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I was wondering how durable laptop computers are. I have a Compaq Presario X 1000, which is a good laptop. The reviews on Compaq laptops gave them a good durability rating, but how durable is that? If I was using my laptop in a car, and the car hit a bump, could it cause the hard disk to skip and delete an important file? How fragile are the components in a laptop? I always carry my laptop in a case, but I was just wondering how durable they are.


It should say in the manual.


My Dell PC operates between (temp) 10 and 35C, humidity = up to 80% (noncondensing), vibration 0.25G up to 200Hz at 1/2 octave/min, max shock velocity change of 50.8cm/sec


However it's storeage stats is a lot more variable.

temp: -40 to 65C

humidity remains the same

vibration: 0.5G at up to 200Hz

shock: 23G faired square wave with velocity changes of up to 508cm/sec


Now whilst laptops could be a bit more delicate it's the same stuff in side, so it should be similar-ish.


vibration: 0.5G at up to 200Hz

shock: 23G faired square wave with velocity changes of up to 508cm/sec


This is all in the manual of my computer. I don't really know what that means. Can you give a comparison? For example, is it like being in a car, or being dropped down stairs? Please give a real life comparison. Thank you.


well 200Hz is 200 times per second, I dunno for a real life example of 0.5G, maybe post a new thread in physics because that's the kinda people who will know.

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