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michel123456 last won the day on July 12 2019

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About michel123456

  • Birthday 06/08/1960

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    Athens Greece
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  • Favorite Area of Science
    time & space
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  1. You may like my concept of how Time works Link deleted
  2. In the list I forgot to mention the executioner. Yes this Forum is most generally well moderated, I have to concede that. However my feeling is that, like many elements over the Net, the construction of a civilized virtual society is still under its way. The several Forums that exist on the Web, this one included, do not have a structure comparable to the outside world (as I know it): imagine if the policemen (the Mods) were not paid, as if the lawmakers (the Staff) were inventing laws by sniffing their fingers, as if politicians (the Owner) were not ruling at all, as if members (the Members) had no right at all, as if free speech (what is that) were to be invented, etc. At this point of History, the Net is organized more like a middle age Kingdom, ruled sometimes by an enlightened monarch, sometimes by a brutal dictator. The French Revolution has not arrived yet on the Internet.
  3. Nice clarification, thank you. Maybe more transparency would be nice too. For example; "this ban has been agreed by 3 Mods & 1 Expert & 3 Members of the Jury" or something like that. In order to avoid fury toward a specific Mod, as has been seen lately (and erased quickly)
  4. IMHO the issue with Moderation may arise when the Lawmaker, the Policeman, the Prosecutor and the Judge are the same and one person.
  5. You asked for an idea. Since WhosTheFool (wtf) did not answer, I couldn't resist the temptation to drop my idea. What is your's?
  6. Probably because the title has 3 words that may appear easily in a search (Firts, Post, Prime). It may even happen that some viewers are bots. See here
  7. My opinion is that even if you get the correct statement (the sun is at the center of the solar system), it may not be recognized as true immediately. The history of science is full of such examples where, when a discovery has been made, it appears that the one or the other had discovered the same thing several years earlier but was dismissed or ignored.
  8. Many members here simply leave. I cannot recall anyone saying goodbye, except maybe @ajb that I miss. @Sisyphus @Spyman that I miss too @insane_alien @Martin And many more.
  9. Research Article in ASTRONOMY The arches of chaos in the Solar System by Nataša Todorović(1), Di Wu(2) and Aaron J. Rosengren(3) 1Belgrade Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade, Serbia. 2Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA. 3Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA. Abstract Space manifolds act as the boundaries of dynamical channels enabling fast transportation into the inner- and outermost reaches of the Solar System. Besides being an important element in spacecraft navigation and mission design, these manifolds can also explain the apparent erratic nature of comets and their eventual demise. Here, we reveal a notable and hitherto undetected ornamental structure of manifolds, connected in a series of arches that spread from the asteroid belt to Uranus and beyond. The strongest manifolds are found to be linked to Jupiter and have a profound control on small bodies over a wide and previously unconsidered range of three-body energies. Orbits on these manifolds encounter Jupiter on rapid time scales, where they can be transformed into collisional or escaping trajectories, reaching Neptune’s distance in a mere decade. All planets generate similar manifolds that permeate the Solar System, allowing fast transport throughout, a true celestial autobahn. See article: https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/6/48/eabd1313
  10. It looks like The Most Famous Artist from Santa-Fe is the author of the first one.
  11. I have visited in Switztzerland an entire manufactory of sanitary equipment that was fully robotized, very impressive. The only workers were maintenance staff for the robots. It was mentioned that out of each set of 4 robots one was in maintenance. Fortunately the design team was not robotized (yet), but that was in 2015.
  12. Anyway the browser pays no role. I logged in with IE, Chrome & Mozilla & it changed nothing.
  13. I had the button once. It disappeared lately. I wonder maybe it is related to the fact that moderators have restrained my posting abilities: I cannot post in the Relativity subforum.
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