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Iraqis Defeat US in battle


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This is the one and only victory Iraq can claim since the war started.


NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) -- U.S. Marines may consider themselves an elite fighting force, but they were no match for an Iraqi soccer side who thrashed them 7-0 in the southern town of Najaf.


The Najaf Poets devastated a side drawn from 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, their yellow jerseys flashing past Americans who took to the field in combat boots and camouflaged trousers.


Marines said about 600 locals thronged an athletics ground in the town to watch the match, organized by U.S. officers hoping to establish friendly relations with residents.


The Marines, who took control of the town from the U.S. Army last week, said their underdog status even won them some sympathy from the home crowd.


"They were cheering for the Iraqi side, but they were also rooting for us, because we were getting beaten pretty bad," Major Mark DeVito told Reuters after the match.

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Originally posted by the GardenGnome

Well it seems like there having trouble finding Saddam. And what ever happened in the search for Bin Laden?


I'm sure they'll turn up...... Right before the 2004 elections.

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Originally posted by the GardenGnome

Well it seems like there having trouble finding Saddam. And what ever happened in the search for Bin Laden?


finding one man in a country of millions is alot harder than destroying an entire army. If it was so easy, there wouldn't be a Most Wanted List.

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People need to stop asking "what happened to bin laden". YES we would have liked to have him, NO this war wasn't against him. How many times did the US government have to say "This is not a war on one man" for it to get through? I swear that was beaten into our heads for at least a month straight.


The American Media were the only ones puporting that this war would be a "walk in the park'. For the most part, it was. The Iraqi army was utterly obliterated. Sure, we lost some good men and it took a few weeks. It's Still a walk in the park commpared to every other war in modern history.

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catching or killing the likes of Bin Laden or even Saddam would be higly difficult to deal with politically... where would they go on trial? where would they be imprisoned? what would you do with the body? It's the same as Hitler... even if these people were found, they would probably "disappear" rather than be presented to public scrutiny.

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Exactly why do people need to stop asking what happened to Bin Laden?


Now the US has busted his chops surely he's going to hate you even more? Don't you think it might be an idea to try harder rather than pretending you don't care any more?


At least if Saddam proves difficult to find the same excuse can't be used.

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Originally posted by Sayonara³

Exactly why do people need to stop asking what happened to Bin Laden?


Now the US has busted his chops surely he's going to hate you even more? Don't you think it might be an idea to try harder rather than pretending you don't care any more?


At least if Saddam proves difficult to find the same excuse can't be used.


Sorry, I wasn't very clear. He is important to find. But people often ask it in such a manner as to suggest that because he is not in our posession, the war on terror is ineffective and/or failing when clearly the government stated from the start of this war that although it was a something they would very much like, it wasn't the goal of the war.


Perfect Example:


The difference here: it's over. it was a walk in the park.


Well it seems like there having trouble finding Saddam. And what ever happened in the search for Bin Laden?


Finding Saddam has little to nothing to do with the efficiency of the war, but it was brought up in anyways. And what does Bin Laden have to do with this?

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It's important to find him because he is a symbol to all his followers. They believe he is some sort of divine entity.



It IS a huge failure of intelligence to locate people as important as Saddam and bin laden. It's not related to the strength of our military, but to the efficiency of our intelligence system, which clearly sucks because of these failures and the failures to find WOMD in Iraq. This is all largely due to the fact that Israeli-based companies run our covert intelligence operations.

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Just find some amusingly gruesome way to kill him anyway.


If he's a divine symbol when alive and a divine martyr when dead it doesnt matter what you do, so you might as well have some fun.


I suggest drowning him in pork fat.

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