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"Some things are more important than a rock show and this fight against prejudice and bigotry — which is happening as I write — is one of them"

Bruce Springsteen explaining the cancellation of his recent show



I find it incomprehensible that LGBT citizens are being discriminated against ... I cannot in good conscience perform in a State where certain people are being denied their civil rights due to their sexual orientation.


Bryan Adams in his press release also cancelling a show


In which god-forsaken hell hole are these ageing rockstars (who still really rock) cancelling tour shows because of the recent wave of anti LGBT legislation?




It's the land of the free - the Good Ole U S of A.


Springsteen cancelled in Greensboro North Carolina and Adams cancelled at the Mississippi Colisseum


The Tax Justice Network ranks the U.S. third in terms of the secrecy and scale of its offshore industry, behind Switzerland and Hong Kong but ahead of the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg.


That's quite something - I hadn't realised it was so extensive


It's this place:


“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

― Emma Lazarus

Before the Twentieth Century neighbors from shore to shore shared their struggle against nature, because most people produced st least some food necessary for survival. Most were relatively unaware of events beyond their town and county because communications with the world was limited.


Now we live with Future Shock: Facebook friends, online shopping, Need for Speed, Tesla 3, junk food stop, speed of light, etc. We are also hit by culture shock, for example the LGBT movement. I don't condone those bigots who have derailed freedom by making anti LGBT laws, but I empathize with their confusion from future and cultural shock. I'm also frustrated by it, and sometimes think we would be better off without them. But, we must live with them (including friends and relatives, some LGBT and some anti). Life is like quantum mechanics, wierd.


I'm also frustrated by it, and sometimes think we would be better off without them.


This is the part all of us need to work on. Taking a personal feeling, and turning it into a "we" situation to make it seem like more of a mainstream POV. Not singling you out, EdEarl.


"We" quite often includes those who couldn't live without the LGBT folks in their lives. People's lives are enormously different in the details, which drives so many things in our society. If people weren't so different, we'd only need one brand of every type of product, only one flavor of ice cream. In fact, that's what this argument is like, it's like saying rum raisin is an unnecessarily complicated flavor and we'd be better off without it.



I don't drink, so we'd all be better off without alcohol.

Moderation is OK, too. Abstinence is good for those who can't practice moderation, unless one is addicted to food.

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