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I disagree, because I believe physics are echoed...whereby you can equate different elements to that of other elements (i.e. a sea of water, a sea of air, a sea of dirt, etc.).


Can you make this sentence a bit clearer?


If you follow the laws of physics in many different angles, scales, etc., you will see them all echoing (whether large or small). So, whereby you see an atom with a nucleus and electrons spinning around it, as material manifests in larger proportions, you begin to see atoms being rebuilt on a larger scale (solar systems, galaxies, etc.). As such, such comparisons and analogies are not necessarily to induce deeper thinking alone, but such analogies may and often are precisely and objective. If you were to equate life to the biological span of a pregnancy, then death becomes another biological and conscious (HUGE) event/transformation to an entity's experience. Death is a birth--as real and biological (although perhaps vastly different/mind altering in the experience and awareness, knowledge, and perspective of the individual who dies) as birth itself.


This is simply a phase in our growth, as real and existent as our time in the womb before we entered into this present world/life (the light of the outside world under the sun). Likewise, as we were one with our mothers' body, so we are one with this earthly body (mother earth). The flesh is like the womb and plecenta of the earth to the spiritual body--connected by a silver cord (an umbilica cord). Now, since our fleshly bodies have been borne and are living in this level of growth/being (this life on earth, born from the woman), we can see and perceive as much as the flesh is allowed, as its eyes are open and it is born. However, since we perceive the fleshly and limit of the flesh body, and since this awakening came by being born where the light exist(ed) out of our mothers' bodies, so our spiritual bodies are growing among us, like fetuses in the womb, with closed eyes and in darkness of the mother's body.


Until we die, you must be willing to recognize that your eyes are closed (your spiritual eyes) and you are not yet borne, living, and perceiving as a living spiritual body, since it is still in the womb. Likewise, this is an echo--an echo in form. You take things on a smaller scale, be them the past and time (such as a lifespan), or even simply a physical observation which, if you consider the age of the universe, you can assume that this same pattern is repeated on the larger scale. What is time, then? Time is the time that it takes for things to reorganize their self.


In fact, time is healing--if something cannot be hurt, injured, nor does it die, then time does not apply to it, because it experiences no need for healing. There is no loss, so all that applies is growth and gain. This is God. God is the being--the perfect state of being that is not hurt. God does not need healed.


Now, if you add more and more atoms and reproduce and duplicate things, then time is needed for them to heal, reorganize, and come together...now, will they be a diverse crowd of people? No, rather, they will come together to form a larger, magnified version. So, this is existence--there are echoes and similar states of matter, bodies, etc. are repeated again and again. So, whereby a single atom can be what it is, if you make two atoms, then the two atoms should form and function like a single atom together. So, then, you have a model of an atom, on a larger scale. They should orbit about each other, just like electrons in a single atom.


Likewise, as you reproduce things so much, they will all form about and like a growing tree eventually blossom and reach its bloom. Like a growing embryo it will eventually become a child...but this just continues on and on as everything is climbing the tree to form the larger model. When this model is finished, the puzzle is complete. What then is the finished puzzle (the biggest echo/ripple of all the tiniest fractions)? It's a model of the tiniest part...so when you see the puzzle, you will see the truth, because it's a model of the tiniest truth.


So, you see an atom forming solar systems, and then galaxies, etc. All of these are models of the smaller parts--echoes. Once you realize this, you can look at all the different states of things and realities, the paths, the forms, variations, etc. and begin to equate and discover the inner workings of things. So, when you see a planet, it is the equivelant of a sea of water. If water existed outside of a planet with dirt and whatnot beneath it, it should (and since we're using theoreitcal assumptions here, be them perfectly accurate or not in how they actually play out, bare with me), in essence, be a sphere of water. Does this make it then...not an ocean? No, just because it's a sphere, like a planet, that doesn't mean it stops being an ocean. Likewise, just because dirt, rock, metal, etc. are all heavy and sink to the inner core of the earth, that doesn't mean they are not an ocean.


In fact, there are gaseous planets! So, you must look at things, be them local, diversely arranged, mixed up, etc. as, on a larger scale and the passing of time (in fact, an object is not simply inordinately passing through time, but time is increasing like a physical mass. As the future goes on, time is measurably increasing, so the age of something is actually progression and an actual treasure/possession). So, time is expansion--and when people think of somebody suffering, starving, etc. and deteriorating, this is where they begin to lose track of the laws of the universe, reality, and physics if they believe this is loss. No, suffering, etc. is actually gain. Why? Because life does not end in this present form. No, this is a pregnancy. When you lose everything in this life, the laws of the universe are not chaotically all over the place. The echoing and truths continue even in death--so if you lose everything in this life, you don't simply deteriorate into nothing...no, rather, you gain and grow. Why? Because there are aspects of our selves and being that we cannot necessarily perceive with the naked eye in this present physical body. The spiritual body exists with us too, because echoing and growth, life, spirit, etc. just keep going. There is no end.


Loss in life is still gain...so, as time goes on, things increase. If you waste all of your gain on physical and earthly pleasures, like money, the "glitz and glamour", sex, food, etc., then the gain that you received from time has been transfered (the energy) into something that you are passing away from. So, your spirit is deprived. Likewise, there is never loss, but gain...and if you keep spending things on earthly things now, then your soul is going to reincarnate until it gets out. Why? Because echoing goes on--there are patterns and increase, as the model is built.


A solar system is a larger, more noticable/closer representation/model of a single, tiny atom. Likewise, everything goes in and out all over the place in every which direction, expression, manifestation, etc. as, on the larger whole, it begins to complete and form the model of truth (the tiniest truth which is true big or small) with what it has. So, the entire universe is destined to be a model of the truth...by which it cannot be altered. Like ice (water) freezing in the atmosphere, dirt becoming compact through the force of pressure and "gravity", lava hardening, solids forming, stars, blac holes, galaxies, etc.--the state and model, that is the universe, is forming and hardening until it forms a tightly compact model of truth (or, the tiniest origin). And, you see this truth played out also in how we are shaped by our environments, how children learn from their parents, how children are born from parents, how we all affect and influence each other, etc. Everything is being modeled after what was before it--just like the recycling of elements, water, and even our own bodies. We all eat what was before us, we evolve to and with what was before us. Everything is constantly influencing and affecting each other...and, this tells you that the future is not blank, nor does it say that the future is imperfect or chaotic.


Rather, the future is simply a model of what was before it--if you reproduce something, it becomes what was before it, until the entire number increases and a uniformity begins so that everything is working together, in unison, like a finished puzzle. Like notes to a song, they form music...so also the universe echoes forever with patterns. As I said, you can consider a gaseous planet the equivelant to a sea of gas...or even our own atmosphere as a sea of gas (a sea of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, etc.). We like a fish crawling beneath the sea...and the pressure increases the further beneath the ocean you go. This is why gravity's speed increases, because the pressure above us increases, I believe. So, whereby a solid object might appear separate from something else, we know that in the laws of the universe, this big giant puzzle, the gas above us and all our surroundings act as one.


So, gravity doesn't recognize a single free-floating object, but the entire whole...because everything echoes. So, when a person is falling to the earth, even the air above them is considered a part of them, because it's all made of the universe--space, atoms, energy, etc. It's all the same creation..and if we die today, then maybe someone will eat fruit made of our rotted flesh (our dust) and then our flesh bodies become somebody else's body. There is no separation, all is one.


So, then, if it all works together and whatnot and you consider the butterfly-effect as being true to EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERY SINGLE THING, be it your thought, an itch you feel on your left thigh, a tingle sensation, a breath, a leaf falling, etc. it all affects everything else as it echoes outward and helps to complete the puzzle (build the bigger body modeled after the smaller). So, if you want to theoretically assume that putting a tunnel through the earth means everything is going to rush and speed up the further it falls through and then stop at 0, you're crazy.


Why? Because gravity exists solely on the body as a whole...so, as the elements in an object's body (such as planet) shift and form the finished product, you see that the lighter elements go outward. However, they are still part of the body, because the "element of space" is the lightest nothingness. The core is the thickest, densest, and then it fades outward. If you were to see the finished product of earth, it would be like a star--the compact core and then as the lighter materials, such as liquid, gas, etc. fade outward, it is like a star. The star is brightest at the center and then outwardly the light begins to fade.


It's one big radiant structure--and I believe that this could be the finished universe, as well. The universe is one large star, whereby the densest/thickest is at the center and then it fades outwardly the further you go. This is like a bubble, as well. It's a uniform compact area in an enviornment.


So, as everything is one giant puzzle, to theoretically claim a spherical body can have a tunnel in it and then gravity acts in such a manner is ignorant and wrong, because the greater whole (the big giant shifting puzzle, the material manifestation) wouldn't work. The planet would dissipate and fall apart, if it indeed didn't explode altogether.


So, this is echoing. You see how something as tiny and seemingly pointless like an air bubble in the ocean (which, by the way, holds the power to even kill you if in your blood stream, so don't underestimate the value of things) can definitely be an echoing of form--so, a planet can be like a bubble floating in outer space.


Original thread:http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=10253

If you follow the laws of physics in many different angles, scales, etc., you will see them all echoing (whether large or small). So, whereby you see an atom with a nucleus and electrons spinning around it, as material manifests in larger proportions, you begin to see atoms being rebuilt on a larger scale (solar systems, galaxies, etc.). As such, such comparisons and analogies are not necessarily to induce deeper thinking alone, but such analogies may and often are precisely and objective.


These kinds of comparisons fall apart in the quantum world, where our common sense understanding of how the world operates no longer seems to apply, due to what M-theory would attribute to extradimensional influences. An experiment like the delayed choice quantum eraser turns our everyday common sense understanding of the universe on its head, but makes perfect sense by quantum models.

A common error: confusing perception and observation.


No, I will not be fooled by quantum physics, some huge underworld. The macroworld is subject to observation as well (perception, if you will).

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