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Yet again our thoughts are with the French People


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WaitforUFO, is clearly a proponent of strong firearm regulations and is a firm believer in separateing those commiing terrorist actions from the religions they claim to support.


Anyhow been busy, so I need to go get caught up on the news. Peace.

Endy, you are just being "extremely careless."

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Sorry Dimreepr, I was addressing Airbrush.


You guys are all bright people, yet you pretend not to understand Waitforufo in your rush to be politically correct.


He wants to know why trucks are treated differently than guns. Everyone is always clamoring for gun control ( including me ) yet, a truck can kill more people than the explosives and guns of the last terrorist attack. But everyone, including religious nutcases, can buy or rent a truck.


He is of the opinion that maybe we shouldn't be concentrating so much on the implement used to cause the mayhem, whether gun, truck, plane, bomb, or what have you; We should focus more on the people who use these implements to cause such carnage.


In case I need to spell it out ( or point you to Waitforufo's linked graphic ) for you...

What is it about this religion/culture that produces/attracts madmen like this guy, who drive down the promenade at high speed, watching more than 80 men, women and children splatter and bounce off the front of the truck and hit the ground, dead.


No other group, no matter how disenfranchised, does this kind of thing as regularly.

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He wants to know why trucks are treated differently than guns.

Trucks have different utility value and core purpose than guns and yet despite this are also heavily regulated to minimize any harm they may inflict on others. Guns, though? No, sorry. Not so much.


I'm pretty sure waitforufo doesn't care at all about any of that, though, hence our collective dismissal of his posts.


Islam is a scapegoat for these asshats, not a motivator.

Edited by iNow
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The relationship between the religion and these lunatics may not be causal, but there is certainly a correlation.


And while the truck itself may be heavily regulated, the lunatic driving it is not.

Anyone with a valid driver's license and a credit card can rent one to move.

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The relationship between the religion and these lunatics may not be causal, but there is certainly a correlation.

And there's certainly a correlation between umbrellas and rain, too. That hardly means umbrella carrying causes increased chances of precipitation. It's not only moot, but irrelevant.

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Neither. Why must you use the fallacy of false dichotomy to argue your point?


There's merit in your intended point. I stipulate this. Convince me of it, though. Thus far, you have not.

Edited by iNow
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False dichotomy ? Really ?

What other reasons are there for carrying an umbrella ?

Either you think its going to rain, or, it goes well with your English suit and bowler hat ( think Steed from the Avengers )


( I'm sorry, this is an extremely serious subject, and we're getting off-topic and silly )

Edited by MigL
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It's effing hot outside, I'm walking and need shade. Umbrella provides it. Shall I share any other painfully obvious examples that negate your intended point, or can we move on?

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You're right let's move on.

( but notice I said carry, not use, an umbrella; you don't carry an umbrella when you expect it to get sunny and hot )


Edited for clarity.

Edited by MigL
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Obviously, all those regulations mentioned by iNow are not enough.


Show your data. How many more people would die from truck accidents each year absent those licensing and safety restrictions I cited? I'm sure it's significant, but we can't assume it's zero as you implicitly have here.


Until you show the actual data and method by which you obtained it, you're just making things up (pulling things out of your ass, really) and expecting all if us to simply accept your assertion as true. That's childish.


The goal of regulation is improvement, not perfection. Encourage you to try comprehending that this is not a binary world no matter how forcefully or unconsciously you wish it to be.


It's not all or nothing. It's not achieve zero deaths or ignore the problem, and this is true regardless of whether we place responsibility on the truck, the gun, the person, or some combination of those and other things.

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Show your data. How many more people would die from truck accidents each year absent those licensing and safety restrictions I cited? I'm sure it's significant, but we can't assume it's zero as you implicitly have here.


Until you show the actual data and method by which you obtained it, you're just making things up (pulling things out of your ass, really) and expecting all if us to simply accept your assertion as true. That's childish.


The goal of regulation is improvement, not perfection. Encourage you to try comprehending that this is not a binary world no matter how forcefully or unconsciously you wish it to be.


It's not all or nothing. It's not achieve zero deaths or ignore the problem, and this is true regardless of whether we place responsibility on the truck, the gun, the person, of some combination of those and other things.

I have provided my data. My data is found in every major media outlet reporting that there was a truck crash in Nice. How many headlines do you need? Just another unfortunate traffic related incident resulting in the loss of life. Other than that, nothing to see there. Time to move along. Well I think it was more than that. Someone should be held accountable. The truck manufacturer should be held accountable. I don't want my grandchildren running for there lives when they hear the ice cream truck driving down my street playing turkey in the straw.

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Someone should be held accountable. The truck manufacturer should be held accountable. I don't want my grandchildren running for there lives when they hear the ice cream truck driving down my street playing turkey in the straw.

Why do you keep returning to the absurd idea of truck manufacturers being held accountable? It makes me want to vomit. Any car can cause a lot of deaths and mayhem if the driver intends that. A baseball bat can kill dozens of people in a crowd. In fact almost anything can be used as a deadly weapon if that is your intention. A karate expert can kill dozens of people in a matter of minutes by his bare hands. The important point is the ISIS idea is a very powerful motivator to anyone who has nothing to lose. There are lots and lots of people who have nothing to lose. If such a person believes they will go to heaven by killing anyone, there is no way to stop them. I think blind faith in any religion is stupid and needs to be called out, everyone should be a little agnostic about religion. Just enough doubt about not really going to heaven by killing people. Wake up people, all religions are lies! They don't come from "God" they come from clever men who are good at controlling the masses.

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He's putting forth the position that humans will always do heinous things, that Muslims do them more than non-Muslims as a result of their beliefs, all while poking fun at other people who completely unrelated are trying to minimize gun deaths in the US. He's suggesting we should do nothing to regulate guns or hold people accountable when those guns wind up in the wrong hands and are used violently, and he's trying to be as douchey and prickly as possible while doing so.

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He's putting forth the position that humans will always do heinous things, that Muslims do them more than non-Muslims as a result of their beliefs, all while poking fun at other people who completely unrelated are trying to minimize gun deaths in the US. He's suggesting we should do nothing to regulate guns or hold people accountable when those guns wind up in the wrong hands and are used violently, and he's trying to be as douchey and prickly as possible while doing so.

I have done none of the above. I have said the Islam is the religion of peace. (Thank you again iNow for pointing out my homonym error). I have not brought up gun regulation in this topic even once. I have discouraged people like yourself from conflating Islam and gun control with this unrelated traffic incident. I simply woke up yesterday morning and read many news stories on all the major news outlets about a traffic incident in Nice France resulting in the loss of many lives including men, women, children and even babies. I then found that this traffic incident was a topic here and have been contributing. Based on the stories I read on major news outlets like MSNBC, a favorite of many on this forum, I have simply tried to keep this topic focused on the reports I read. I'm simply being blamed for reading things like the MSNBC twitter post.




Tune in to @MSNBC for continued live coverage of the deadly truck crash in Nice, France: http://on.msnbc.com/29Hl9dl
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You guys are all bright people, yet you pretend not to understand Waitforufo in your rush to be politically correct.



Most of us understand Waitforufo perfectly well and PC has nothing to do with it; he's pretending the truck was somehow to blame, rather than the driver and imagines this approach somehow exonerates his personal arsenal.

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I have done none of the above. I have said [that] Islam is the religion of peace. (Thank you again iNow for pointing out my homonym error).

Hahaha. You think we haven't noticed that you intentionally used the word "piece" rather than "peace" to remind us Islamic Extremists cut people into pieces?


he's pretending the truck was somehow to blame, rather than the driver and imagines this approach somehow exonerates his personal arsenal.

You think so? I thought he was just being sarcastic, not pretending the truck company was really to blame. I agree that it appears like rationalizing his own personal gun arsenal.


Waitforufo, do you have a conceal-gun-carry permit? Can anyone without a bad record get a conceal-carry permit in any state?

Edited by Airbrush
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You think so? I thought he was just being sarcastic, not pretending the truck company was really to blame. I agree that it appears like rationalizing his own personal gun arsenal.



Really? I thought he was just pretending to be sarcastic.

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