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Entropy and occupations


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Being a law abiding citizen is definitely more difficult than being a delinquent because it involves mental discipline.


A human in an unevolved state is like a savage highly entropic and indisciplined.


With every state of mental and physical discipline the entropic state decreases and the difficulty increases.


Being a researcher is less entropic than being a fruit seller and requires much more effort from the subject.


Does this reflect an evolutionary pattern of socio-economic development ?


Please opine. :confused:



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Being a law abiding citizen is definitely more difficult than being a delinquent because it involves mental discipline.


Please provide some evidence to support this claim.


A human in an unevolved state is like a savage highly entropic and indisciplined.


What is a "human in an unevolved state"?

What is "highly entropic"? And how is it measured?

How do you quantify "indisciplined"?

Please provide evidence that a "human in an unevolved state" is quantifiably higher in those measures.


With every state of mental and physical discipline the entropic state decreases and the difficulty increases.


Please provide some evidence to support this claim.


Being a researcher is less entropic than being a fruit seller and requires much more effort from the subject.


Please provide some evidence to support this claim.



Please opine. :confused:


Another of your posts full of invented facts, unsupported assertions and no substance. Why?

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Please provide some evidence to support this claim.



What is a "human in an unevolved state"?

What is "highly entropic"? And how is it measured?

How do you quantify "indisciplined"?

Please provide evidence that a "human in an unevolved state" is quantifiably higher in those measures.



Please provide some evidence to support this claim.



Please provide some evidence to support this claim.



Another of your posts full of invented facts, unsupported assertions and no substance. Why?

My hypothesis is based on empirical relations in contemporary social groups.

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My hypothesis is based on empirical relations in contemporary social groups.


Then you should be able to provide some references to the empirical data to support your hypothesis. If not then you don't have a hypothesis, you have a series of guesses.

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Being a law abiding citizen is definitely more difficult than being a delinquent because it involves mental discipline.





Please opine. :confused:



In my opinion, and, I think that of others, you should stop doing this.

You should stop asking for an explanation of things that don't exist and claims that have no basis.

You have been told about this before.

Why do you keep doing it?

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Being a law abiding citizen is definitely more difficult than being a delinquent because it involves mental discipline.


Many individuals, through a combination of upbringing and natural predilections, naturally behave in a law-abiding way.

Other individuals, driven by a powerful desire to conform, would have to apply powerful mental discipline to break the law.


1. You have made an absolute statement that even a moment's reflection would reveal is flawed.

2. You have made no effort to support your statement.

3. You appear to have decided your observation is self-evident, but have failed to explore the possibility you are mistaken.



A human in an unevolved state is like a savage highly entropic and indisciplined.

All humans have pretty much the same degree of evolution, so what are you talking about here. Cultural/Social evolution?


Amazing - that translates into - "Individuals who have failed to acquire the structured skills and perspectives of their society that would enable them to behave in an organised and controlled fashion tend to behave in a disorganised and uncontrolled fashion."


You appear to have said nothing.



With every state of mental and physical discipline the entropic state decreases and the difficulty increases.

Word salad.


Petrushka, why? As John says, why do you keep posting this nonsense? I took you to task for this on another thread and you apologised. An apology only means something if you try to avoid a repetition of the offense. I see no evidence you have tried. So, why?

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The continual calls for clarity, meaning, and evidence seem more important to Petrushka than learning anything about his questions. He repeats this pattern continually, and so it must give him what he really wants. His threads are like 25% content, 75% respondants asking what he's talking about.


Petrushka seems to love all the confusion his usage of terminology, generalized assumptions, and lack of rigor create. A couple of years of this behavior leads me to this conclusion.

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Are you sure that this is not just someone testing a wordsalad bot? Almost all threads have a similar structure. A title that has little content and basically has almost nothing to do with the question. Then a question that assumes some kind of relationship between two random things.


"Crystals and precipitous consciousness"


Crystals are hard and thinking is hard. Are headaches caused by crystalline cells in brain? Is that the philosopher's stone?

Edited by CharonY
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10 Sorry Petrushka Googol you have failed the turing test.

20 Please use another forum for testing Petrushka Googol 2.0

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