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The restriction on AC plasma energy to move only within the electromagnetic magnetised fabric of space, was necessary at Gods creation to confine the Almighty plasma flash of AC light energy and stop it moving away at the speed of light which would have lead to an infinite dispersion. This restriction still applies today, for if 99.99% of the stars/Sun energy is just blasted off into space which is 99.99% empty, then 99.99% of the energy will arrive at the edge of the universe with nowhere to go except outwards leading to a catastrophic dilution. As the edge of the universe is defined by a known amount of red-shift and the edge is not shining brilliantly, we can deduce that the random T^4 energy law only applies to a tiny number of Wolf Rayet type stars.

In my opinion,stars in the main sequence are not emitted in all directions, as believed by Stefan but only through the magnetic-flux tunnels in space. Thus the Sun beams most of its output directly to the planets and the intervening space is mostly dark. Stars appear as lighthouses, beaming light directly to all the planets but mostly their own planets, moons, comets & asteroids.

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