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Anthropology forums?


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Does anybody know of any Anthropology message boards on the net? I tried searching through ezboards, google, and forum find. I was able to find a science forum with an Anthropology section but it was filled with crap from posters named "antinigg" and "ed conrad" http://www.groupsrv.com/science/forum-6.html


I'd appreciate any help, If I can't find a worthwhile one already in existence, I think I might create my own through ezboards, although waiting for a new message board to gain activity can be quite tiresome.



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I actually haven't found very many good forums. I can't find anything for history/social science, they all suck. Admiral pushed for an Anthropology/Paleontology section, and tried to start a couple threads, but it didn't seem very successful. I think it would be a good idea, but that's for the suggestion section:


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