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Quantum entanglement, Wave vs Particle && tunnels.


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Okay so im quite curious as to the test's performed and theory behind actually "entangling" two particles.


All i know so far is that the dual split experiment acts differently depending on whether its being measured or not, such that when it is, we observe a particle going through a slit and when we dont, the particle acts as if it were a wave giving out the distribution that would be expected of a wave. I think this has already been equated to some law of probability that describes how the particle would distribute regardless of its form and by measuring it we are simply capturing an instance of that probability. Or the fact whatever we use to measure interacts with the "wave" giving it "particle" form. (so essentially it exists as a wave until we interrupt it which then bring about the many worlds hypothesis)


Expanding upon that there's the experiment with 2 photons being emitted simultaneously by using 2 lasers and then these photons go in opposite directions and pass through a double filter that polarises them. When the filters are the same, both photons reach the detector. However if one filter is not in sync with the other the photons can still both be detected because they inverse each other and to go one step further, if at the time of the photon split both filters are synced and then one filter is then altered on one, it has the same effect (not sure if neither get detected when the filters switched after the split). Anyway the conclusion is that the 2 particles are somehow relaying information to one another over a distance that is greater than they could communicate if they used the SOL (which they are but in opposite directions) So this is where i get a little confused.


Firstly, is this a primitive form of entanglement? such that the 2 photons somehow become synced when they are emitted?

Actually what is the procedure for syncing any 2 particles? Im guessing they work on some binary system that is they are equal but inverted in some fashion (spin, polarization), Now does the entanglement have to do with the source and or time of creation? such that if they come from the same source at the same time they are automatically entangled? and how then do you entangle a third particle? (from what i've been told if you sync a third particle with the second, the third can swap places with the first, meaning it moves instantly, not just the state of the particle switching but a actually switching particles).


Secondly i heard of an experiment where you fire electrons or photons or whatever at a barrier which then reflects the said particle, however for some reason a few actually pass straight through the barrier as if it weren't there which i believe is called tunnelling. Now from what i gather this is scientifically implausible, its the equivalent to dark matter such that it passes through the barrier as if it were a different form of particle or matter altogether. I dont know the exact statistics on this one, but might it be possible that if 2 electrons are fired at the same time and happen to hit the exact same location there could be some sort of tiny lapse in the barrier allowing the second particle through. such that the first knocked an electron out of position allowing the other a small gap to fly straight through, regardless of the material, because unless its positively charged (the barrier), the electron simply has pass by all the other electrons without being reflected. Infact, even without knocking the first electron out of position the law of probability would dictate that if you fire 100m^10m electrons at anything but metal there's the probability a few will pass through without getting deflected by the layers of electrons in the barrier? Thats actually quite a scary concept, if you had an electron gun you could fire them at someone and aswell penetrating them and knocking internal electrons out of orbit you could fire an electron straight through someone.


Anyway I've digressed, so first a foremost what are the conditions or method required to create 2 entangled particles?

Do particles exist as waves until acted upon by some other force? (like a measuring device)

Can particles pass through solid objects? (or wave if we do not interact with it)

Finally is it possible to entangle a 3rd particle to a 2nd and then have the third switch places with the first?


I did rather like Einsteins analogy of a left and right hand glove though. Which would have been true if it not for the bell test.

Edited by DevilSolution
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Can particles pass through solid objects? (or wave if we do not interact with it)


Yes. Tunnelling is an essential part of many electronic devices. For example, it is how data is stored in (some types of) flash memory. It also contributes to leakage current, which is less desirable.

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I see i see, flash disk as in usb or SD card? I'm not very updates with tech.

like NAND and NOR flash memory - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_memory


tunneling is also used to erase the data that has been stored.


edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_flash_drive- NAND flash is used in usb flash drives.

Edited by andrewcellini
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