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Like a dancer that is spinning very fast, if there are other variables or a certain particle within the body, would it be possible?


And if so, then what would that particle inside the body be?


Well given that it can generate weak magnetic fields (as ajb says that it can)

if the human body was also able to generate a charge separation between 2 places of itself (perhaps like an electric eel does)

were the body then to be spun around an axis that was perpendicular to the charge dipole axis (& not on the mid point of that charge dipole axis)

a magnetic field would arise that way (though I can't give you any calculations).


Ok - or would it not be a rotating magnetic field? I just said rotating magnetic field because that is what makes sense to me (I do not have a degree in Science).


Background - When I rotate my head at a speed as fast as I can rotate it, for approx 1 min or 30 sec - I really "heat up". I begin to sweat all over. I then just "meditate" for about 5 min or so after. If I open my eyes, then I tend to feel sick, but if I keep my eyes closed I am fine - just extremely "hot". The energy I produce when I do this seems to radiate off me. I almost feel that if I were stuck on a snow capped Swiss mountain that I could survive by rotating my head approx every 30 min while I wait for the rescue team.


Does someone know what am I experiencing?

Do you think that there are any superconductive metals and/or material in the body that may help to explain this?



Background - When I rotate my head at a speed as fast as I can rotate it, for approx 1 min or 30 sec - I really "heat up". I begin to sweat all over. I then just "meditate" for about 5 min or so after. If I open my eyes, then I tend to feel sick, but if I keep my eyes closed I am fine - just extremely "hot".


I would think this belongs in the Medical Science or Physiology section. I would assume the heating is simply a result of the physical exercise and, perhaps, changing blood flow to the head. And/or possibly some sort of autonomic response to the disorientation produced (i.e. related to the sickness which results from disturbing the fluids in the vestibular system in your ears).


I am fairly certain that this does not need magnetic fields or superconductors to explain it.


I would also point out that you are not "rotating" your head (I hope!) but oscillating it back and forth.

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