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Why does my daughter (5) who had a tumor resection on the right side of the brain right past her optic nerve see certain people and instantly get scared and throw up? I am wondering if the where they went into her brain has caused her to mix up imagination from reality????


With a child that young the brain would still have been developing is it something that was there since the surgery or is it a more recent thing? Generally fear conditioning, anger and normal sexual responses are associated to some extent with the amygdala. Anxiety itself can cause vomiting but I really think you would need to take her to the doctor because it could be anything really.


Ross - My immediate thought is that this is related to the vestibular system somehow, but I have no way of knowing. While most people here are well intentioned, none of us will be able to give you a good answer. It's an online discussion forum where anybody of any skill level or knowledge (or lackof) can post anything, and none of us have anything to go on other than what you've posted.


The correct course of action here is to consult with a physician locally. They'll be best suited to triage and test whatever may be happening with your daughter. Good luck to you both in anything you encounter! Hopefully, you'll stick around and participate in the community in other ways.




Moderator Note

Please see your doctor. As iNow has mentioned, this is not a place for dispensing medical advice.

Fiveworlds, in future, could you please refrain from posting any sort of medical opinion. As far as I inow, you're hardly qualified to give it and regardless, it's impossible to accurately give one over such a medium as this. I have hidden your last post.

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