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Electrical Wind

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The research of behavior of electrons and positrons in accelerators has led us to concept of the electric wind. Movement of the charged particle in electric field is similar to movement of a sailing vessel in the sea. The sailing vessel cannot move faster than wind. Similarly, the charged particle cannot move faster than electric wind, i.e. faster, than speed of light.

Experimentally detectable energy of the moving electron (or positron) is equal to the sum of two kinetic and three resonant energies. But only very small share of this energy turns into kinetic energy of rectilinear movement under action of force of electric wind.

Other energy, which the electron gets under action of the electric wind, is, presumably, a dark matter and dark energy.


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Laboratory work in electric wind.

First we remember a little about an one-photon annihilation.

1) The one-photon annihilation is forbidden by the law of conservation of energy and momentum.

2) The one-photon annihilation of electron and positron is possible only near to the third particle, for example, near to nucleus.

3) The spectrum of one-photon radiation in a strong magnetic field (for example, in a magnetic field of a cyclotron) looks like an asymmetric line with sharp dip of curve towards smaller energy from a maximum.

It is possible to cite many other examples for a theme – our theory is true, but you have not correctly understood it. But, I think, it is enough.

Now I pass to the statement and to the proof of new idea, which has appeared as a result of application of the formula for kinetic energy of the charged particles to Josephson effect.

Essence of this idea, that radiation from Josephson contact arises as results of one-photon annihilation. But in this case, electrons and positrons are annihilated not completely.

Quantums of electromagnetic radiation are generated only from kinetic energy, which these particles have got at passage of the accelerating potential U.

I have counted well-known Josephson contact Sn-SnO-Sn which has a voltage of a non-stationary mode 1.2mV, and have received the following results.

The kinetic energy of electron after passage of the accelerating potential 1.2mV is equal 192.261*10^–24 joules. Accordingly, energy of "annihilation" of two particles is equal 384.522*10^–24 joules and equal precisely to energy of radiation of Josephson contact h*[nu].

The length of wave of radiation is equal 516600nm. Thickness of insulating layer between superconducting films of metal is approximately equal 1nm. Hence, intensity of electric field in dielectric is about 10^6 V/m.

As you see, despite of an interdiction of the theory, on absence of nucleus and on absence of strong magnetic field, the photons easy fly out one by one from Josephson contact.

And, I at all do not apply the theory of superconducting pair by Cooper.

So, as you see, bad physicist Vlamir are working gradually above the new theory, while good physicist Swansont accuses me of lie and dilettantism.

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Having continued the above mentioned laboratory work, we have found also some contradiction in the explanation of physical sense of Rydberg's constant.

This contradiction is present at all textbooks for colleges and universities.

We have ascertained, that Rydberg's constant is correct only for free hydrogen atom at temperature of absolute zero.

The adaptation of the Rydberg's constant for the explanation of spectra of hydrogen-like atoms is a basic mistake.


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The official paradigm asserts, that the photon is an electromagnetic wave, but for some reason it cannot give the recipe, how to operate photons with the help of electric and magnetic fields.

I think, that the photon is not similar to an electromagnetic wave and I want to offer new model of photon, which can explain both the Compton effect and the light pressure more logically.

1) As any quantum system, a photon has quantum number "m", which is equal to number of half waves on length of a photon. The name of these half waves are quantrons, by analogy to half waves in ring radiators of energy, i.e. in polytrons.

2) All photons have the same quantum number m=2.

3) The forward quantron represents spindle-shaped electromagnetic a whirlwind, in which ring lines of a magnetic field form a surface of a spindle, and lines of an electric field are directed outside from a surface of a spindle.

4) The back quantron differs from forward that lines of an electric field are directed inside of a magnetic spindle.

5) The density of energy inside a forward quantron is higher, than density of energy inside a back quantron. Therefore, it is possible to tell, that energy of a forward quantron is positive, and energy of a back quantron is negative, concerning some basic energy level (it is possible, concerning the energy level of vacuum).

6) Proceeding from the above-described form, the electric field of a photon can be presented as an electric dipole, which is "smeared" on length of a photon.

7) The ratio of length and the maximal cross-section size of a photon depends on its energy. In polytronic model, the energy of quantron is proportional to its area. Hence, energy of a photon also is proportional to its area, i.e. proportional to product of length of a wave by the cross-section size (amplitude).

8) For example, length of wave of the Rydberg photon (91.126705nm) is 1900 times more, than its cross-section size.

Actually, these magnetic spindles represent very thin needles. Therefore, I think, this fact is a good explanation to occurrence of the theory of strings.

9) Absorption of photons by atoms occurs according to laws of an electromagnetic induction. When the photon tries to fly through a ring of polytron, the shoulders of its electric dipole start to draw together. This process of closing in of electric charges generates a pulse of ring magnetic field, which increases energy of polytron. Further, this additional energy starts to circulate in all polytrons in atom, yet will not find suitable node of a radial polytron to leave atom as approximately the same photon, as absorbed one.

10) The light pressure (the resonant light pressure, including) arises as result of change of a direction of movement of the absorbed energy at its circulation in polytrons of atom.


As you can guess, the new mathematics in the polytronic theory of atom enables to model also other interactions of light and substance.

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