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Polluter Pays

Guest Yvonne

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Guest Yvonne

In South Africa new air pollution legislation has just been enacted which will result in the implementation of an air quality management approach similar to that adopted in Europe. Local industries which are currently very fearful that the implementation of stringent air quality standards and the 'polluter pays' principle will result in their being closed down. With unemployment rates in excess of 40%, closing industries down does not appear to be a feasible alternative.


I wonder how 'big business' in other countries responded to being forced to clean up. Were many industries closed down? Were there significant job losses?

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I know here in Ireland they are starting to get tight on emissions. But for 'big business' i'm not sure if this will lead to job losses. In fact in some cases it can be the opposite. people must be hired to build and maintain new units that are built to reduce emissions.


yes it is a large cost for companies but one they must take in todays modern world.

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A lot of big businesses love initiatives like this - it means they can make cutbacks and lay off staff, and have a nice convenient government programme (which incidentally happens to be in an area they'd like to see f off and die) to blame in the popular press.

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A lot of big businesses love initiatives like this - it means they can make cutbacks and lay off staff, and have a nice convenient government programme (which incidentally happens to be in an area they'd like to see f off and die) to blame in the popular press.


True. Big business can also like this regulations because they can act as a barrier to entry for new, smaller companies trying to set up in competition.

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