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It is the character entity for a non-breaking space (and not actually a tag).


Basically inline white space that won't break the line.


It's HTML code for a space, like when you normally press a spacebar.


Edit: too late with the response, it may be deleted.


and what is the point of the code tags? i though the point was that anything entered would be displayed as it is typed, eg tags within the code tags is ignorred, but look:


i would have assumed it would look like this

[quote]hello[ /quote]

(but without the space before the /quote)


You can use   to keep the cell of a table expanded, whereas a normal space bar entry will be ignored and collapse the cell.


It can also be useful for indenting and spacing on sites where your input is stripped of repeating spaces.


edit: evidently it doesn't work here though.


The non-breaking space was never intended to be used for nudging layout. It's for separating grouped words that should not be wrapped, in exactly the same way as the hard hyphen.


Non-typographic manipulation of content should all be done via attributes and CSS, not by bloated and inappropriate code.




i use yellow dots when nessesary


............................like this


so what is the

 tag for?

Marking up code. Handy eh?


I suggest reading the W3C specifications if you want to know the rationale behind every HTML entity.


if, by marking up code, you mean displaying text unformatted by the tags, then why did my attemp to do so fail spectaculaly in post 5?

 gets parsed by the VB script and replaced with the html tag <code>. Other VB between the [code] tags is parsed as normal.


The function of code markup blocks in HTML is presentational (in the sense of monotype fonts and preserved whitespace). It doesn't do anything special like syntax highlighting, or escaping reserved characters.


oh right.


iv seen it used on other v8 sites to avoid interpreting anything as other than text, and used to show people how to use the tags, like i was trying to use it above. mainly on computer sites come to think of it. probably a bit annoying if a piese of coding happens to be the same as a smiley tag or if it contains or something and a bit of the code gets changed from 17%~2:) into 17%~2smile.gif or the bit gets ignored and then the computer crashes when the code is cut-and-pasted into a program, so maybe they tinkered with it to change the way

 is read. either way, it explains why i couldnt do what i was trying to do above. ta.
What does this HTML tag do?
[code'] [/code]

Sayonara got it.


Browsers tend to ignore whitespace (such as 3 or more consequetive spaces and tabs), the nbsp forces the Browser to insert an extra space. You can find uses for this code when you want to seperate words with more than three spaces, or prevent words from wrapping around the text window (assuming you are too lazy to consider the [nobr] tag), or if your ASP/PHP code is having difficulty spacing text the way you intend.

Last time I tried, the code tag didn't preserve spacing. It got me really annoyed too.
The <pre>/</pre> tags will do that for you.
Last time I tried, the code tag didn't preserve spacing. It got me really annoyed too.

Browser specificity. Anything based on the old Mosaic engine won't preserve w/s in a <code> block.


I meant BBCode.

The BB

 tags are parsed into the HTML <code> tags.

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