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Gary Anthony Kent

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  1. You betcha there's no justification. That's why the hyperbolic Black-Hole galactic gravitational field effect, HBH-GGFE, is so important. It needs no theoretical justification beyond a brief appeal to general relativity and to pure geometry. Therefore, all models need to take it into account. Milgrom's work is good work. He is a pro. But, neither of us buy his call for modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND)!
  2. Moti Milgrom carefully analyzed a statistically robust number of spiral and other galaxies plus many galactic clusters. He discovered a strange leveling of the galactic rotational velocity distribution. He found the same effect in almost all the galaxies he studied. The ones that did not have the effect may have not yet developed supermassive black holes in their cores or had not yet had time for Milgrom's hyperbolic black-hole galactic gravitational field effect to propagate all the way to the periphery and beyond. See url deleted sub-site MOND for a more detailed treatment. A caveat - I give a graphic of a whiteboard mathematical presentation of the MOND effect compared with the nearly identical hyperbolic field effect. I mention the following warning in the text but not in the graphic. The version of Newton's Law of Gravity that applies to the hyperbolic black hole galactic gravitational field has a term in 1/r, not 1/r2. This messes up any dimensional analysis that one may like to do to verify the math. So, as I mention in the text, one may include a fix. Use 1/rr where r is the absolute value of the unit vector of r, retaining its dimension. Then 1/rr will have the same absolute value as plain 1/r but, dimensionally 1/(the product) will be consistent with Newton's Law. I demolish dark matter there and disagree with Milgrom's call for modification of Newtonian dynamics (MOND). I demolish dark energy at url deleted by extrapolating Milgrom's discovery to Alan Guth's Inflationary "inflaton" particle which even he will agree must have possessed a singular hyperbolic black-hole gravitational field PRIOR to the first instants of the inflationary process. The HBH field began to collapse at this instant and is still collapsing - transitioning to a more fully Newtonian field. In the process, its time dependent transition generates relativistic perceptual effects that mimic what has been called "acceleration" and "dark energy". ALL the "overwhelming" evidence for dark energy and acceleration can be parsimoniously subsumed under the heading of the Universal HBH Field effect as per my Critique of the Universe sub-site.
  3. Hawking did not retract? - i.e. He did not present a contradictory hypothesis? Does he not now propose that the information that points to matter which has fallen into a black hole still exists as a contribution to the total entropy of the black hole which exists as a sort of "image" on the"surface" of its event horizon? This information is NOT available again via Hawking radiation? What else did I get wrong? Kip Thorne's might be called the sour grapes of a sore loser. Quantum effects have already undermined this view. See Alan Guth's Inflation hypothesis. Also note Greene's book "the Fabric of the Cosmos", These fellows and many others are saying that it is impossible to make an artificial separation of the phenomena of the larger universe and quantum effects. The idea of singularity is fundamental to the concept of the black hole. Dismiss it at peril. The upshot of my whole thesis is that there must be a physical consequence of the black hole as a Schwartzchild singularity. I point out that GR predicts singularities and Michael Rowan Robinson has remarked that they should have hyperbolic gravitational field potential profiles. I only amplify these ideas to say that together these points account for Milgrom's scrupulously clean observations and, by association, the Dark Matter hypothesis. MOND is unnecessary. When applied to the whole universe a la Alan Guth, Milgrom's hyperbolic field observation (the only confirmational observable phenomenon that indicates the nature of a black hole as a singularity) implies, by simple short extrapolation, a hyperbolic field as a prerequisite to the BB. It would be the only thing that we could ever say about what came prior to the BB. The Universe Hyperbolic Field is essentially the same as the "Quintessence Field". The Universe Field transitions to a Universal Newtonian Field, thereby doing one or the other of two things: 1.) it releases potential energy that shows up as the kinetic energy inherent in the expansion of spacetime (stretching of spacetime should be considered kinematically to avoid confusion) OR 2.) subtle relativistic effects inherent in observations affected by hyperbolic field's collapse or transition must distort our perspective and give us the mirage of "acceleration" of the expansion rate, and by implication, of Dark Energy. My comments kill both Dark Matter and Dark Energy with one parsimonious stroke that also quashes MOND. What more can you ask for? Why Quibble? You must know by now, I hope, that I can answer any objection you may wish to lodge. But, that single item of the pre-existing hyperbolic field I mentioned does indeed start a new timeline. It brings John Wheeler's and Hugh Everett's Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics into more serious contention. Hey, what's wrong with that? Do we not all just love Strange Science? Your Avatar image says it all. "Quantum effects have already undermined this view. See Alan Guth's Inflation hypothesis. Also note Greene's book "the Fabric of the Cosmos", These fellows and many others are saying that it is impossible to make an artificial separation of the phenomena of the larger universe and quantum effects. The idea of singularity is fundamental to the concept of the black hole. Dismiss it at peril..." See the rest of this comment in subsequent replies. I did not say that. It's a metaphor, for Pete's sake. I don't bother with Speculation. I don't have time. By Pareto's 80/20 rule, at least 80% of other readers do not bother either. This is why moves to this forum amount to "gentle" but effective censorship. That forum should be eliminated. Quantum Gravity Theory is still under development. But gravity itself is not. Mordehai Milgrom has discovered the hyperbolic black-hole galactic gravitational field. This is all I am saying in that regard. Hawking has retracted his paradoxical view by advancing the opposite view. It is endorsed by many serious workers in the field whom I will not venture to contradict. Both of these points go to the issue of the existence of black hole singularities. One can stand on the dismissive parapet upon which one may then hoist himself upon his own petard. But, both black holes and singularities exist. Milgrom has proven it. "Macroscopic Quantum effects have already undermined the view that quantum theory and relativity are incompatible. See Alan Guth's Inflation hypothesis. Also note Greene's book "the Fabric of the Cosmos", These fellows and many others are saying that it is impossible to make an artificial separation of the phenomena of the larger universe and quantum effects. The idea of singularity is fundamental to the concept of the black hole. Dismiss it at peril..." See the rest of this comment in previous replies. We are all blithering idiots in comparison to Stephen. Too bad he is slipping away. But, he is not slipping away into Oblivion. Everything is NOT dust in the wind. Unless it is Golden Compass style dust. Time virtually stops near the center of a black hole. Everything is still happening there. Time is Nature's way of keeping everything from happening all at once. Stop time and the same thing "happens". If I fall into a black hole (in conformity to the wishes of many) I shall scream my head off eternally. Along with everyone else. I shall never reach the limiting center of the hyperbolic asymptote. This is the meaning of an asymptote. I am not pushing 300 years old. I am not pushing gravity. Gravity is pulling me. "Everything is dust in the wind All we do crumbles to the ground but we refuse to see. Now, don't hang on Nothing lasts forever but the Earth and sky It slips away And all your money won't another minute buy" Se la vi "That's Life!" - Frank Sinatra Naked Singularities must be like Dark Energy. Living with either must be like living with a whore. Does this make one a pimp for either? Who said it is low? I prefer the Dark Energy Wars.
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