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iNow last won the day on February 10

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  1. iNow


    Say what now?
  2. Post Covid inflation is mostly related to a massive freeze across all supply chains locally as people were not allowed to leave their homes all at the same time that checks were being written to people to help keep them afloat and pay their bills while out of work. It led to a spike in demand since consumers were suddenly cash flush at the same time supply was down and harder to find. This is explained by classic supply/demand curves and is elementary Econ 101. Invoking QE as an explanation is absurd and ideological and is a bit like concluding there are ghosts in your house because you hear a creaking noise.
  3. iNow


    Society requires a balance and while personal rights shall be protected they must be constrained in context of good for the greater whole. Where those thresholds should be is exactly what political discussion and legislative debate is intended to focus upon, not whether someone is woke.
  4. And also wrong in several circumstances, such as when the economy is sluggish or shrinking. It’s not even just theory. It’s proven out time and again throughout history. Evidence shows your point to be wrong. In those situations of slow activity QE or printing it gives a noninflationary boost to the economy and doesn’t dilute the money supply since it’s essentially a zero sum asset swap of bonds. Your position is childish and ignorant and you may as well be expressing it with crayons on construction paper given its lack of precision and accuracy. Did you know it was also “obvious” that a brick would fall faster than an apple?
  5. It also allows them to control the “market” wherein exceptions are granted to supplicants while anyone showing opposition continues to be shutout. Same is happening with tariffs actually. Only those who kiss the ring and pay the corrupt bribe get to play.
  6. Have you ever looked at their HR data? Your bias is blinding, both of us it seems
  7. Depends on which half you ask
  8. He’s already pulling federal funding for those who had any protests in the last few years (like over Israel’s role in Gaza), and is canceling student debt relief for anyone engaged in “improper activity and serious crimes” which they’ve defined as including support for diversity and DEI.
  9. Nearly every major human civilization grew around water sources as a method of helping agriculture, trade, and commerce. Given the likelihood of living near large bodies of water, pretty much every one of them has been hit by devastating floods at some point (even many points) in their history and those stories get sung down the generations. Flood myth is are common and easy to explain. You I’m sure know this, just jumping off your comment. It’s harder to find a civilization without a flood myth than to explain the origins of them.
  10. This is false. Which country prints Euros, for example? Are you unfamiliar with currency exchanges and how all are pegged against the dollar? If facts no longer matter, why not just say inflation is caused by unicorns?
  11. Yep, and don’t forget the sovereign wealth fund: https://www.piie.com/blogs/realtime-economics/2025/us-sovereign-wealth-fund-confused-solution-undefined-problem
  12. It seems he was also sending a signal to others that this form of grift is fully acceptable and that others should follow his lead. Over 700 more launched within a week or two of him doing this, nearly all trying to scam and bilk people: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/07/trump-meme-coin-crypto-copycats
  13. Totally worth the wait. I genuflect in your general direction, sir
  14. Zero. Angels are fictional.
  15. The challenge is even merit judgements are subjective and we tend to unconsciously favor those who are like us. We don’t even realize we’re doing it. If the person is similar to us, we prefer them. In a world being run by white males, more white males get selected due merely to being similar but not due to being better. The need is to correct for that existing bias, and what we’re seeing is people attacking the correction mechanism for being biased. I’m tired of living in this bizzarro world alternate reality.
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