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Thanks to math forum


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In this thread, I noticed a really tough problem. I posted it into other forum to seek for answers. I posted it in a forum which collects all the talents maths students in HK of this year.

Today, I was notified of winning a prize for posting an interesting topic.

As all of your writings are good, so I was praised that :

Character - Prof. CHENG Shiu-yuen
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"" Thanks to Collin and Jeremy for posting interesting

questions in Mathematics and Sciences.I am very

impressed that the questions were written clearly and

concisely. Being able to articulate your opinions is an

important asset. Students interested in science and

mathematics usually do not pay much attention to

develop this ability. Collin and Jeremy set good

examples here."

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Thanks to you guy as I won a book coupon, especially to the thread starter,razorfane.

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