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Hi. I am learning anatomy to improve my drawing skills but i have problem with facial fats. they are not depicted in the anatomical drawings and actually they don't even exist in the anatomical models. Could someone please tell me what's their actual job?

  • 1 month later...

Fat is in the subcutaneous tissue primarily for insulation (humans are electrically conductive, and we don't want to be hit by lightning). Also excess energy can be stored as fat, to be later broken down into acetyl-CoA and glycerol to be fed into the Kreb's cycle/gluconeogenesis when food is not available.


The reason why facial fat is typically not depicted in anatomical drawinings may be because anatomical models try to demonstrate learning points of facial anatomy - usually muscles, nervous, blood supply, bones. Skin and subcutaneous fat are in more superficial layers so they may be removed in the models for better visibility of deeper structures.

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