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  swansont said:
Any evidence that fusion is actually taking place in planet cores?


Of course nuclear fusion reactions takes place. In the sun's core, four protons or hydrogen nuclei fuse together to form one alpha particle or helium nucleus. The alpha particle is about 7% less massive than the four protons.

I'd hardly place stars in the same catagories as planets.


Nice try coving your mistake' date=' though.[/quote']


And you are right. The OP was talking about planets, not about stars.


While there are no nuclear reactions taking place in the earth's core, it's a very hot place indeed. That's why the inner core is composed of solid iron.

I think it is you, Sayonara, who is living in a segregated scientific community. Outer space[/b'] is anything beyond the Earth's atmosphere. Period.

That's the one. Which terms was I thinking of?


Same question still applies to Christ Slave's post, although I'm not sure he will ever answer it.

  • 3 weeks later...

Question 1. Where has CS gone, I’ve just read this whole discussion and would really like to have a chat.

Question 2. Why has no-one brought up the electro-magnetic implications of CS' theory?


To CS,

If the Earth were a hollow shell then there would be no liquid core within (this is definitely what you are saying yes? Which you have not offered any proof for).

If earth did not have a spinning iron core then the world would not have an electromagnetic field around it. (Proven!)

If the earth did not have an electromagnetic field around it then there would be nothing protecting us from the radiation emitted from the sun. (Proven!)

If we were not protected from this radiation we would all be toast. (Proven!)


The very fact that you can sit at your PC typing your ideas is what completely disproves them CS.

Also I think the people of Hawaii would have something to say about you ideas, not to mention the late residents of Pompeii.

Sorry CS.

Where has CS gone, I’ve just read this whole discussion and would really like to have a chat.


He was banned for being a total asshat. I'm sure there's a more technical way of putting it, but that's basically what it boils down to.




Simply put. The earth is not hollow for this reason. When you get an earthquake, the p n and s r or whatever waves ( I don't know too much about that part of it being a physicist) travel at different rates through the earth due to the varying densities of it's layers, if it was a vacume, then these vibration waves wouldn't travel through its center. And don't try to say that the waves travel along the surface, because it cannot work that way due to the frequency shift of the received waves and well look it up.


Also, I mean its just ridiculous the suggest that the Earth is a vacume because the gravity just wouldn't work, if the Earth's actual mass was significantly reduced due to you scooping out it's inside it's angular momentum would drastically be made smaller and it would just spiral into the Sun, it wouldn't be able to maintain orbit.

How come it doesn't say "banned" on his name. He didn't seem like a troublemaker to me. :confused:



He was re-born as Chatha, because 'Christ Slave' was deemed provocative to some (it implied an agenda). It was in this second incarnation he got banned. I think I have that right..

I've been looking into what Christ Slave heas been saying to see where he got the idea, it's odd. There is a post somewhere in here about the end of the world in 2012. It seems the two are linked. Thousands of people world wide are saying the world is hollow, the end is coming, we are visited by aliens from the fourth dimension.

I can humor some of what is beening said, but a hollow earth? Maybe in the fourth dimension as a tetrasphere but to actually think that the world, our physical world is hollow and people live there. Try http://www.2012.com.au it has a lot of information. Some makes a little sense, but some is just impossible.


Wouldn’t the mass of the earth be different if it was hollow?


and doesn’t the mass of a planet influence it's orbit and the orbit of other bodies?


ssooo...are Kepler’s equations correct. or are they all off the mark, because they used a solid earth as a starting point.



it's all very info-tiaining...


"Kepler seems to have married his first wife, Barbara, for love (though the marriage was arranged through a broker). The second marriage, in 1613, was a matter of practical necessity"


see here...




yeah if the arth were hollow then it raises problems in physics, astronomy, geology, cosmology, astronomy and for just about every other science there is. and everything agrees more or less at the moment so if you want to prove the earth is hollow then you need to write a theory explaining why all the other sciences were correct where they were correct and wrong where they wrong and why your theory is right. which is a lot of work. i mean replacing 3000 years of accumulated knowledge and observations and formulae for each and every science. i know some sciences are barely affected but it will still infringe on them a little bit. medicine you wouldn't think it would be affected by this. but it is through chemistry which is affected through physics and geology.

  • 2 months later...
  Ophiolite said:
He was re-born as Chatha, because 'Christ Slave' was deemed provocative to some (it implied an agenda). It was in this second incarnation he got banned. I think I have that right..

When was I banned? I think I simply stopped posting.

  Christ slave said:
Anyhow I will agree the earth is not hollow!
  Christ slave said:
But it doesn't hurt to open your mental boxes to greater truths.
Absolutely agreed, but we must be sure those 'truths' are consistent with observed facts.

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