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can u crack these puzzlingly un-referenced electromagnetic configurations?

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any help at all would be awesome! and try not to describe in mathematics as much as u can!
please help me figure out what happens to the E, M, A's and ponying vectors of the following. each examples components have equal strength fields in all categories except when explicitly stated otherwise. so as much E as M and as much dipole as toroid ect ect..

first of all why do virtual photons behave so much differently than regular photons..
and please teach me what u know about the A fields of for example a permanent toroidal magnet..
like how exactly (in what way exactly) dose it create a shift in the phase and or organization of charged particles? is it just a sort of translation or is it also a rotation and in what - is it the probability field itself or is it the underlying virtual particles? or are those mostly inseparable? and whats the differences between an electric fields A and an magnetic toroids A?

what do the E, M, A's and ponying vectors look like when a permanent magnetic dipole has its entire surface charged(+)?
and then (-)?... just to be sure im not missing anything;)

BTW just ignore conductivity and keep the following surfaces charge accordingly..

what do the E, M, A's and ponying vectors look like when a permanent magnetic dipole has one half (pole) charged (N+) and the other half (S-)?
and then importantly whats the other orientation (N-)&(S+) behave like?

whats the E, M, A's and ponying vectors look like when a magnetic dipole is embedded in a toroidal permanent magnets axis of rotational symmetry, with its flux (at least initially) perpendicular to the toroidal flux, such that it is surrounded on all but one poles side.

now much as above imagine a VERY large permanently magnetized toroidal magnet..
imagine putting a small long dipole a little ways into its A axis with its flux (at least initially) perpendicular to the toroidal flux.. such that the north or south pole is pushed into the rings of toroidal flux.. and the other pole is completely exposed.. at least at the moment of pushing in, would not a spiral of flux 'flow' out of the toroidal magnet, and then upon its first attempts at 'connecting' with the small exposed pole of the dipole, how does this magnetic vortex conserve angular momentum yet also not change speed (C..)?

one last.. set.. ..what dose the E, M, A's and ponying vectors of the following look like. this time theres a spherical toroidal magnet with a spherical dipole magnet at its core with its flux (at least initially) perpendicular to the toroidal flux.. and the surface of it is charged in the following separate ways.
wholly (+).. then later..
wholly (-)
(+N x toroid) & (-S x toroid)
(-N x toroid) & (+S x toroid)
(+N x reversed toroid) & (-S x reversed toroid)
(-N x reversed toroid) & (+S x reversed toroid)
(+N x toroid) & (-S x reversed toroid)
(-N x reversed toroid) & (+S x toroid)

(+N x reversed toroid) & (-S x toroid)
(-N x toroid) & (+S x reversed toroid)

thank you very much for any help! iv gotten my own theories and lessons about this over the years, but i cant find almost any data on most of it!? pictures are worth a billion words here btw, thanks for any help!!

Edited by joshuagolden00

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