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LB Broth, Lennox vs. Miller modification and animal-product-free formulations

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I am curious as to exactly what the difference is between the Lennox and Miller modifications of Lysogeny Broth are? Is it just a difference in salt concentration?


Also, I saw on Phytotechnology Laboratories' website that they offer an "ADP-Free" version of the Lennox modification. I assume this means "animal-derived-product-free" as that is what I see on the website. However, what is the advantage to using ADP-free LB to regular LB, or when would it be appropriate to use ADP-Free LB as opposed to the normal formulation?


If anyone needs any clarification as to what I am looking at/talking about, see here: http://www.phytotechlab.com/Detail.aspx?ID=999


Thanks for your help!


Yes, the difference between Lennox and Miller is the concentration of sodium chloride. I.e. it is necessary for osmotic stability for some strains. Also selectivity of some antibiotics is stronger at low salts.

Animal-derived products can contain contaminants that are a bit of an issue in biotechnological production of pharmaceutical or other high-purity products (especially casein was a bit of an issue, IIRC). For general lab cultivation this is less of an issue.

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