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Phi for All

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Phi for All last won the day on February 13

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About Phi for All

  • Birthday May 13

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    CO, USA
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    U of CO/Communications
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    Busy married father
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  1. Then you're in the minority of Ukrainians in your dislike of Zelensky, and what you claimed earlier is still wrong, and supports the Russians you claim to hate.
  2. Get out of here. He has a 57% approval rate, you Russian shill. https://thehill.com/policy/international/5153509-trump-attacks-ukrainian-president-zelensky-approval/
  3. You aren't supposed to be using logic. Those are formal rules used in philosophy and maths. What you're thinking of is reasoning skills, or critical thinking skills. Those are what we all need to get better at. Unfortunately, I think what you're referring to is something completely different. What you're "taking away" from this is that your assumptions are based on your intuition, and science has no obligation to make any kind of intuitive sense. There are plenty of explanations that seem at odds with what we think we know. Time is certainly not intuitive, and the laws of physics don't recognize a difference between past and future. And is there anything intuitive about the Placebo Effect? Or Black Holes? Also, "right answer" is not a scientific concept. Best supported explanations for various phenomena is how theory works.
  4. Persuade me. What would be your first three steps to "It can work"?
  5. Specifically, I see "amator" philosophers as unreliable purely because the ones like you can't understand the science yet seem to want your efforts to be seen on a par with those of degreed scientists who've studied and actually became a "peer" who is able to review the work of others. The fact that you think the philosopher is being dismissed, rather than the explanations they're putting forth, tells me you ignore it when one of your ideas is shown to be false. Ideas are wrong all the time, and that's what scientific methodology is for.
  6. ! Moderator Note The Speculations section is for science. If you can't support this concept with evidence, and need to invoke supernatural forces, there's no need for discussion here. There are plenty of sites that love to discuss things like this, but we aren't one of them, sorry.
  7. I could have sworn this was a science discussion forum. Enjoy your transparent conceptual irony framework.
  8. ! Moderator Note OK. The staff doesn't usually moderate in threads where we're also involved, but this is a pretty open and shut case of soapboxing. Ignoring evidence and refusing to discuss in good faith, insisting on your position without dealing with the objections of others, none of this helps a discussion. Please follow the rules you agreed to when you joined. Thread closed.
  9. Do you have any evidence that supports your "prediction"? The methodology can lead to surprisingly strong predictions, and it's one of science's best features, but it requires evidence to back it up, to make it meaningful and trustworthy.
  10. ! Moderator Note It seems like we've come to an impasse. Genady has scientific examples of truth without a god, and you refuse to acknowledge them. The discussion seems at an end, do you agree? It's pretty pointless from here on in.
  11. I don't see how you can say this, and then say this: This "reason" uses none. You're misusing the definition of "conscious", stretching it to fit a situation it's not meant for, so it means nothing. You made up these "rings", constructing them from DNA and God. You know very well how little you know, yet you make these claims with total conviction, with your whole chest, so I don't think you know how much you don't know. Don't you realize ANYBODY can make things up like this, and that's why we have science to filter out all the unreasonable, subjective, and false explanations?
  12. They're won't be deporting folks once the costs become clear. Count on detention centers for immigrants being used as prison labor. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/04/geo-forced-labor-lawsuit/
  13. As someone who has followed efforts for the peaceful and sustainable use of outer space near Earth, I can tell you right now you are completely WRONG about this. It is NOT a waste to force anyone to comply with such studies. If we'd been more concerned with regulation in the past, we wouldn't have the problem we do with space debris, which Musk has made even worse by his slipshod, cut-corner practices. You jumped to a conclusion that these studies were unnecessary, that they're a waste. Are you going to educate yourself or keep pushing Elon Musk's talking points? You do know he's at the head of the fascist takeover, right? His companies stand to become favored by the state, which means he has no competition and can charge what he wants once he's in place. That's all the conspiracy needed. See Germany leading up to WWII. They'll be taking prisoners and forcing them to work soon, watch for it.
  14. The pronoun, or the famous second baseman?
  15. I don't know who said this, since you stole their words but didn't give a citation, but we have more slaves today, working in contemporary slavery, than in biblical times, so I'm going to give your biblical method a big thumbs down. Almost 50 million, around the world, and a lot of this is done by religious groups who have dehumanized certain people in order to "help" them, specifically by housing and feeding them, and getting some manual labor out of the deal. AKA slavery. In the US, lots of good Christians in the south base the structure of their towns and cities on slave prison labor, and half the churches in the US are in rural areas. Your god reformed all those souls, but didn't seem to be able to change their thoughts and actions.
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