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your question isn`t very clear at all :(


are you asking do we hear our own voices the same way we hear others?


the answer would be Yes, but with resonant modifications made through our Sinus cavities etc...

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sound travels faster in a solid than in air, but since the distance is so short it seems to occur at the same time, we hear our own voice in both of those ways that you mentioned, direct vibration of the vocal cords creating a "Frequency" but since most of our speach requires resonant characteristics to sound as we do, these will directly vibrate the ear drum (not dump), a nano second later we hear our voice as air waves too.


does that help?

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Do You have a sound recorder ?


Use one to record Your own voice together with a friends voice.


Then listen to it, You will hear the difference in Your voice.

(Your friend will hear the difference in his/her voice.)


Both will hear the others voice as the same.

(If the recorder is not to "junky".)

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