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We have 2 hemispheres and these two sides of the brain responsible for different functions. The left hemisphere observing and responsible to do an action, the right hemisphere feel an emotion and responsible for the intuition. Each moment our brain has to choose which hemisphere it wants to use (our goal is to learn to balance it).

The left side is realistic, logical, observing, analysing. Because of the analysing skill we built here one part of our personality which is the Ego. As we learn, experience and grow up our Ego is growing with us. (it is growing easier than the soul cause it is rational and we sense more rational things than emotional or fantasy) It is our social identity, our beliefs, history, preferences, personality and thoughts about our self. But this is just a part of it who we are. There is the other part which is in the emotional hemisphere what we call spirit or soul, which is responsible for the intuition, for the fantasy, creativity, sensations and emotions. Our intelligence is the third part of our personality.

Why we need to let our ego go is because our memories, beliefs are sometimes connected with emotions. If we think about a memory it can trigger positive or negative emotions. The problem is, if we don’t know what we feel in our emotional mind, we can lose control, cause it doesn’t know numbers and measure. So we need to name our emotions and look for the motivation behind them. The emotional mind can imagine the infinite (the limitless power what we can use to change, to our motivation) and this imagination can make stronger our own self-confidence, and that’s why the spiritualism and religions are so successful. If we use our imagination to trust in God or to imagine that we have unlimited power to adopt or change, we remove our barriers (the barriers of the Ego) and we become able to manage the situations more successfully. If we learn with meditation to make our focus stronger and we are not in it’s opposite, in the auto pilot mode (which means the automatic thinking patterns) we can notice earlier when we start think. If this skill is stronger we can notice immediately when we start think or we start to notice that we started to notice. For this a lot of practicing necessary, but our brain can adopt because of it’s neuroplasticity, it’s changing skill. We all have the change to become a better person, we just need to practice the balance and to learn to think correctly. So carry on with the meditation and be aware of your thoughts and emotions J

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