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Look just at position 1.

We have work done from left to right p1A1d1, and work done from right to left p2A2d2.

What will happen if pressure p2 is higher than pressure p1, but A1d1 is bigger than A2d2, and lets say they result with a net work = 0



I am really not expert at this, but hope this can help you


A1v1 = A2v2

Net work done on the system = p1A1d1 - p2A2d2

the volumes A1d1 and A2d2 must be equal. Denote their volumes by V i.e.

V = p1A1 = p2A2

The mass m of the fluid in sections A1d1 and A2d2 is given by ρV where ρ is the density of the fluid. Thus

p1A1 = p2A2 = m/ρ




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