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The Double Toroids and their Frequencies;


Could there be three Double Toroids, best described as rings within rings, made of an unknown ferro-magnetic type material and with unknown axial supports that share the same centre positions physically in the vacuum, 565MLY from where Earth is now.

The Rings are sized in proportion to Pi and the square root of Pi ie 3.1412 & 1.77245.

The three sets of Toroids are of the following dimensions with the largest pair first;

3141.6M(Outer) with a 1772.45M(Inner), 3.1416M(Outer) & 1.77245M(Inner) and the smallest 0.0031416M(Outer) & 0.00177245M(Inner).

The Toroids are all rotating, the Inner Toroids are rotating about a horizontal axis and the Outer Toroids are spinning about a vertical axis.

The smallest Inner Toroid is rotating fastest with 169.135GHz Cycles, the smallest Outer Toroid cycling at 95.427GHz.

The middle sized Inner Toroid cycling at 169.135MHz and it's partnered Outer Toroid frequenting 95.427MHz.

And the same again for the largest set with it's pair of Toroids spinning at 169.135KHz and 95.427KHz See attached jpeg.

1) Pi e-3, SqRt Pi e-3 f1 = C/Lambda = f1 = C/0.0031416M = 95.427GHz and f2 = C/SqRt Pi = 169.135GHz

2) Pi, SqRt Pi f3 = C/3.1416M = 95.427MHz and f4 =C/1.7725M = 169.135MHz

3)Pi e3, SqRt Pi e3 f5 = C/3141.6M = 95.427KHz and f6 =C/1772.5M = 169.135KHz.


Can these sets of frequencies be seen in COBE, WMAP or Planck observations less the Red-Shift Frequency loss equivalent to 565MLY?


Spiral Wave and Electron Jump;


The Speed of Light C / 6 = 49 965 409.66 recurringM / 6 = 8 327 568.277recurringM / 6 = 1387928.04629 with 629 recurringM wave length of the Spiral-Wave.

C / 1 387 928.04629M = 216Hz.

Could these Spiral-Waves be responsible for the Audible range of frequencies seen in the CMB?


Our Dual-Verses Dimensions and Shape;


I was reading an article that was discussing Electron Jumps and it stated that the Electron-Jump was complete after 1e20 cycles, Photons are Leptons just as Electrons are, could One expect them to behave similarly?

If I multiply 1 387 928.04629M x 1e20 I get 1 387 928.04629e26M, 1 387 928.04629e26M / 1LY = 14.670411BLY - Is this the correct size of the Observable Universe?


Does a second Photon-Jump then occur at 1 387 928.04629M x 1e22 that give Echos from 1.467041TLY (T = trillion)?


The shape of Our Dual-Verse being similar to two wide angled cones of 58.8608 Degress from the Outer Toroids and 121.1392 Degrees from the Inner Toroids, giving an Outer Cone Angle of 121.1392 Degrees see attached drawing.

Matter can Only form where the high frequency and low frequency emmissions from the Toroids cross each other, ie from the attached jpeg matter would be able to form only in the green hatched area.






  On 7/7/2016 at 8:24 PM, Ant Sinclair said:

Could there be three Double Toroids, best described as rings within rings, made of an unknown ferro-magnetic type material and with unknown axial supports that share the same centre positions physically in the vacuum, 565MLY from where Earth is now.



I suppose there could be all sorts of things, but without any evidence, why would we imagine there is.


The structures you suggest seem implausible for a number of reasons. I think something that large would be either be directly visible or detectable by its gravitational effect on nearby galaxies and galaxy clusters.





The three sets of Toroids are of the following dimensions with the largest pair first;

3141.6M(Outer) with a 1772.45M(Inner), 3.1416M(Outer) & 1.77245M(Inner) and the smallest 0.0031416M(Outer) & 0.00177245M(Inner).


What are the units here? Is "M" million? Million what? Megaparsecs? Millions of light years? Millions of kilometres?


If the units are some human unit of measurement, why would they be multiples of pi?





Can these sets of frequencies be seen in COBE, WMAP or Planck observations less the Red-Shift Frequency loss equivalent to 565MLY?


I can't answer that. But the red shift at that distance is very small (about 0.04).





Could these Spiral-Waves be responsible for the Audible range of frequencies seen in the CMB?


I am not aware that there are any audible frequency signals in the CMB. Do you have a reference for that?


Or are you thinking of the acoustic waves that can be measured in the CMB? (Which describes how they were formed, not the frequency.)





I was reading an article that was discussing Electron Jumps and it stated that the Electron-Jump was complete after 1e20 cycles


Can you explain what 1e20 cycles means? (Cycles of what?)





Photons are Leptons


No they are are bosons.



3.1km Diameter structure at 565MLY distance huge?

NASA don't even see them approaching Earth until the last minute do they, let alone at a distance that big :)

  On 7/7/2016 at 11:29 PM, Ant Sinclair said:

3.1km Diameter structure at 565MLY distance huge?

NASA don't even see them approaching Earth until the last minute do they, let alone at a distance that big :)



So 3141.6M(Outer) is 3.1km?


What units are you using?

  On 7/7/2016 at 8:24 PM, Ant Sinclair said:


I was reading an article that was discussing Electron Jumps and it stated that the Electron-Jump was complete after 1e20 cycles



1e20 cycles of what? The EM radiation? Visible light is around 10^14 Hz, so that's a million seconds. Yes, electron jumps take less than a week-and-a-half.


Where did you read this? It's impossible to assess without the context of the article.

Posted (edited)

I suppose there could be all sorts of things, but without any evidence, why would we imagine there is.


The structures you suggest seem implausible for a number of reasons. I think something that large would be either be directly visible or detectable by its gravitational effect on nearby galaxies and galaxy clusters.


Without any evidence? - I've given 6 frequencies(less 565MLY less Red-Shift Frequency loss, surely there are many here can calculate this loss) that could be checked out against COBE, WMAP & Planck Observations.

These Structures would what some may have described as Singularities, Modern Scientists can't even concur on what a Black Hole is yet can they.

Feynman & Stueckelberg said that Antimatter is the same as Matter just travelling in the opposite direction.

Have You Strange or any others here carried out any checks on the frequencies I have quoted?

Is there also a 1387928.04629 wave length to be seen in COBE, WMAP or Planck?

Edited by Ant Sinclair
  On 7/10/2016 at 1:12 PM, Ant Sinclair said:

I've given 6 frequencies(less 565MLY less Red-Shift Frequency loss, surely there are many here can calculate this loss) that could be checked out against COBE, WMAP & Planck Observations.



Why can't you check this?


I have, as in a previous thread Mordred concurred there is a High-spectral Radiance in the CMB of approximately 162Ghz, when I calculated this frequency loss via Red-Shift I got 595MLY , I asked a String-theorist to check this for I and He calculated 565MLY, and thought His figure was most likely correct and hence the figure stated.

Isn't this kind of calculation bread & butter to You very well educated gentlemen?


Here is a longer list of higher frequencies that should show up in CMB observations;

6C / 3.1416mm = 572.561GHz

6C / 1.77245mm = 1014.84GHz

6C / 3.1416M = 572.561MHz

6C / 1.77245M = 1014.84MHz

6C / 3141.6M = 572.561KHz

6C / 1772.45M =1014.84KHz


Then 4C by the same set of wave lengths giving;








Then the same again for 2C;








Are these to be seen as High-Spectral Radiances in the CMB as well as the previous 7 frequencies given?


As the CMB is a black body spectrum, it contains a very wide range of frequencies, including those you mention.



Do you expect there to be peaks at these frequencies? If so, what sort of amplitude do you predict?


Note that the deviations from a perfect black body are very, very small (less than 50 parts per million) so your predictions of the size of these peaks need to be extremely precise to be testable.

  On 7/12/2016 at 9:40 AM, Ant Sinclair said:

Are these to be seen as High-Spectral Radiances in the CMB as well as the previous 7 frequencies given?


Why don't you check?

  On 7/12/2016 at 10:05 AM, Ant Sinclair said:

I expected You to enquire to where the 2C, 4C & 6C had come from?






3141.6M(Outer) with a 1772.45M(Inner), 3.1416M(Outer) & 1.77245M(Inner) and the smallest 0.0031416M(Outer) & 0.00177245M(Inner).


What are the units in these sizes?


3141.6M(Outer) with a 1772.45M(Inner), 3.1416M(Outer) & 1.77245M(Inner) and the smallest 0.0031416M(Outer) & 0.00177245M(Inner).

What are the units in these sizes?


In seeing that no body seems interested in this thread I shall now close it.



  On 7/15/2016 at 6:50 PM, Ant Sinclair said:

In seeing that no body seems interested in this thread I shall now close it.



I am interested but you refuse to answer my question.

  On 7/7/2016 at 8:24 PM, Ant Sinclair said:

3141.6M(Outer) with a 1772.45M(Inner), 3.1416M(Outer) & 1.77245M(Inner) and the smallest 0.0031416M(Outer) & 0.00177245M(Inner).


What are the units in these sizes?


Strange, I have given twenty five frequencies to "check" so far and thought that the real geniuses that frequent Sf.net would be able to say Ye or Ne to their existence in a short period of time, I was trained to work on Instrumentation & Electrical systems that control continuous process plants such as Power Stations and Chemical Plants, and as the gentleman Sensei pointed out on a previous thread did not train as a scientist.

It would be good to have the 216Hz and the last eighteen frequencies given verified or dismissed by someone else(an expert) so I can move forward or not with this thread, if the frequencies are not there then I have been barking up the wrong tree.

I can look at Planck's results as in the attached jpeg, but the resolution to confirm the frequencies is not there, and this is the reason I need help to ascertain accurate frequency results from Planck, WMAP & COBE.

The most important frequency to I at the moment is the 216Hz, if that frequency is there it would take I back to the start of My journey into the workings of the "Universe" ie 432(Hz) see attached jpeg.

Whatever the outcome of My little journey I have learned lots of things I never knew before and so it has not been a waste of My time, and as such shall not go to My grave as dumb as the day I exited My Mother's womb.

I don't envy you Gentlemen of Knowledge, I admire You!



You could look at their papers and see if they were even looking at that range of frequencies. An instrument that's giving results at hundreds of GHz may not be able to measure all the way down below 1 kHz.


But for what is displayed, it's a continuum. 572.561GHz, for example, is there. As are all of the other values.

  On 7/7/2016 at 8:24 PM, Ant Sinclair said:

The three sets of Toroids are of the following dimensions with the largest pair first;

3141.6M(Outer) with a 1772.45M(Inner), 3.1416M(Outer) & 1.77245M(Inner) and the smallest 0.0031416M(Outer) & 0.00177245M(Inner).

What are the units for these sizes? (inches? kilometres? furlongs?)


There is one other frequency that I hope to have confirmed or dismissed, the frequency is 18.067GHz(3 x 18.067 = 54.203GHz), I have seen the 54GHz frequency once before and it could be of significance.

If this frequency is there, I think the mathematicians will like it's source/root, this will save I time in being able to describe the mechanics better to You all.

I shall not ask for any others to be confirmed and believe that 99% of CMB Ra diences can have their source/root identified.


Mordred I don't know if I should have had these thoughts or not, but here they are anyway;

"is the timing of the Cambrian Radiation(Explosion) coincidental at 565 million years ago and that life appeared to "start" recovering at 545 million years ago?, What relative velocity are We(the Earth. milkyway etc) travelling at?"

  On 7/20/2016 at 12:50 PM, Ant Sinclair said:

There is one other frequency that I hope to have confirmed or dismissed, the frequency is 18.067GHz(3 x 18.067 = 54.203GHz), I have seen the 54GHz frequency once before and it could be of significance.


As previously noted, the CMB contains a wide range of frequencies including these because it is a near perfect black body spectrum. How much do you expect the spectrum to diverge from a black body at this frequency? (Without that information, your questions is basically meaningless.)



What relative velocity are We(the Earth. milkyway etc) travelling at?

Relative to what?


  On 7/7/2016 at 8:24 PM, Ant Sinclair said:

The three sets of Toroids are of the following dimensions with the largest pair first;

3141.6M(Outer) with a 1772.45M(Inner), 3.1416M(Outer) & 1.77245M(Inner) and the smallest 0.0031416M(Outer) & 0.00177245M(Inner).



What are the units of measurement for these sizes?


The M is for metre Strange, I have a few hours work left to do today and I shall be able to show You all the Higgs/Bose particles "bigger-brother" and how I am able to map 99% of the CMB Ra diences.

Posted (edited)
  On 7/24/2016 at 10:36 AM, Ant Sinclair said:

The M is for metre Strange,


Thanks. It has only taken 3 weeks and 20+ posts to answer a simple question.


The usual symbol is m, not M.


But that means these objects are tiny. I doubt any radiation from them could be detected. How do you propose this radiation is generated, anyway?


And why would objects have sizes that are a multiple of pi in arbitrary man-made units?

Edited by Strange
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