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Peppered moth genetics


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Famous peppered moth's dark secret revealed


"Scientists have discovered the specific mutation that famously turned moths black during the Industrial Revolution."


It is interesting that no one has done this before. I have read some articles by creationists saying: this is nothing special, there was always a variation in colour, it is genetically simple, nothing new happened.


Well, guess what? They are wrong. (Surprise!)

  • It is an unusual type of mutation (a transposon)
  • It is a (relatively) recent mutation. (It certainly wasn't part of the pre-existing colour variation.)
  • And it is not simple, as the gene into which the extra sequence was added does not appear to be related to pigmentation.
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Don't take this wrong, I mean, yeah, thanks for the post, but this is very old news. As a Biology geek and a staunch evolutionist I been offering the example of this moth to Creationists as an example we see today of evolution for years now. I'm a huge Dawkins fan and believe I first read it from him about a decade ago.


Thing is, most Creationists are unfazed by this moth. In their delusion they simply claim it us only evidence if evolution within a species. That is, micro and not macro evolution. Thus they retain their view that we cannot come from fish or even apes. I know, I know.

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