not Wolfram. Maybe Wolfram was Mathematica program.


I would still need more step by step big dummies guide to your triangle seive thing as to how it relates to my either of my given sine-wave patterns.


I do see you used ahorizontal, 3 level, 3 colored adaption to the my inside-outed irregular, multiple waves within the sine-wave pattern. Looks like you maybe combined L2 and L3 for that. I dunno not clear what exactly youve done and it leaves out some



As for the pencil drawings Z X etc....I have friend who does those patterns also or one very close to beng the same.


As for primes in periodic table, and 45 and 82, would need to be more clarification with easyly readible step-by -step guide as to what is what where and why.


My original numerical sine-wave is regular and the inside-oute sine-wave is irregular and complex because it has varied sets or frequency of waves involved.


Also I want make clear to you that, your statements appeared to infer that you believe that prime numbers respresent gravity. That may be tru, but that is not what I've stated, and if I didm then I was in error to do so.


I see gravity as being associated withe outer-convex-surface of two tubes.


1) top tube being L1 and L2, with L1 being the outer-convex-surface that has both multiple-primes and non-prime numbers, and is of higher count of integer positions two L1 too every one on L2. ergo the 2:1 ratio defines a triangle based top tube,


2) bottom tube L4 and L3, with L4 being the outer-convex-surface and no primes except #2, and L3 having only prime #3. And here again the bottom tube being defined by a 2:1 ratio of more integers on the outer surface ergo the outer-convex-surface defines the gravity membrane/fabric.


These two tubes, in shape of a great toroidal tube, and collective set of 3 or more such tubes, defines a spherical or spheroid ergo a fermionic and/or bosonic particle, or pehaps even collectively as and atom, but I'm not prepard to go there just yet.


I hope that clarifies where I stand on gravity and prime numbers. The primes may only make a monopolar graviton--- or any collective set thereof ---be imbalanced/tainted yet not be charged like common fermionic or bosonic particle.


Also I see the primes as being less and less contigous so that also reminds me of entropy whichs is the Universe's thermal cooling off to eventually become the heat dead or at least appearing as one very large and very flat, least energetic ergo longest wave frequency photon.


Personally I see it never being flat, rather one maybe two sphericals/spheriodal defined by no less than 31 great tubes each, that are feeding each other, like a figure 8 or OO or Oo, or (( ))(( )), or even perhaps the large flat photon of Universe we observe as the a place where those great tublar spheroids overlap. This is the end and beging of just another eternally set of cycling and recyling/regernation. imho



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Also I want make clear to you that, your statements appeared to infer that you believe that prime numbers respresent gravity. That may be tru, but that is not what I've stated, and if I didm then I was in error to do so.

I do not believe that prime numbers represent gravity, Has with other number sequences, I believe are waves that interact with how I see the fabric of our expanding universe, As in a wave passing through a bronze bell will be different to a wave passing through a iron bell etc


If a single particle contains all elements, What sort of wave would be created passing through this particle? With would contain the ordered primes, To me this is how i see your sine wave.




Also I see the primes as being less and less contigous so that also reminds me of entropy whichs is the Universe's thermal cooling off to eventually become the heat dead or at least appearing as one very large and very flat, least energetic ergo longest wave frequency photon.

Which I also agree with, As I tried to suggest, Within the elements/extended periodic table, Which show the most continuous order of these primes within the first 80(stable elements).

Look passed elements just as "elements". Into quantum levels and beyond.




Personally I see it never being flat, rather one maybe two sphericals/spheriodal defined by no less than 31 great tubes each, that are feeding each other, like a figure 8 or OO or Oo, or (( ))(( )), or even perhaps the large flat photon of Universe we observe as the a place where those great tublar spheroids overlap. This is the end and beging of just another eternally set of cycling and recyling/regernation. imho

I am far from seeing the universe as "flat", I see expansions within expansions, Which tubes fit in quite well,

I see cycles within cycles end/beginning/end/beginning etc




As for the pencil drawings Z X etc....I have friend who does those patterns also or one very close to beng the same.

These drawings are just showing 2 dimensions of a multi dimensional structure, Layers upon layers.

You can see the waves expanding out from within, These would be like twisted tubes.



This structure is what I believe makes up the underling structure to the fabric of space,

Each "Z" Is a complete table of elements from Z1 to Z172, It is the joining of these tables/strings that allows the next cycle to begin.

These structures are within each particle/virtual particle, (universes within the smallest) a continuous cycle. .




I was also thinking about your sine wave running into the negative?




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I do not believe that prime numbers represent gravity, Has with other number sequences, I believe are waves that interact with how I see the fabric of our expanding universe, As in a wave passing through a bronze bell will be different to a wave passing through a iron bell etc



It was this previous statement by you that made me think that you maybe thought is was only primes;


..... ""I" think its interesting, And do myself believe there is something between the primes/gravity creating some fabric on the quantum levels, electrons/quarks and beyond, I think numbers are thought of as non-physical-entities(abstract) but I believe they are more physical entities, That do create these triangles/cubes/circles that are the fabric of our multi/universe."....




If a single particle contains all elements, What sort of wave would be created passing through this particle? With would contain the ordered primes, To me this is how i see your sine wave.



A single particle--- do yo mean any fermionic or bosonic particle? --- and if so, that sounds like some kind of holographic scenario that your proposing.


For the moment, let us say there exists a finte set of elements, teh first set of 92 we discovered randomly, and the 2nd set of 92 that are discoverred more in sequence of the atomic mass/wiegth, because it takes more and more energy to discover them.


So you suggesting that any particle contains any of the 184 elements? Also elements atomic and particles are sub-atomic, so that appears problematic to me also, as being able to be holographic. I dunno.


Which I also agree with, As I tried to suggest, Within the elements/extended periodic table, Which show the most continuous order of these primes within the first 80(stable elements).

Look passed elements just as "elements". Into quantum levels and beyond.


Yeah, you've jumped to the atomic/elment scale ergo combinatiorial particles. Again, as for primes referenced to elements, I would need to have this laid out more clearly, step by step i.e. with a list that--- does not have to be one of your charts ---you stated that primes drop off considerably(?) after lead( 82 ). I point out that primes, on the prime line( L1 ) begin to drop off at after 23 ergo the next contiogus number is (( 25 )).


I am far from seeing the universe as "flat", I see expansions within expansions, Which tubes fit in quite well,

I see cycles within cycles end/beginning/end/beginning etc


I was talking in regards to analogy between entropy and the dropping off of primes getting greater and greater as tho primes seeeking equilibrium, ergo Universe is allededed to seek thermal equlibrium aka heat death, and that eventually( not now ) one very large, very flat, least energy ergo longest wave/frequency photon.


I think you misunderstood, I was pointing out, that, I dont believe that our Universe will eventually become flat, except possibly in place between the two, overlappiing, spherical/sphieroids (( ((Z)) )) each being no less thatn (( 31 )) great tubes. This flat place would be similar to subdivided triangle--- see fullers 3D cubo-octa{8}hedron/jitterbug flattened ----.


I use the red z to point out, that, the subdivided triangle, has a outer triangle ratio set of 2;1 ergo the one triangle can fold towards left spherical/spheroid set of (( 31 )) great tubular bosons , and the other two triangles fold in toward the right spherical/spheroidal bosonic set of (( 31 )) great tubulars.


I see this as being the basis for bilaterism in Universe i.e. why we we dont see that many anti-paticles, or perhaps even why biological amino-acids are of the left-handed type, ie because 2, in the 2:1 ratio carrys more significance in the long term til the next ending-beginning of Univese recycling.



To further clarify, and hopefully help us understand each others overall cosmic view, I'm not opposed to the idea of Multiverse, or Ominverse etc...type scenario of many local universes, but they still sum-total--- ergo not infinite because infinity has no systemic integrity ---to a finite set and there all minimally connected by gravity.


These drawings are just showing 2 dimensions of a multi dimensional structure, Layers upon layers.

You can see the waves expanding out from within, These would be like twisted tubes.



Ok, that help with clarity. So when you say multi-dimensional you also mean those are 2D representations of some 3D volumes/polyhedra?


Yeah, and those are derived from the other simple beginning drawings you posted, to whcih I replied, I believe my mathematicia friend is making almost the exact drawiings your were making. I will try and take a screen shot and send to him, to compare yours and his. Takes time to do that, and he is very busy dude, at moment with his business,....



attachicon.gifperiodic structure 1.png

This structure is what I believe makes up the underling structure to the fabric of space,


Ok, cool. Reminds me of others like flower-of-life type overlappin hexagons type graphics. Or Penroses grapahics that overlapp etc.....


The 2D flower-of-life hexa(6)gons are based on the four hexa(6)gons of the cubo-octa{8}hedron ergo jitterbug and I was in constant contact for a few years with the dude who discovered this cubo-octahedral basis for 3D version of the flower-of-life pattern.


This structure is what I believe makes up the underling structure to the fabric of space,

Each "Z" Is a complete table of elements from Z1 to Z172, It is the joining of these tables/strings that allows the next cycle to begin.

These structures are within each particle/virtual particle, (universes within the smallest) a continuous cycle




I'm not sure what each Z is above, I rememmber from previous post, you laid out some simple drawings--- like my mahetician friend did ---and there was a least one Z there.



Each "Z" Is a complete table of elements from Z1 to Z172, It is the joining of these tables/strings that allows the next cycle to begin.


I see you have a square, subidivide with diametric diagonal from two corners, creating red and aqua right triangles....oh ok, now I see that teh Z is the yellow line top and bottom with the yellow diametric diagonal connecting those two other yellow lines.


So you spin the square ergo you spin the one Z to create a circle. That could be true of any polygon and not just square.....but I maybe follow your drift, and just considering the subdivided square--- two right triangles ----. So is there two Z's you use in that square?


These structures are within each particle/virtual particle, (universes within the smallest) a continuous cycle.



.So the two colored, seven circles/discs are within every fermionic and bosonic particle of our finite Universe?


I need to send link to this page to my mathematician friend so we can compare your initial simple drawings to his simpel drawings and associated numbers. They are so similar. You take off on directions he never got too.








Sunshaker, as for negative with the sine-wave or inside-outed sine-wave, is also likened to left-right or mirror imaged, and not ready to go there yet. It is too soon for me, tho I have considered it previously. There is plenty for me to consider, just with your introduction. you with what I have laid out with my basics;


1) 4-fold asymmetry cubo{6}-octa{8}hedron defined by its four great/equaltorial, hexagonal planes--- ergo internal cross-sectional, 24 equaltaral tringles ---, 8 equalateral surface triangles, and all 12-vertices, 24-edges and 14-openings that derive the primary set of (( 25 )) great circles/tubes, that infolds to a sine-wave-- VVV --- topology via Fullers hand held toy model, that also configures for basic body plan of cetacceans( mammals ) and fish, and is basis for the 3D expression of the commonly viewed 2D flower-of-life( overlapping hexagons ),


2) 5-fold symmetry icosa{20}hedrons, 20-surface triangles/openings, 12-vertices, 15-edges, that derive the primary set of (( 31 )) great circles/tubes, and 10 of those 31 define 5 overlapping sets, of the above mentioned cubo-octahedron, humans bilateral 31 spinal nerves ergo total 62-- see Pi powerings below


3) the 4-level, regular, numerical sine-wave and 4-level irregular and complex, inside-outed, numerical sine-wave that has the inner only regular sine-wave 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36( observed reality reference )


4) My intensive Pi powerings explorations--- ex Pi^3{ 3D } = 31. 00 62 7... --- that I've not yet begun to reference too my the older the regular sine-wave or the newly discovered, irregular-complex sine-wave,


5) the introduction of your prime based(?) introductions.



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Have you any drawings/diagrams anywhere to view?


Some of mine can be found here, Where i dump stuff to view latter.



PS I do like your sine wave going into the negative, gives me something else to think on.

attachicon.gifneg 2 prime sine wave.png

Ive given a few links in this thread that graphics that were in reference to the specific context of my statements ex


87 primary great circles ergo my extrapolation as great tubes. Did you open to view them? The appropriate visual can be worth a thousand words, or so they say.


4-fold symmetry based (( 25 )) + 5-fold based (( 31 )) = 56 primary great circles/tubes however, since the 5-fold( icosahedral based ) 31 have < left and right > skew versions--- think bilateral ergo your negative part of a bilateral sine-wave set, as I mentioned in last reply to you ----


3,4,6,12 = (( 25 ))


6, 10, 15 = 31 left skew

-------------------------------(( ((Z)) )) heat death Universe graphic---Z is the 24 chords/vector of cubo-octahedron when collasped as subdivided triangle that I gave link to previously in this thread. And take note, it is that jitterbug that also folds into sine-wave with centeral axis, and cetaccean( mammals } 4 appendage body plan with axis/spinal chord, woth 90 degree spin of two of the waves, we get the fish's 4 appendages and again a central axis-like spinal chord.

6, 10, 15 = 31 right skew


Ergo, 31 + 31 = 62--- see Pi^3{ 3D i.e. volumetric XYZ } = 31.00 62 7.... ---and see 31 bilateral spinal nerves ergo total 62.


56 + 2nd skew set of 31 = 87 primary great circles/tubes, see the above link Ive posted in twice in this thread.


See also that, when the jitterbug folds into the regular sine-wave, it has a central axis ergo that is flexible because of a central set of joints/vertices that allow it too flex. I say 'see', however, Fuller never explored this configuration or its two cetaccean and fish bdoy plan counter parts, so I have no graphics, but have posted my texticonic versions of these three configurations of sine-wave variations elsewhere. I will try to do that at bottom of page, to help with the explanations I have given in this thread previously.


There is left and right skew because icosahedron is found within the the jitterbug cubo-octahedron when it begins its contraction either left or right on either of iany of 4-axes, that leads to left and right icosahedra as the jitterbug contracts its 8 equalateral triangles to be aligned with 8 of icosahedrons 20 and define most of the 30 edges of the each icosa{20}hedron.


I clicked on your web page link but no time now to even skim, but again, if you can address the the specifics as I posed them to you, with some step by step--- you did that some for some stuff ---then I can better understand.


Ok, let me try and create the texticons for the sine-wave. These are texticons so do not expect too much but you the jitterbug infolds into basic double sine-wave set aka EM sine-wave i.. two waves on out of synch waves on one plane and two on the other plane at 90 degrees, and with the jiiterbug configuration there is central axis, likened to a spinal chord, that even flexes in the middle joint{ 4 vertices} because jbug is made from flexable rubber tubing.


Dots.....below are for formating purposes


Ok so this next one is EM sine-wave pattern


------blue triangles are at 90 degrees, so flat( horizontal } to our view. One points towards us with peak the other away.



Next is config for cetacceans{ ergo mammals } tail flippers and flukes parrallel to each to each other.

^^ this configuration before wave are folded over

----central axis 8 struts/lines/vectors and 4 verticed joint is half way on this line

vv.....this is config before waves are folded over


With fish we have to turn the front top and bottom wave 90 degrees to become side fins.

..^ this configuration before wave are folded over

--........front fins are are on same plane{ horzxontal } as our viewing

...v this is config before waves are folded over


Here is another link to jitterbug that shows its contracting from cubo-octahedron, going through icosahedron phase, then ending at octahedron.



Sine-wave Unification of Universe in many ways, with my most recent addition to the overall cosmic scenario, is theirregular and complex , inside-outed sine-wave, which has its sine-waves variations within it.


If you have something specific, that you need a visual aid too, then I can perhaps better address your specific needs as stated. Thx



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Taking a look at teh Fibonacci's within the irregular inside-outing sine-wave complex.

I want to show which levels fibonaccie 0 - 144 fall on.


L1...1, 5, 13, 55....
L2...0,.... and then no others at least as far as I searched
L3...3, 21, 89....

L4...2, 8, 34,144.


On the peridodic table, 55 appears to fall approximately midway. 92 / 2 would be 46, so 55 is not exactly halfway, just looks that way. See Mg and Fe on the following chart.


See this dynamic table.


Previously I mentioned Pi^3 = 31.00 62 7....


I recall also that Pi^4 then divided by 4 = 24.35 22 7....


Pi-'time' = 24---'time' is sometimes referred to as 4th dimension

Pi-space = 31---Pi^3 is an XYZ 3D volumetric operation


24 + 31 = 55


Previously, above, I divided Pi^4 by 4, tho I did not divide Pi^3. I dunno know that I have any good reason to treat any Pi powerings after Pi^3 any differrently than Pi^3, but here is my best given explanation. I would identify it as being akin to renormalization, i.e. I'm renormalizing a higher dimension, back to 3D by dividing it by itself. Is that mathematically proper? I dunno.


Pi^12 / 12 = non-prime 77022.317 9361 45 1551...


..this above is first appearence of 55 on irrational side....


Pi^14 / 14 = non-prime 651583.6 55 83959 66 55 01....

..this 2nd occurence of 55 on irrational side....





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87 primary great circles ergo my extrapolation as great tubes. Did you open to view them? The appropriate visual can be worth a thousand words, or so they say.

Thanks for pointing links out, I was aware of this link, But i missed the others, I think the coloured numbers through me after pressing a few thinking they may be links.

I did notice them though after i read through a couple of times,

It sometimes takes a while to see another persons views and to understand them, But we are not that far apart, Just coming from different directions.



Taking a look at teh Fibonacci's within the irregular inside-outing sine-wave complex.

I want to show which levels fibonaccie 0 - 144 fall on.

L1...1, 5, 13, 55....
L2...0,.... and then no others at least as far as I searched
L3...3, 21, 89....

L4...2, 8, 34,144.

I had a quick look at the fib numbers within your sine wave, Unsure whether they offer to much to this wave, I do though believe that looking into the negative will help to tie things together, When I look at a certain types of waves only going 1 direction, I see only part of the whole.


As with your great circles, If you start at any point you will come back to that point, Waves going neg+pos









On the peridodic table, 55 appears to fall approximately midway. 92 / 2 would be 46, so 55 is not exactly halfway, just looks that way. See Mg and Fe on the following chart.

At this time there are 118 known elements with 119 just around the corner, 92 of these occurring naturally, With lead 82 the highest stable element,

I extended my table to 172 elements, Which I believe will be the maximum(at least for this present universe). With Radon 86 midway.

31+55=86 :eyebrow:



Previously, above, I divided Pi^4 by 4, tho I did not divide Pi^3. I dunno know that I have any good reason to treat any Pi powerings after Pi^3 any differrently than Pi^3, but here is my best given explanation. I would identify it as being akin to renormalization, i.e. I'm renormalizing a higher dimension, back to 3D by dividing it by itself. Is that mathematically proper? I dunno.

Perhaps not mathematically proper, But I can see what you are saying, Perhaps something I may have tried.


At moment just playing with trying different ways to visualize your sine waves, In different dimensions.

A small section of one,






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Thanks for pointing links out, I was aware of this link, But i missed the others, I think the coloured numbers through me after pressing a few thinking they may be links.



HI Sunshaker, Sorry. I use colors to help distingush catagories of this from that.

I did notice them though after i read through a couple of times,

It sometimes takes a while to see another persons views and to understand them, But we are not that far apart, Just coming from different directions.


In some ways that is true, it least we have many similar interests. I kinda of hate to do this here, as it will break any continuity in your message, but you mentioned some interest in #45 on peroidic table, or something, so I want to lay this info from Synergetics on you before I forget about it.


You can find what I'm about to post at this link and then go too 1238.23. adn 1238.29. The whole Scherazade section may be of interest, but the following is what I thought might most perk your interest.


...."When the central angle is 90 degrees, then the two small corner angles of the isosceles triangle are each 45 degrees. After 45 degrees the sines become cosines, and vice versa. At 45 degrees they balance. Thereafter all the prime numbers that can ever enter into prime trigonometric computation (in contradistinction to complementary function computation) occur below the number 45. What occasions irrationality is the inability of dividends to be omni-equi-divisible, due to the presence of a prime number of which the dividend is not a whole product.


...For instance, in a system such as spherical trigonometry, consisting of 360 degrees per circle or cycle, all the numerical intervariabilities occur within the first 45 degrees, .: 45 × 8 = 360. Since the unit cyclic totality of the Fourteen-illion Scheherazade Number is the product of the first 15 primes, it contains all the prime numbers occurring within the 45- degree-limit numerical integer permutations of all cyclic systems together with an abundance of powers of the first eight primes,".....


{ I had forgot any emphasis by fuller on first 8 primes, but in the sine-wave I make note of those first 8 on prime line being contigous ergo it is only at (( 25 )) that the order is broken/distintegrates/diminishes's/falls apart etc......


On the irregular sine-wave, #45 occurs on L3( reality line )


I had a quick look at the fib numbers within your sine wave, Unsure whether they offer to much to this wave, I do though believe that looking into the negative will help to tie things together, When I look at a certain types of waves only going 1 direction, I see only part of the whole.


Yeah same thoughts here, except for, on the irregular sine-wave, there is only the Fib, non-counting 0 on reality line L2.


L1 and L2 are symmetrical balance with fibs, out too 144.


On L3 we have 3, 21, and 89. 3 * 7 = 21. If we make 10 columns of primes{ see link } 89 falls in #7 column and 89{ L3 } is 10 more than prime #79( L1 } which falls on #3column list at the link I give. I'm always on the lookout for asssociations with #10 becasue, the 5-fold( phi-fold ) icosa{20}hedrons 31 great circles/tubes,define 5 sets of overlapping 4-fold cubo-octahedra{ see link }.


The 4-fold cubo-octahedron aka the vector equlibrium, and the 5-fold icosahedron, are, for the most part, rationally incomensurate with each other. The cubo-octahedron is considered the Operating System of Universe by Fuller. Remem ber it is the basis for 3D{ volumetric } version of the commonly viewed Flower-of-Life. I was having day to day conversations with Jim when he discovered the 3D version, within context of Synertics explorations.



As with your great circles, If you start at any point you will come back to that point, Waves going neg+pos

attachicon.gif neg pos plain wave.png

I see your X marks the spot, and I presume your refering to my texticon of bilateral icosahedral set (( 31 ((Z)) 31 )) for heat death of Universe, I dunno.


Oh yeah, skimmed your site and click on couple of links but they did not take me anywhere, only back to where I was.


Those 7 discs/circles you posted along with Z in the square was very helpful, but you never got back to me, as to how many Z's should we be considering within a square. Z takes 3 of the squares 4 lines ergo some of lines would have to do double duty to have more than one primary Z of consideration





At this time there are 118 known elements with 119 just around the corner, 92 of these occurring naturally, With lead 82 the highest stable element,

I extended my table to 172 elements, Which I believe will be the maximum(at least for this present universe). With Radon 86 midway.

31+55=86 :eyebrow:

Were on similar page here as I believe I posted that I o believe the finite set of elements is 184 i.e. 2 * 92. and half way of that is 92. However, when I stated that 55 was approximately halfway when viewing the table I posted link too, only really meant to consider the first 92. Fuller calls them the 92 regenerative elements. To create the ones beyond 92 happens sequentially because they take so much energy/effort to create via fusing.


Pi-space 31 + Fib-10th or 11th integer position = 86. There are 87 primary great circles/tubes, but 14 are reduntant. IF there is only 172 elements that could maybe significant.



Perhaps not mathematically proper, But I can see what you are saying, Perhaps something I may have tried.



Pi-'time' 24 is Euclidean if we associate with cubo-octahedrons/Vector Eequlibriums/jitterbugs 24 outer chords or 24 internal radii.


Pi-space ( ( 31 ) ) is more dynamic as it is conceptulization, inferring a dynamic( energy ) spin property/motion.


Ha, in the above texticon I realize that the the overlapping, bilateral set of icosa{20}hedral based (( sphericals/spheroids )) , since tubes they still should be considered to carry a concave{ red reality } aspect,, so to corrrect all my past 'heat death' texticons, I now offer this optional alternative to that bilateral set, and low and behold, now the Euclidean Z--- see subdivided triangle of collapsed cubo-octahedral jitterbug ---has conceptualized dynamic spin circles associated with those 24 contracted/collapsed chords. Ha!


( ( 31 ( ( Z ) ) 31 ) )


And remember, with this subdivide triangle--- 8 triangles so 4 perimeter and 4 bonded as one in center ---we could have the outer 4 doing the assymetrical 2:1 folding to left and right sphericals, yet that still leaves the central set of 4 bonded as one, ergo, we say that, those 4 triangles are a tetrahedron, that remains likened to matter even only percieved as 2D or the longest wave, least energetic photon to ever exist.


I would also make clear, that, on the original cubo-octahedron--- as the whole Universe set ---with the set of 8 surface triangles, if we had a icosahedron face bonded to each of those 8 surface triangles, that when the cubo-octahedron contracts/collapse to the subdivide triangle phase, that we have our bilateral set of icosahedral sphericals/spherioids, but they may actually be four sets of 31 left and 31 right bonded as one bilateral set we see as only two.


4 * 31 = 124

4 * 31 = 124


Just a thought.



At moment just playing with trying different ways to visualize your sine waves, In different dimensions.

A small section of one,

attachicon.giftri waves small section.png

Reminds me of aluminum, painted black, passive solar panels I used to help build in 70's. The warm air in panel was pumped into the house and then through a radiator to preheat water going to the hot water heater.








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Here below I wanted to correct clarify my previous statement. This is can be difficult to visualize and more so if a person has never operated Fullers hand held toy, the jitterbug aka vector flexor aka Vector Equlibrium, aka cubo-octahedron which folds into a double-sine-wave pattern, that, may be likend to the numerical sine-wave pattern that I've recently inside-outed, as the irregular and complex sine-wave patterned set.


...."I would also make clear, that, on the original cubo-octahedron--- considered as the whole Universe set, or as one of many, within the context of a larger set of overlappng cubo-octahedra, as the Isotropic Vector Matrix ---each with the set of 8 surface triangles, we could consider the following to happend--- at thermal heat deat' --to being happing on a much larger scale


...if we had anEuclidean icosahedron, face bonded to each of those 8 surface triangles, then, when the Euclidean cubo-octahedron contracts/collapse's to the subdivide triangle phase,-- see link --- that we have our bilateral set of icosahedral sphericals/spherioids-- or Euclidean polyhedra for sake of understanding the face bonding concept --- on each side of the four on each of the four triangles.


So we have four, bilateral sets of icosahedra-- think of concept of Euclidean icosahedron, within the 31 curved geodesics arcs attached Euclidean icosahedron a the appropriate places ---ergo there will be some overlap, between the three perimeter icosahedra with the central bilateral set, even before we consider concept of the 2:1 ratio folding into their respective central icosahedra.


So, as the perimeter triangles-- 2:1 ratio --with a bilateral set of icosahedra each, fold into the their respective bilateral set in the middle, we actually have one icosahedron that sticks out, from one side of one central based icosahedron, and two icosahedral the stick out from the 2nd bilateral icosahedron, ergo we have a lumpy, complex Universe scenario of overlapping icosahedra.


My point is, if begin with concept of no less than 8 icosahedra, one each, face bonded to the cubo-octahedrons, 8 surface triangles, that, even at some alledged thermal equilibrium 'heat death' of Universe, we have a lumpy Universe scenario.


Four bilateral sets of icosa{20}hedra

.....6, 10 and 15 = 31...the 15 being congruent with ergo semi-defines the 30 edges of Euclidean icosahedron....


2 * 31 = 62...great tubes/circles geodesically overlapping

2 * 31 = 62.."" ""....bilateral set of spinal nerves in humans

2 * 31 = 62.."" ""

2 * 31 = 62..."" ""


1) So I began with four planes-- ergo 4 hexagonal planes if radii are present ---of cubo{6}-octa{8-hedron--- ergo 12 vertexes, 24-edges, 8 triangles and 6 squares --- that, as the Vector Flexor jitterbug, infolds to a topology of a double-sine-- think EMRadiation ---wave that recongirues in two ways as basic body plan of cetacceans{ mammal } ergo 4 primary appendages for mobility, and fish, with their two fins and double finned tail for appendages for primary mobility.


....jellies may be the oldest animals on planet and some are called box jellies based on their cubo-like shape or 4 quadrants{?}..and some have 24 eyes...and simple nervous system tho some worms have simple nervous system also.....


2) I associate that with the four level, numerical sine-wave...see 6 * n + or - 1 = all primes of Universe except 2 and 3


3) I then turn the regular numerical sine-wave, inside-out--- with a resultant irregular, complex wave pattern that has a regular wave pattern within ---to have a resultant of more nodal-vertexial events on the outer convex surface, as I believe is the case for ultra-micro, gravitational membrane that embraces, and restrains our less nodal-events, inner concave observable reality of existence.


4) my conjecture/speculation/sugeestion is, that, there are no less than 8 icosa{20}hedra associated with the 8 surface triangles of the cubo{6}-octa{8}hedron, as the simple geometrical version of any alledged thermal 'heat death' of Universe.


....again we could have huge, but finite, semmingly 2D lattice set of triangles, approximating a seemingly flat, seemingly 2D, photonic Universe, with the repspetive huge sets of bilatearal sphericals/spheriods on each side of this flat seemingly 2D lattice of triangles


5) that, great circles represent great tubes, or may even be an axis{ spine } inside each tube, that may compose a great toroid and collectively integral a set of 3, 4, 6, 12 and 6, 10, 15 = 56 such great tubes and 87 when we consider left and right-skew set of 6, 10, 15, and maybe only 73 primary great tubes/circles when we consider that 14 those 87 planes are congruent, tho not all of their radius/radial values may be the same.


I know there is something missing-- ex Fibonacci ergo phi{ 5 } and Pi associations --but this above is a good generalized overview for my cosmic view, without going into specifics of my cosmic heirarchy.



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Some prime sine waves, So I can view them easier to help build a better understanding of these waves and the reasons for all the primes settling on certain lines depending on the wave.









All even numbers removed. primes L2,L3




all primes L1 Except 2.3.








Negative and positive will cancel down to zero/Point.








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I like the 8 Level graphic best. That is very creative idea! Not sure were I can go with 8 levels/lines. Cannot think of any analogies off-hand. And some of your numbers do not make any sense to me. Ex you 17 > 12 on olive green line, and none of my levels in either sine-wave patterns has that.


I see that you have what appears to be negative primes in exact same columns with positive primes L1 and L8 and vice versa.

however, your graphic lacks clarity for me. Hard to see the numbers, and you do not give any step-by-step guide to what is what, where, when or why, for that particular set of 8 levels. Please give step-by-step guide this graphic, to my concerns.


If you can ever explain that graphic clearly, and with numbers easier to see, and why some are not same as numbers in my some of my levels, then maybe we can have a reasonable discussion more of what is what and why etc....


If that ever happens, then we would need to move onto how, why, what and where to integrate in 8 levels to anything else ex toroids, sphericals/spheroids, or some biolgical reality.


8 levels on each side could maybe shell layer of tubes, like onion, or some other vegatable with multiple layers that could be associated with tubes.


If we can identif one or more good analogies then we can speculate on electron shells reference to 8 levels


Needs much more step-by-step clarification.





I like the 8 Level graphic best. That is very creative idea! Not sure were I can go with 8 levels/lines. Cannot think of any analogies off-hand. And some of your numbers do not make any sense to me. Ex you 17 > 12 on olive green line, and none of my levels in either sine-wave patterns has that.


I see that you have what appears to be negative primes in exact same columns with positive primes L1 and L8 and vice versa.

however, your graphic lacks clarity for me. Hard to see the numbers, and you do not give any step-by-step guide to what is what, where, when or why, for that particular set of 8 levels. Please give step-by-step guide this graphic, to address my concerns. Thx


If you can ever explain that graphic clearly, and with numbers easier to see, and why some are not same as numbers in my some of my levels, then maybe we can have a reasonable discussion more of what is what and why etc....


If that ever happens, then we would need to move onto how, why, what and where to integrate in 8 levels to anything else ex toroids, sphericals/spheroids, or some biolgical reality.


8 levels on each side could maybe shell layer of tubes, like onion, or some other vegatable with multiple layers that could be associated with tubes.


If we can identif one or more good analogies then we can speculate on electron shells reference to 8 levels


Needs much more step-by-step clarification.



Ok Sunshake, i see now your numbers is the same as mine, it was just you had 17 written where it should be 18 and that threw me off.


So, if numbers lines are same, just reversed levels, then that only leaves what some of the arrows mean, and what to do with those 8 shells or is there an analogy to fit with them? Thx again.



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Ok Sunshake, i see now your numbers is the same as mine, it was just you had 17 written where it should be 18 and that threw me off.

So, if numbers lines are same, just reversed levels, then that only leaves what some of the arrows mean, and what to do with those 8 shells or is there an analogy to fit with them? Thx again.

All numbers are the same as yours except going into the negative, I can see where you mean though, The bottom left positive I have typed in 17 twice instead of 17/18.

This 2 dimensional wave helps me to see a larger process,

The arrows from each positive to it's equal negative, -1 >1, -2 >2, -3>3 etc, As opposites attract, Canceling each another to zero,

Then I was thinking along the lines of a 90 degree turn/twist when then we would have positive to positive, Negative to negative with would repel, Causing a continuous cycle at each turn/twist,

It is still a thought at the moment, but it is something to build on, still looking how it all fits together.



When i click on the picture, it enlarges so I see all numbers clearly, it may depend upon your monitor size,



Here is an xl link, with it in but no lines.







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All numbers are the same as yours except going into the negative, I can see where you mean though, The bottom left positive I have typed in 17 twice instead of 17/18.

This 2 dimensional wave helps me to see a larger process,

The arrows from each positive to it's equal negative, -1 >1, -2 >2, -3>3 etc, As opposites attract, Canceling each another to zero,

Then I was thinking along the lines of a 90 degree turn/twist when then we would have positive to positive, Negative to negative with would repel, Causing a continuous cycle at each turn/twist,

It is still a thought at the moment, but it is something to build on, still looking how it all fits together.

When i click on the picture, it enlarges so I see all numbers clearly, it may depend upon your monitor size,



Here is an xl link, with it in but no lines.



Yeah, like I stated early I like this clever and creative creation! Finallly I remmbered to use the Plus Minus viewer on my Firefox browser to zoom in. The lines now make sense and I see they only show what is obvious without zoom, that you have just taken additional 4 levels added them the first 4 to make 8 levels opposite directions and reversed. I get that and as I stated Cool!


So this still leaves me scratching my littel gray cells, as to how to integrate this scenario into a cosmic view, along with some analogies.


Layers of tubes as onion{ vegetable } jas layers/shells. Electron has shells. 8 is indeed critical. Suns, did you read the quote from Synergetics regarding trigonometry and 45 degrees in 8{ ? } quadrants being signiifcant to Fuller.? You have 4 levels in four quadrants.


You can find what I'm about to post at this link and then go too, 1238.20, 1238.23. adn 1238.29. The whole Scherazade section may be of interest, but the following is what I thought might most perk your interest.


......The Fourteen-illion Scheherazade Number accommodates all the omnirational calculations of the trigonometric function tables whose largest prime number is 43 and whose highest common variable multiple is 45 degrees, which is one-eighth of unity in a Universe whose polyhedral systems consist always of a minimum of four positive and four negative quadranted hemispheres.


..."When the central angle is 90 degrees, then the two small corner angles of the isosceles triangle are each 45 degrees. After 45 degrees the sines become cosines, and vice versa. At 45 degrees they balance. Thereafter all the prime numbers that can ever enter into prime trigonometric computation (in contradistinction to complementary function computation) occur below the number 45. What occasions irrationality is the inability of dividends to be omni-equi-divisible, due to the presence of a prime number of which the dividend is not a whole product.


...For instance, in a system such as spherical trigonometry, consisting of 360 degrees per circle or cycle, all the numerical intervariabilities occur within the first 45 degrees, .: 45 × 8 = 360. Since the unit cyclic totality of the Fourteen-illion Scheherazade Number is the product of the first 15 primes, it contains all the prime numbers occurring within the 45- degree-limit numerical integer permutations of all cyclic systems together with an abundance of powers of the first eight primes,".....


...." The Fourteen-illion Scheherazade Number includes the first 15 primes, which are:




It reads:





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  • 2 weeks later...
Why is proton so stable? Does more complex = more stable? Does less comlex = more stable?
Previously I associated L2 and L3 with fermionic matter and gave numerical examples of #3 or multiples thereof--- 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,27,30,33,36( 18 + 18 ) ---too fermionic fundamentals.
Proton has 3 quarks as does neutron. We will leave out consideration of gluons and overall spin for the moment.
L2/3-0......3.......6........9......12.......15........18.........21........|24........27......30........33.........36......39....... .
0} 0 and 1 = ?
1} 2, 3, 4 = prime #2( even ) that is only even prime and prime #3 and even 4 so two consecutive primes and non-prime #4
2} 5, 6, 7 = primary #5( phi associated ) prime and twin prime #7
3} 8, 9, 10 = no primes, two evens and one odd.
4} 11, 12, 13 = twin primes, and #12.
5} 14, 15, 16 = no primes, two evens and one odd.
6} 17, 18, 19 = twin primes and 18
7} 20, 21 22 = no primes one odd.
8} 23, 24, ((25)) =
First four sets of three are distinct from each other. At set #5} 14, 15, 16, we see a repeat of similar aspects of no primes being involved.


Edited by cixe
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The following is a continuation > of my original doodling 1994(?) > that led to my discovering that all primes-- except 2 and 3 ---. ...

All primes what? Anyway, I find it odd you are using Fuller's terminology and work and yet you do not invoke his name. Now as when he was writing Synergetics, if there was anything in it that was pertinent to physics or chemistry then physicists and chemists would be all over it like a quanta A module in a tetrahedron. There isn't, they weren't, and they ain't.

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All primes what? Anyway, I find it odd you are using Fuller's terminology and work and yet you do not invoke his name. Now as when he was writing Synergetics, if there was anything in it that was pertinent to physics or chemistry then physicists and chemists would be all over it like a quanta A module in a tetrahedron. There isn't, they weren't, and they ain't.

You need to go back and start from the beginning and read my text as stated. I'm talking about prime numbers and that is obvious to anyone with sincere desire to seek truth and put out reasonable amount of effort to understand what their reading.


Some of words and/or terminologies I use are in dictionary and some of those words I first heard used by Fuller, and later by others. Fuller no anyone else has a patent on words stating that others must state that, there using a word that Fuller used. I did not mention any quanta A modules, so, if and when you want to address my comments as stated then perhaps we can have a rationally logical common sense disscussion regarding my thoughts, or any quotes of Fuller that I've given or referenced.


Please be specific with any your qeustions of my comments as stated. Thx



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