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Hey there everyone. I want to know if there is any good software for animation. I would prefer the model which let me both edit drawings from MS paint or else had similar type of paint tools, as well as did it in the flash motion style where you do it frame by frame by frame. I know it takes longer but its way less complicated than trying to do the bone structure model type set up. I need something cheap that is not hundreds of dollars, however preferably not a torrent off the internet. Thanks to anyone who offers any assistance.

Posted (edited)



I would prefer the model which let me both edit drawings from MS paint or else had similar type of paint tools, as well as did it in the flash motion style where you do it frame by frame by frame.


Most cost money. You could try the free versions of serif http://www.serif.com/int/ie/freedownloads/free-photo-editing-software/or photoshop. Older versions of photoshop are sometimes given out for free I got version adobe photoshop cs2


You could use imagemagick with cmd which will create an animated gif from all files in folder number 0-??.png

convert -delay 120 -loop 0 *.png animated.gif

There is inkscape / gimp / synfig (instructions sometimes in russian)

Edited by fiveworlds

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