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Atheists are just as mentally disordered as psychopaths

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I am an atheist and since this is the one and only life I will ever have to enjoy (have pleasure in) and since I am a hedonist (which means that pleasure and suffering are the only true good and bad things in life and are the only things that determine the amount of good and bad value we as human beings have and in our lives while everything else in life besides our pleasure and suffering is neither good or bad and are only good and bad in a neutral sense which means they are not truly good or bad things at all), then allow me to live the life that I want (a life that imposes no threat and imposes no detriment on me or the lives of others) which would be a perfect happy fantasy world of full pleasure free of any suffering, depression, despair, and anhedonia. Allow me to live that life in addition to me also having a religious belief in which I would believe that I would go to an afterlife of eternal joy free of suffering when I die. This religious belief (although it would be false and delusional) would give me a sense of hope and superiority over the meaninglessness, mortality (dying in the end and going nowhere), imperfections, and suffering of this universe knowing that I would no longer have these things in my life when I die and that I would get the happy fantasy world of full pleasure with no suffering that I wanted in the end which would be an afterlife of eternal joy. My idealized self living in a perfect blissful afterlife of eternal joy would be the greatest and most superior person compared to who I am now in this life as an atheist since pleasure and having no suffering in your life are the only things that determine your level of greatness and superiority as a human being.
Allow me to both have this life of pure pleasure and no suffering along with a religious belief (a belief that would also impose no threat or detriment on me or the lives of others either and would just serve to make me happy and give me a sense of hope and superiority over the suffering in this life. Suffering and even my own mortality being things that only serve to make me and my life inferior regardless of what anyone else says which is why I wish to be superior to those things through living a perfect happy religious life). Since I am an atheist and this is the one and only life I will ever have to enjoy (have pleasure in), then allow me to have the religious belief I want that would make me happy and allow me to live the happy life free of suffering I want. Since I have just as much personal value as anyone else and that I deserve to live a perfect happy life free of suffering in addition to me living for others and having full value towards them as well in giving them pleasure and that you would have no right to scorn upon my desire to be happy with no suffering and to scorn upon my desire to have a religious belief in my life since none of those said things would have any detriment and such on me and your lives and that you would have no right to frown, scorn, etc. on my personal values here just as I would have no right to frown, scorn, etc. upon your own personal values since we all have our own personal subjective values in life that hold true for us, then allow me to live that perfect blissful religious life.
Finally, to have little to no good value towards an afterlife of eternal joy of no suffering (even though that itself is just a neutral thought since even our own thoughts are neither good or bad (neutral), then you would be just as mentally disordered as a psychopath. This would be because to have immense value towards our own pleasure and towards the idea of having it in our lives as well as having immense value towards the pleasure of others and to have immense value towards an afterlife of eternal joy of no suffering is just how we function as normal human beings. But to have little to no value towards your own pleasure and/or the idea (thought) of having it in your life (which would mean having little to no value towards an afterlife of eternal pleasure) and to instead have the full or greater value towards other things in life would mean that you would be just as mentally disordered as a psychopath who has little to no value towards others and their pleasure who instead has the full and greater value towards his/her own pleasure. Therefore, to have an equal amount of value towards your own pleasure as well as others and their pleasure is what is considered mentally stable. In other words, to have all full value towards your own pleasure and towards the idea of having it in your life as well as having all full value towards others and their pleasure is what is considered mentally stable. Therefore, since I do not have the mental disorder and will never have the mental disorder of me having little to no value towards my own pleasure and towards the idea of having it in my life and that I value others and their pleasure as much as I do, then this is yet another reason why I also have every right to value my own pleasure as much as I do (as well as the pleasure of others) and I have every right to have as much value towards an afterlife of eternal joy as much as I do.



hedonist (which means that pleasure and suffering are the only true good and bad things in life and are the only things that determine the amount of good and bad value we as human beings have and in our lives while everything else in life besides our pleasure and suffering is neither good or bad and are only good and bad in a neutral sense which means they are not truly good or bad things at all


Sounds like an intriguing philosophical view.



Anyway, I don't understand your premise that atheists are as mentally disordered as psychopaths. You should further explain this idea.



Moderator Note

Seems to me that you already have a thread where you're discussing this general topic, and since you have not cited any scientific work that related to the thread title, this is closed.

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