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I have seen a lot of face and nose anatomy but I still cannot find the proper name for this area of the face between the eye and nose. Here is a picture I hope this helps. Thanks in advance!



Thanks for your response. I am looking for the name of it on the outside of the skin. I have dry skin or maybe even a rash but I am trying to identify that specific area so I can do some additional research.


I'm not sure it's necessary to have the exact name for that spot (I'd call it the skin covering the nasium where it meets the eyes, not very technical). Procedures for addressing dry skin around the eyes in general should be adequate for you. Avoid oils around the eyes, these can lead to clogged pores and styes, and ocular problems as well.


The skin is very thin around the eyes. Exfoliating can help with dryness, removing corneocytes that can build up when the skin is very thin. Drink lots of water, it's good for all your skin.


Thanks Phi! I mostly drink water all day. Its very odd that it is only on one side. I've tried exfoliating with face wash and using cetaphil lotion for sensitive skin. It works temporarily but it comes right back which makes me think its more of a rash then dry skin, possibly?


Thanks Phi! I mostly drink water all day. Its very odd that it is only on one side. I've tried exfoliating with face wash and using cetaphil lotion for sensitive skin. It works temporarily but it comes right back which makes me think its more of a rash then dry skin, possibly?


If that's just a patch of skin that's extremely dry, you'd expect it to come back between exfoliations. There are sebaceous glands near the eyes that make it difficult to keep the skin moisturized. You might want to try a moisturizing gel rather than the Cetaphil. Gels won't have the heavier oils the lotions tend to have.


What temporal units are you using for the phrase "it comes right back"?


After the lotion wears off my skins gets flaky and dry.


How long does it take for the lotion to wear off? Is it a matter of hours, or is it removed by daily routine?


i do not think there is a name for that, i know there is a name for an area next to that the bridge of the nose, but that area is not specific to a muscle or bone and is not esily isolated meaning its hard to pinpoint the boarders of where the area ends.

Posted (edited)

Phi..I have tried a light lotion and heavy lotion without fragrance. It does not last about an hour before I can see my skin start to get flaky.

Lyudmilascience..I am hoping that someone out there possibly knows a reason why this non specific area dries out like that.

Edited by anatomyhelp

Is it possible you're overusing your moisturizing products? Skin that's already dry has a compromised barrier function, and the normal oils your skin has aren't working if you can see dryness. At that point it's not a great idea to keep cleaning the area and removing more oils.


I've heard also that you could be teaching your skin cells that they don't need to take care of themselves, that you'll do it with moisturizers. I'm not sure this is plausible, since I don't know if skin cells have receptors that tell them when they're too dry. They have no direct blood supply at the outer layers, getting all their nutrients from the dermis.


Next questions. How long has this been going on? What happens if you do nothing? Does the area grow if you don't moisturize, or get worse?

Posted (edited)

That area of skin is between the medial canthus and the bridge of nose. Not sure if there is a specific name for it - some facies are described as having a wide nasal bridge, or a wide intercanthic distance. If you want to give it a name... maybe call it the nasocanthic interval or something to that effect.

Edited by Xalatan
Posted (edited)

Phi-When I don't moisturizers my skin will stay dry.

It has been going on for almost 3 years now.

It does get worse if I do nothing. I have tried exfoliating that area and it will start drying up and flake after a day.

That area of skin is between the medial canthus and the bridge of nose. Not sure if there is a specific name for it - some facies are described as having a wide nasal bridge, or a wide intercanthic distance. If you want to give it a name... maybe call it the nasocanthic interval or something to that effect.

ok I will to search those names to see if anyone is having that problem in the same area.

Edited by anatomyhelp

Phi-When I don't moisturizers my skin will stay dry.

It has been going on for almost 3 years now.

It does get worse if I do nothing. I have tried exfoliating that area and it will start drying up and flake after a day.


Personally, I would try switching from your normal lotion to a gel-based moisturizer. It seems odd that your oil-based lotions wear off so quickly. Perhaps less oil will help, even though it seems contraindicated.

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