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It's always the same people doing the same thing by the same reason.

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Posted (edited)

It's always the same people doing the same thing by the same reason.


Or it's always the same person doing the same thing by the same reason.


General meaning. Philosophy.


Don't repeat if you can. Change your life! ;)

Edited by Enric
Posted (edited)

I always dislike it when people generalize.

For what reason?

Edited by timo

Do you mean that people find it difficult to change their accustomed behaviour? I feel this could have potential for a good discussion but I don't know where to begin as you've just presented us with a statement. It would be useful to phrase it into a specific question so we can address it accordingly.


I think it means "Stop being the problem".


Reminds me of the reason for freeway congestion. It's the people who try to beat heavy traffic that cause heavy traffic, by being jerks and causing others to use their brakes. Brake lights cause everyone to remove energy from the system, use more gasoline, and it slows everything down to a crawl.


All caused by the very people who are screaming about why everything slowed down to a crawl.

Posted (edited)

Yes. This is a planet of stubborns. Stubbornnes has to be a cause of disability. And to have a pension for it.


The only case of true disability, in fact.

Edited by Enric
Posted (edited)

XY chromosome, would say a woman... :)




And, in fact, thinking about it, in the Patriarchates the same people do the same thing by the same reason with stubborn insistence. Much, much more. More Patriarchate, more insistence.


In a more rational and equal social organization, the stubborn and the violence would not exist with this insistence. The News of TV would not be a copy of the News of yesterday, and a copy of the News of 30 years before.


"Y" chromosome: "Ynsistence" chromosome. It seems a fact in the nature. In an advanced and complicated social framework have secondary effects.

Edited by Enric
Posted (edited)

Sorry for the sentences and the contundence. :unsure: Searching explanations before birth is always controversial... But the troubbles of today are the same, more or less, that the troubbles in the Roman Empire. Or not? Then, the same people as today always did the same thing by the same reason like today. :P

Edited by Enric

Some are and some aren't.


Death and taxes are the same.

Getting a reliable wi-fi connection is not something that troubled the Romans.

Posted (edited)

In technology details, perhaps not very much, But a Doctor, or a Psychologist or a Psichyatrist could open a medical office in the Rome of Nero or Trajano and could earn a lot of 'sestercios'. And the same for a Lawyer and the pickpockets. Roman Law forms the basis of our legal system. That's also very curious. Along centuries, similar crimes. Is it the same guilties doing the same thing by the same reason?

Edited by Enric

Dogs are dogs and act dog-like, would you blame them for sniffing another dog’s arse, or blame subsequent generations for doing the same?


All dogs are unique but they’re still dogs, just like all humans are both unique and human, we may not sniff arses but we do act like a humans.


Well. In the ancient Rome, with money, in summer, you can abandonate the heat of the big city and take with your family and your baggage your ox cart and to suffer the traffic jam in the exits of Rome (controlled by Centurions, because a lot of citizens do the same) and go to the towns of the coast. Where women are dressed with a heavy bikini and you can buy a souvenir (made with pottery) to show to your friends when you're back to the city at the end of hollydays. In the traffic jam, you can find maybe the man who are screaming and using the 'brakes', who mentioned before Phi for All. I mean this.


Since none of us live in ancient Rome, I'm as confused as you seem to be.


When you get Nero bunch of Romans, you come to seize a berry, not to praise it.


Reminds me of the reason for freeway congestion. It's the people who try to beat heavy traffic that cause heavy traffic, by being jerks and causing others to use their brakes. Brake lights cause everyone to remove energy from the system, use more gasoline, and it slows everything down to a crawl.


All caused by the very people who are screaming about why everything slowed down to a crawl.


Yep. Morning traffic jams in the city, because of all the mothers bringing their children to school because the traffic is so dangerous, because there are so many mothers who bring their children to school because...


It's always the same people doing the same thing by the same reason.


Or it's always the same person doing the same thing by the same reason.


General meaning. Philosophy.


Don't repeat if you can. Change your life! ;)

Yesterday I ate food because i was hungry.

today i will eat food because I am hungry.

Tomorrow, too, I will do the same thing for the same reason.


Do you seriously expect me not to?

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