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As a 6 years retired Contact Lens Practitioner, definitely the newest and possibly most banned member of forums (fora?) one of my Medical patients exclaimed in c.2002 "That is life extension!"

He was looking at his own retinal photographs and I was explaining and demonstrating how my new understanding of the arteriolar reflex had developed from seeing Hollenhorst Plaque decrease and disappear in the retinal arteries exactly the same as it was disapperaing in hos own arteries that I was showing him and it was happening because of the vitamin C supplementation, unless he could tell me otherwise. He couldn´t! . He said "You are as old as your arteries!" This is life extension. I was a bit chuffed with myself! Later a Prof of Optometry gave me enormous praise. But that is just too much for the anti-vitamin C lobby and it is one of the most powerful in the world. $30,000 heart bypass operations are threatened with closure. Hospital heart wards could close.

The doctors complained that I was having that effect in Hull. It is on the back of my "700 Vitamin" book. I hope this s not construed as advertising. I will make no profit from scientists in this forum!


This was my discovery of a new science for which I had to coin a name. I decided on and registered CardioRetinometry.


Now I don´t want to be banned any more times. No Optometric journal or forum will tolerate my talking about this.


I have just been banned from ODWire (US Optometry) I offered them as many copies of my encyclopedia at cost price direct from the rinters to sell and keep every cent of the profit they made.

I reckoned they could make $400,000 as the book has been recommended by possibly the world´s foremost medical journalist as essential for all doctors.


Now I don´t want to get myself banned here. CardioRetinometry is synonymous with Sydney J. Bush.

My books are all over the Internet. They are FREE tobonafide scientists. You just e-mail me for the Kindle version or pay cost for the printed with p&p.

Lonsdaler Direct in the UK will get notice from me to supply every member here at basic invoice cost +p&p

I cannot do more.


I DO NOT NEED MONEY! I am retired with a bigger disposable income than most Optometrists!

Patients pay me plenty for care. So I am not looking for advertising here . just spreading the word about the corruption that surrounds my discovery.

Self promotion appears to be an unavoidable threat.

I am passionate about promoting vitamin C. I make no money at all from it. It is a service one of my staff provides at the Institute because it is not easy to get at low cost.

Nor do I seek any profit at all from my books sold to colleagues, and bona-fide scientists in this forum.


So how much you all can stick reading about CardioRetinometry that has the capability save all of you from heart disease and I mean ALL of you because you ALL have some, I need to know.

In short. I need to be loved and so does CardioRetinometry because we are both fed up with being banned by anti-vitamin C journals and forums that want to thrive on disease

50 diseases are cured and prevented by Vitamin C. THINK: You read about every other vitamin except vitamin C and E. They are heavily suppressed.

The story is in the books.

Am I allowed to give the Kindle Link? Really no need. If you Google my name you get it.

So you see, politics and corrupt medicine get me banned everywhere and I don´t really expect this forum to be any different.

BigPharma will come in and offer enormous big money to somebody in control and we will both be banned again.

You will have your lives shortened.

That´s the way it´s been with newspapers, journalists´ suppressed articles, cancelled promises of publication of INVITED papers, papers rejected by the AAO.

One jornal editor not only got the sack for promising publication of a fantastic Vitamin C study - to prevent publication they CLOSED THE JOURNAL!.

Everybody is making money out of suppressing CardioRetinometry by screwing BigPharma for all they can get. (IMHO)

Hello and probably Goodbye! It was nice knowing you.



Now I don´t want to get myself banned here.



Moderator Note

Hijacking a thread was not a good start towards that goal.

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