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Searching for legit scientific studies on h2h Combat

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Guest Red Boogyman

Greetings all..I am new here.



I did not know where to post this,So I just posted it here.



Ok..Basically I am searching on any and all scientific studies done on hand to hand combat. I am not talking about any martial arts or anything like that which claim whatever they do is "scientific" I am looking for legit studies done following the scientific method on brainwave patterns during combat,muscle reactions/muscles used during combat,Physics behind hand to hand combat I.E. Kinetic energy ect,Chemicals releashed during combat or other situations of the such,Advanced critique or studies of numerous particular forms/styles of combat varying from country to country and their effectiveness in various situations,studies on effecitveness of training and approach...ect.


I am not looking for sites dedicated to any styles of martial arts or anecdotal evidence or any of the sort..I am looking for complex studies done on the topics I have listed.Shifting through the psuedo scientific and anecdotal claims in all of the sites I have seen on this is impossible,99% of them are trying to sell something or push their particular "method" of combat and the other 1% are basically absurd nonsense. No real scientifc studies done on any I have seen.


The reason I ask most of this is because I have been training in boxing and wrestling and I am looking for a precise critical scientifc approach to training and combat.


I realize this is a basically "untouched" field of science...Im not exactly sure why though,It equates to military and self defence hand to hand combat..so it seems like it would be something worth scientific study.Maybe it is not as major as studies on cancer or aids or space travel....


If you know of any studies done on the following topics I have listed please post them,If you are a martial artist or study a particular method of combat and want to try to claim it is the way to go please refraim. I am looking for objective critical studies using the scientific method.Try to post only educational studies and/or military studies or official scientific sites,not kung-fu sites.


Thank you.

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