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What was the time-scale of the Big Bang ? attosecond / femtosecond / picosecond or impossible to quantify ? I mean, how much time did it take for the dissolution of symmetries ?


Please opine.


As near as our ability to determine we can only go back as far as 10-43 seconds. Prior to that our known physics breaks down. Singularity condition. (Not the same as the point like BH singularity.)


The actual time scale depends on the Gut model used. The most common albeit one of the first is the Georgie Glashow model based on SO(5) standard model of particles.


This is the chronology wiki presents.


The break down here is pretty much the same



Here is wikis graphical timeline.




The above is well presented in Weinbergs "First three minutes"



Here is a good review of GUT theories.


http://pdg.lbl.gov/2011/reviews/rpp2011-rev-guts.pdfGRAND UNIFIED THEORIES


it delves into a few variations including super symmetric SO(5) and SO(10) GUT.

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