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diatomic molecules


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According to what I have been taught... very basic Chemistry... it is two atoms of the same element. The diatomics are [math] F2, I2, O2, N2, H2 [/math] etc. There are seven that I know of... I think Mr. Johnson said there are more, we (our class) is too stupid to learn about them yet.




(He didn't really say that, he just meant it. Rock on Mr. Johnson. xD)

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is a diatomic molecule a molecule containg 2 atoms of the same type or just a molcule which contains 2 atoms that can be of any type (same type or not the same type)

A diatomic molecule contains two atoms,

A Homonuclear diatomic molecule contains two atoms of the same kind (Cl2, F2 O2, ect)

A Heteronuclear diatomic molecule contains two atoms of different kinds (HCL, NO, MgO, ect)



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To remember the diatomic elements, just remember HONCLBRIF. That's hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O), Nitrogen (N), Chlorine (Cl), Bromine (Br), Iodine (I), and Fluorine (F). All non-noble gases and halogens exist as diatomic molecules in their elemental form.

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  • 2 months later...

I always use "I Bring Clay For Our New House" to remember the naturally occuring homonuclear diatomic molecules, that takes you up and over forming the 7 shape that K9-47G was mentioning


And generally the term "diatomic molecule" is ambiguous, it could mean either two identical atoms or two different atoms.

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