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Let’s suppose that you create an idea in your mind about an entity that you plan on making, for example a clay sculpture of a dog. Since we are material entities, composed of atoms and molecules we can say that this newly created idea in your mind is a newly created arrangement of atoms(neurons in your brain) - AA_1.


After that, you draw out the sculpture you plan on making in order to get an idea of where everything goes and how the shapes will meet up. You draw a highly detailed sketch to get accurate representation of your previously created idea. Since drawing is created using graphite pencil, our newly created drawing is newly created arrangement of carbon atoms - AA_2.


These two arrangements of atoms(idea and drawing) are completely different in their three-dimensional structures but they exist in a relationship or in other words, one arrangement of atoms contains information about the other arrangements of atoms and vise versa. This relationship is the same as the relationship between DNA and the entire structure of a human being. When you put human DNA alongside human body you have two completely different three-dimensional arrangements of atoms. But we know that one arrangements of atoms(DNA) contains all the biological instructions needed to make a human body. The same relationship exist , for example, between image X on a photographic paper, image X on a memory card or image X in the form of electromagnetic radio waves. These are all different types of representations of the same image. We will call relationship between different types of representations of the same entity - 'semiotic relationship'.


Now, you decide to implement idea you created, get a necessary materials and tools and start clay modeling process. Once modeling process is halfway through completion, you stop. Clay is also a material entity composed of atoms so we can say that this half-created clay sculpture of a dog is also an arrangement of atoms - AA_3.


At this point we have these three structurally completely different arrangements of atoms( AA_1, AA_2 and AA_3) but they are all semiotically conected. Semiotic relationship between AA_1 and AA_2 is complete, meaning the idea is completely incorporated into drawing. We will call this state of completeness - 'semiotic closure'. Semiotic relationship between AA_1 or AA_2 and AA_3 is incomplete, since sculpture is half finished. We will call this state of incompleteness - 'semiotic gap'.


Now we can ask a crucial question: are natural processes able to close semiotic gap between AA_1 or AA_2 and AA_3? Or in other words, are natural processes able to finish job you’ve started, and produce a clay sculpture of a dog according to your idea or drawing?


We all know that physical processes, such as rain, wind, earthquakes, erosion... can shape and reshape various physical objects but no rational person would claim that this processes are able to close semiotic gap and create a clay sculpture of a dog. Why? Reason is simple. Because natural processes are determined by physicochemical causality and not by semiotic causality, which means that by physicochemical causality a structure or body shall deform or displace to a position that minimizes the total potential energy and not to a position that minimizes 'semiotic gap' between various structures (like between idea or drawing and half finished clay sculpture). For the same physicochemical reasons if you drop a glass and a glass breaks you will not see that through the operation of natural processes a broken glass re-assemble itself. Nature doesn't 'care' about semiotic relationships, representations or information. That is why nature can’t complete modelling proces of half finished clay sculpture, although nature can, in a random fashion, shape and reshape various clay made objects, or any other physical objects.


Second question: is intelligent agent able to close semiotic gap between AA_1/AA_2 and AA_3? Yes. Why? Because intelligent agent is able to create mental representation of one arrangement of atoms(half finished sculpture/drawing) and then, by using its cognitive faculties, arrange atoms(clay) according to this mental representation. So, in order to close semiotic gaps there is necessity for the existence of entity that is capable to arrange atoms to a structure represented in other arrangement of atoms.


So, when we observe some material entities that exhibit semiotic relationship we know they are the are the product of intelligent being and not natural processes. And this is exactly what we observe in biology - one arrengement of atoms(body) is represented in completely different three-dimensional arrangements of atoms(DNA). Since we know that physicochemical causality doesn't produce representations we know that this arrangements are not the product of natural processes.


If people believe in evolution or in abiogenesis they believe that natural processes are able to close 'semiotic gaps' and create 'semiotic relationships'. They believe that natural processes are able to arrange atoms to a structure or body represented in completely different three-dimensional arrangements of atoms(DNA). More precisely, they believe that natural processes are able to create system of rules and incorporate them into complex molecular tools and machines, to convert sequence of nucleotides into another form or representation. Believing this is like believing that nature will arrange clay to a structure represented in completely different three-dimensional arrangements of atoms(drawing) and produce a clay sculpture of a dog. Believing this is like believing, given enough time, nature will build you a house because you wish for a new one and you made a blueprint.


In a nutshell, people who believe in evolution or in abiogenesis believe in things that are in complete contradiction with scientific observations and reality. They deny physicochemical causality in nature and belive that natural processes are intelligent.

Posted (edited)

No. Natural processes are not intelligent. What they do provide is selective pressure.


Go to your clothes and remove all the red ones. Now remove all the shirts.


Now although you didn't plan on a pair of blue jeans in the final group, there they are. That is how evolution works in a nutshell.


If "survive" is selected for often enough you end up with creatures really good at it. And no, I don't believe in Evolution either. We have this thing called "evidence".


You don't need to believe in the sky being blue. Like the sky's color, the evidence for Evolution is freely and widely available.

Edited by Endy0816

No. Natural processes are not intelligent. What they do provide is selective pressure.


Go to your clothes and remove all the red ones. Now remove all the shirts.


Now although you didn't plan on a pair of blue jeans in the final group, there they are. That is how evolution works in a nutshell.


If "survive" is selected for often enough you end up with creatures really good at it. And no, I don't believe in Evolution either. We have this thing called "evidence".


You don't need to believe in the sky being blue. Like the sky's color, the evidence for Evolution is freely and widely available.

Ok. Can you please provide a causal explanation of how would 'selective pressure' produce representation of one arrangement of atoms in another arrangement of atoms? Your example is about choosing X in preference to Y and has nothing to do with representations.



Moderator Note

Your previous thread was closed down. Don't reintroduce the subject — we're not going to re-hash all of the "evolution is wrong" canards dredged up from places on the internet. Take your wares elsewhere.

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