bascule Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 Wow, what a scary looking mouthful of a thread title. This belongs in pseudoscience and metaphysics for a reason, I'm sure you're thinking. Well, it certainly does, and given that, let's proceed... Okay, given that all of the elementary particles in the standard model, as well as are a number of things we can't yet explain, are composed of little vibrating one dimensional energy strings, and given that these strings form larger, extradimensional structures (p-branes and d-branes), the movement of everything in this universe carries on outside of it. We witness extradimensional connections forming all the time when we witness quantum entanglements, for example in the Aspect experiment. M-theory explains non-local "spooky" action through extradimensional membranes. Now, onto the noosphere. Princeton researchers have noticed patterns in the entropic background noise of various places around the world which demonstrate a non-local correlation with world events. The project which analyzes and correlates the data is located here: This project has found some rather striking connections between wide-scale collective experiences and data produced from Random Event Generators ("eggs"). Think about how much extradimensional vibrational noise something as complex and patternistic as the human brain must put off. Let's hypothesize for a second that the correlation between the egg data and collective experiences is due to the "spooky" action of vibrations along extradimensional membranes. Why would we hypothesize this instead of say, electromagnetic transmissions? Because the electromagnetic transmissions of the brain are quite weak, and the variance in the egg data is unaffected by attempts to shield it from EM. The noosphere eggs definitely appear to be exhibiting some sort of non-local "spooky" behavior. Think of the vibrational radiation patterns our brains, our machines, our computers; anything that involves a lot of complex micromotions, such as electrons/photons zipping around in complex integrated circuits, or the motion of all chemicals within any living organism. All life and all machines give off a sort of vibrational "aura", which, in theory, should be discernably complex from simpler motions such as those of weather, rivers, etc. (although think of the vibrational aura that's given off by something with as complex of micromotions as running water, perhaps there's an explanation for humans' uncanny attraction to its beauty) I believe these vibrational patterns eventually collide and interfere, sometimes with such intensity as to form chaotic turbulence (exhibited by large variance on the noosphere eggs) ...but the patterns of the human mind are not chaotic. They represent complex, intelligent behavior. And fortunately for us, neurons form some of the most complex and powerful pattern analyzers in known existence. I believe the brain may have evolved specifically to detect these patterns. Specifically, within the lymbic system, the primitive mind, sits a structure involved with complex decision making which I believe is also designed to sense the vibrations of the global consciousness. Specifically, the anterior cingulate cortex seems to serve as some sort of non-local warning system, allowing animals and certain people to sense impending danger before it actually occurs. Animals naturally flee to higher ground in the event of an impending flood. Perhaps they are sensing mass distress with a structure similar to the anterior cingulate cortex. Psychics remain a staple belief of gullable moron, but is it perhaps possible that certain people are capible of sensing the vibrational aura of matter their brain's constituent particles are entangled with? I believe, in certain instances, this may very well be the case, and certain individuals have brains wired in such a way as to be able to detect and decode patterns in the non-local vibrations of extradimensional membranes. Similarly, drugs like LSD and psilocybin elicit synaesthetic effects as interconnections are randomly formed throughout the brain. You can hear colors, smell sounds, and taste the wall with your fingers. But perhaps in those beautiful patterns you see which appear out of nowhere, there exists some kind of non-local, extradimensional communication. This sort of thinking was advocated by Terrence McKenna, who claims quite ardently that he was, during mushroom trips, in communication with an extradimensional consciousness of some sort. Many users of psychedelic drugs report a connection to a sort of 'cosmic consciousness'. As to what they're actually communicating with, be it nothing, the global consciousness itself, some random individual, or perhaps conscious extradimensional entities which are spatially nearby but connected to a different d-brane from us... So, you now have a bunch of pseudoscientific and metaphysical tripe to ponder for a moment...
Royston Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 I have been searching for answers to consciousness and have noticed it has been conveniently over looked in theories to understand our universe, and however much we understand about our physical surroundings it doesn't answer why we have the ability to plan events, look back on events and manipulate events. Consciousness must be an entity in itself, in that there is no particle, wave or photon in the know universe that has this ability. I'm by no means religious, and have always required proof to back a theory up albeit Heisenberg's uncertainty principle proved there is no way of recording both the velocity and position of a particle. However we seem to discount the thousands of years of religion as forms of control, as ignorant (due to the understanding of the universe in the past) and as something that goes against science. We should look at the practices that forms of religion entail, and one specific and obvious observation is getting together - to feel unified whether it's a football match or going to a festival. Apart from a few exceptions where understanding of this subject could probably help anti social behavior and alienation of one's self. These practices of congregation, sharing the same experience I would argue, have not evolved subconsciously through our evolution but they were there in the first place because consciousness has to exist parallel to our physical reality otherwise we would not have the ability to look back on events and manipulate future events, it has to exist separately in order for us to step back and observe are actions. Of course through mind techniques such as meditation, mantra chanting, use of ethnogens it’s possible to strip your physical reality down so all you experience is consciousness, and in this state there are no limits to where your consciousness can travel as space-time is something we exist outside of (and we can be aware of this so long as we induce the correct state). Bearing in mind our will for unification (perceived today as acceptance) but not fully understanding why we have this will, and the fact that a lot of this is dismissed due to a growing atheist society it’s never become a solid form of progression. We have concentrated on our immediate physical reality, and although I believe we were supposed to go down this path to a point – invention of computers / digital communication has helped in understanding the universe around us, but we have not explored the full potential of our consciousness, and as all the observations when we reach higher states are experienced subjectively it’s an impossible thing to divulge as fact, as there are no physical elements to observe, it’s just word of mouth if you like. The most startling element is that if consciousness exits outside of perceived space-time then it’s probable that it can exist before and after space-time, it doesn’t coincide with thermal dynamics as disruption builds we always have the ability to smooth out these disruptions, create order (to a point…we do not fully understand the universe to make it perfect) and it’s consciousness itself that I believe has created order in the first place, and now we’re trying to work out something we created. In essence we are a product of God and God is a product of us at the same time. There are boundless paths to travel when stripping your physical reality down, and infinite dimensions to glimpse and ponder at, all products of our own imagination, and although sometimes these paths are scary they’re just misunderstood and that’s all fear is – something we don’t understand…so it’s nonsensical that we shouldn’t explore paths that we feel shouldn’t be investigated. There are no limits now to the experiences and emotions that I come across, and since I reached a glimpse of what I was told (not through words, the information was there in the first place, it just needed to be unlocked) was the place I was going to go when I died, and it is a feeling of unification with everything…and I mean everything…as we are everywhere and always have been.
Sayonara Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 You know what else is a product of god? Paragraphs.
Christ slave Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 Very interesting a topic, and I like it. However, you must also realize that the being (in essence), if you can stip away the physical elements and illusion of time (an illusion in contrast to eternity), you realize that we all are simply BEING. We simply "are", and God is likewise. We are all a part of God, and unless someone experiences God and this state of infinite and being, which is all that has ever existed and exists and will exist, many people ponder, "Then where did God begin or end?" But when you discover that this being has no limitation, be it such a small problem as forgetting to say "thank you" or killing half the world's population, God knows it, understands it, and can fix it. However, it is hard for people to recognize that this is a place of free will--where we learn to be gods. We learn to qualify God's energy. People then complain, kick, scream, and whine (some people, not all) about all the problems and seeming flaws, "Why doesn't God help us and fix everything? Why doesn't he come down in some physical form and indulge us in such an idolistic presence?" Well, if we cannot learn to be gods here and use God's energy, reincarnate, have and balance karma, etc., then where will we? If it's not here today, then what about tomorrow? So, don't waste the earthly life and experience with complaining, fighting, etc...but work hard to beat down your flaws, the carnal nature (its desires, illusions, and attaachments), a become the god that you are. If your soul and spirit didn't want to improve itself and grow in such a way, then it would not have made the choice in coming here. If anyone lacks comprehension of separating from their physical, fleshy self, stop looking at your reflection (in mirrors and anywhere else, try to avoid eye contact), lift up your head and walk upright without looking at your body, and forget your outward appearance. Stare up at the wall and say, "This body is not me." Do what you must do to be free. One cannot accept the truth if he or she (or he-she) does not first consider it. And if you lack comprehension that God or something is greater than this universe, imagine the universe is the inside of somebody's body. Though on a micro scale, inside of us, our bodies are huge, enormous environments, outside as we awake from a sleep and operate this body, we escape the little things and see the larger truths and realities of life. Likewise, imagine the universe is the belly of a mother--we are fetal spirits inside with closed eyes, perceiving like embryonic cells within. Outside exists the larger truth and something much greater and more powerful, all-knowing than the inside of the body. There is nothing inside the body too great for those who are living it to fix.
Royston Posted April 15, 2005 Posted April 15, 2005 QUOTE : "But when you discover that this being has no limitation, be it such a small problem as forgetting to say "thank you" or killing half the world's population, God knows it, understands it, and can fix it. However, it is hard for people to recognize that this is a place of free will--where we learn to be gods. We learn to qualify God's energy. People then complain, kick, scream, and whine (some people, not all) about all the problems and seeming flaws, "Why doesn't God help us and fix everything? Why doesn't he come down in some physical form and indulge us in such an idolistic presence?" It's interesting that you've put 'to qualify God's energy' in that the idea and experience of reaching 'God Head' is neither good or bad, it runs in between the two. It's kind of experiencing the feeling of complete understanding - but I stress it's a feeling, and the result of the experience is my sudden compulsion for answers and also have applied it to my music et.c and the results have been highly positive. It by no means gives you any definite answers as I'm not convinced I have the capacity to understand the answers, hence I'm now investigating the physics and cosmology to correlate my experience. What I would say is that is impossible to really state what good or bad really is - it's more of a question of balance. If everyone strived to do good due to experiencing this feeling of total understanding - and given that my theory relies on consciousness being the very thing that governs the universe, then the universe would break down (assuming we had that kind of control). For example an electron cannot exist without a positron (anti-electron) - now neither can be determined as good or bad they are just the complete opposite. It's has also been proved that there is more matter than anti-matter - there is more order on earth than disorder otherwise we would of all killed each other by now, as you can see there is a reflection on events and the make up of the universe. If however, either of these swung slightly out of balance, everything would break down. It's a sad fact (if it is fact) but bad things have to happen (or what we perceive as bad) and there's really nothing we can do about it. If we did manage to break our physical ties and go floating around hyperspace sorting problems out that affected earth, then these would be have to be replaced by more problems. I think it's a case of understanding our existence rather than striving to change our existence, though please don't take that as though I think everyone should sit back and let things run there course, there are many atrocities I believe we have to sort out otherwise an in-balance would proceed due to our in-difference.
bascule Posted April 15, 2005 Author Posted April 15, 2005 Lifeforms purchase higher order at the cost of substantially increased entropy. It's the reason why we humans have to consume a ridiculous amount of food to survive, or why a relatively small high tech product requires a vast and seemingly ridiculous amount of raw material to construct. As we move closer to the von Neumann universal constructor the price of order will get cheaper, but I doubt we'll ever reach spontaneous "order for free"
Christ slave Posted April 15, 2005 Posted April 15, 2005 Lifeforms purchase higher order at the cost of substantially increased entropy. It's the reason why we humans have to consume a ridiculous amount of food to survive, or why a relatively small high tech product requires a vast and seemingly ridiculous amount of raw material to construct. As we move closer to the von Neumann universal constructor the price of order will get cheaper, but I doubt we'll ever reach spontaneous "order for free" It's refreshing to speak with people who truly are spiritual! Yes, I too have noticed that it takes a pile of mud and evolution to become such, physical and carnal things are mere stepping-stones to becoming spiritually mature in the physically manifested world. As such, an unborn fetus needs a mother...or, a zygote. We are all hitch-hiking, be it from food or from monkeys, from this planet or our parents, or even from God, in order to become gods. Indeed, I have come to a point where it seems I am almost paralyzed and incapable of living in society because of the immense power we truly have. I find that if I simply become unparalyzed without striving for the kingdom of God, I fall into dissipation--and this could be why most of society is out of whack because many people are acting like impatient racecar drivers when they should realize how paralyzed they really are. As such, are paralystic state is perhaps a meditative, spiritual state by which we must qualify God's energy--it would be stupid to simply go waving our arms every which way like mad men, flinging energy all of the place like lightning bolts. And, this is partly because we all have free will. It is possible to pursuade and bribe people, and more one seeks and finds the truth, wisdom, and understanding, the more paralyzed they seemingly become, like Jesus, allowing people to simply crucify them before they would go misqualifying God's energy (compromising spiritual growth for relaxation and peace). And, this is also because one must truly recognize that there comes a point when a baby can separate from the womb...otherwise called birth, or death. Don't go slinging lightning bolts lest you be born handicapped (or, in other words, have to reincarnate).
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