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Posted (edited)

I understand why he is confused.



When the perpendicular motion is in a straight line, the observer and light source get further apart, and that causes Doppler. However, your pictures are different, your light source and observer stay a constant distance from each other; thus, no Doppler.

Edited by EdEarl


I WILL FIND THIS PARAGRAPH ( wait .... I looking ....)





  • David Halliday, Robert Resnick: Fizyka. T. II. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1972, s. 427 - 430.

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Propagacja fal w próżni. [dostęp 2014-05-29].

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Gabriel LaFreniere: Matter Is Made of Waves:Electron.

Gabriel LaFreniere: Matter Is Made of Waves:Ivanov Waves.

Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski, Janusz Andrzej Zakrzewski: Wstęp do fizyki. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1984, s. 232 - 239. ISBN 83-01-01359-1.

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Rozporządzenie Ministra Gospodarki z dnia 9 listopada 2007 r. w sprawie wymagań, którym powinny odpowiadać przyrządy do pomiaru prędkości pojazdów w ruchu drogowym, oraz szczegółowego zakresu badań i sprawdzeń wykonywanych podczas prawnej kontroli metrologicznej tych przyrządów pomiarowych (Dz. U. z 2007 r. Nr 225, poz. 1663)

Opis wibrometru

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Cezary Ziółkowski, Józef Rafa: Przestrzenno-częstotliwościowe uwarunkowania lokalizacji źródeł fal radiowych wykorzystującej efekt Dopplera. Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Wydział Elektroniki, Instytut Telekomunikacji, 2007. [dostęp 2014-05-29].

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Ewald Hiebl: Christian Doppler: life and work, principle and applications. Living Edition, 2007, s. 31. ISBN 9783901585098.

Posted (edited)

I understand why he is confused.



When the perpendicular motion is in a straight line, the observer and light source get further apart, and that causes Doppler. However, your pictures are different, your light source and observer stay a constant distance from each other; thus, no Doppler.



( OK PLEASE WAIT i WILL STUDY ABOVE BOOKS list .............. )




mistake ?


1 ,2 , 3, - source POSITION

source = 3 hz

1',2',3' - sensor position

Edited by redkiss
Posted (edited)

I ask ajb to help. He is assistant professor at the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Acadamy of Sciences at Warsaw. I sent him a PM. Hope he will help.

Edited by EdEarl

I understand why he is confused.



When the perpendicular motion is in a straight line, the observer and light source get further apart, and that causes Doppler. However, your pictures are different, your light source and observer stay a constant distance from each other; thus, no Doppler.


He is referring to the relativistic Doppler effect which does work in this situation.


However as there is no relative motion on his example, there is no relativistic Doppler either.

Posted (edited)

I ask ajb to help. He is assistant professor at the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Acadamy of Sciences at Warsaw. I sent him a PM. Hope he will help.


THANK YOU VERY MUCH ( each opinion more is important )



PLEASE not show me reply

I want to study ALONE - all my drawings I prepared alone


( I think that I not misunderstand words that I translated - my drawing showing RED)


better example is here ( I showed speed respect to center - I not measured this problem it is only example to study problem )

on my eyes I see 1/3 Hz shift


we no need speak about Big Planet universe is very very big 600 000 km it is not big distance


Expantion ? it is possible that we see red because we have Rotation ? - we no need linear motion ( escape ) to see Red



( thank You for help again ... please study my post it is natural when

one person see something new it is new and he is able make small mistake but ... it could be small mistake ... )



The Google translation looks perfect. The problem is your understanding, not the translation.



??? I will be in shock if I misunderstand wiki and I found something very important for physics ??? sometimes stupid IDEA = NEW ???

Edited by redkiss

I will be in shock if I misunderstand wiki and I found something very important for physics ??? sometimes stupid IDEA = NEW ???


Don't worry. There is no chance of you being in shock. Sometimes a stupid idea is just wrong.

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