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StringJunky last won the day on December 23 2024

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About StringJunky

  • Birthday 02/16/1962

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    Chronic autodidact, perpetual student and navel gazer

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  1. You just reminded me of a Bob Monkhouse joke with that line. "I told them I wanted to be a comedian. They aren't laughing now"
  2. It'll be ironic if the 2nd Amendment fanatics start turning their guns on Trump and his allies eventually, when he likely turns his back on them. The 2A is, after all, intended as insurance against a tyrannical government.
  3. I was considering putting a bet on Trump getting JFK'd, but apparently it's illegal. That's you Americans personal info they are waltzing. through. All this in two weeks.
  4. It seems that rich people's past transgressions come home to roost in the end. The only way out is to die before it all blows up in public. Thinking of Sean Combs (Puff Daddy), Ghislaine Maxwell and many other actors and rappers, especially who are currently or recently under public and judicial scrutiny. Ultimately, people don't know when to stop being naughty until it's too late. They, mostly, didn't reach the highest echelons of society by being honest.
  5. Sorry, I forgot about that. Yes, I wore it for a while. Even though that is still ongoing, it is unfortunate that Gaza has taken the stage from it. I am heartened that the Ukrainians seem to be becoming more technologically self-reliant. That's another big issue Trump may well help make a mess of in the near future. I don't feel optimistic about geopolitics in general with him at the US helm..
  6. I know... they work together. The conflict is between Zionists and those two groups. and their respective supporters. As for the latter part, I have no clue what you are on about, I support antizionist Jew's and the existence of Palestine. If that makes me "fascist", or whatever to you, I couldn't care less.
  7. If you are on Windows, you could open the photo on your screen and then capture it with 'snipping tool' Put that in Windows Search in the taskbar. When it comes up click 'New' Then click and drag the '+' symbol over the area you want to capture. Then cllck the 'Save' icon next to "Edit in.." on the top right. The resolution will be that of the screen. I follow Naturei Karta on Facebook. They are fervent antizionists and supporters of reconciliatory dialogue between Torah-respecting Jews and Muslims.
  8. This is used in carp fishing baits. What it smells like depends on the concentration. Low concentrations are quite pleasant right up to the worst funky body smells you can imagine. I have some. It comes inside a bottle that is inside a container. If you get it on anything porous or absorbent the smell will last days. The taste is apparently sweetish. In a kilo of substrate or litre of water, starting dose would be around 10 drops for carp baits. Fish can detect it at 10 parts per billion.
  9. Trump echoes what Jared Kushner said about its development potential, IIRC. I'm in no doubt that this administration with the Israelis will push until it is a fait accompli for the Palestinians. The saddest thing is that the Islamic countries are not united behind them.
  10. Don't forget the price of eggs is going to come down. US companies all over are going to drop their prices and have lower wages so that that their "fellow Americans" can have cheaper groceries. Fuhrer Musk
  11. Thanks. So an extremely high density is necessary for this scenario, so that the physical radius is smaller than the Schwarzschild radius to allow a photon to orbit? Are their bodies in the universe that have the required mass/density properties to confine a photon to its orbit, in principle? I'm trying to get an idea of the mass/density necessary to confine a photon some uniform orbital distance from a body
  12. A photon is emitted in a vacuum some arbitrary distance above a spatially isolated spherical mass equal to Earth. The photon is emitted in a parallel direction to the surface. Will the photon orbit at the same height continuously, fall to Earth or just continue out along an increasingly flat space/geodesic?
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